# Name: Alexandra Ignatieva
# E-mail: iamsasha@r-netmail.com
# Address: Russia , Ukhta
# Phone: no phone number
# Seen at: I was contacted by her through american singles.com
# Dangerous:
# Related reports:
2005 # Scam scenarios:
she said that she was a dentist?? and wanted to come to the states to meet me and because the agency had found work for her.All of a sudden her mom was hospitised and had surgery.The scammer said that she withdrew all of the money that she co
# Details: she said that she was a dentist?? and wanted to come to the states to meet me and because the agency had found work for her.All of a sudden her mom was hospitised and had surgery.The scammer said that she withdrew all of the money that she could from the agency,but because of the documets that she had done she still needed 1290.00. there was no money sent because i had read about the same scam deal here.
# Date: 2006-12-20
she wanted the money sent thourgh Western Union in Ukhta,Oktyabrkaya 14. she sent her pictures to me through an internet mail site. I will try to include the link here:http://my.inbox.com/photos/sashaspict/index.aspx