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# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Nizhny Novgorod

# Seen at:   EUROLOVELINESS (9/28/05)& ABSOLUTE AGENCY (#A5498796 9/28/05)

# Dangerous: 32%

# Details: New breed of "patient scammer". Took her 19 emails from 9/29/05 to 10/26/05 to pull the tired old VISA/TICKET scam on me. Needless to say, thanks to your website she was NOT successful!
  2d report:
  First name: NATALIYA
  Last name: VDOVINA
  Country: Russia
  City: Nizhny Novgorod
  Details: Money for living, Visa and Airfare scam.
  s previously reported, she uses many emails and sends detailed information about her family and daily life to win your confidence, then she asks for money for the. In her own words from an email I received from her on 10/22/05 "I at all do not know, what my worst character traits. Likely it that I very trustful person. Many people use it. I should trust people. I am always fair with people, but they very often deceive
  me. My most treasured dream is family, children. I very much wish to have happy family".
  Reported by" Ken

# First reported: Robert D.M.
# Date: 2005-10-27

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