# Seen at: Datemefree
# Dangerous:
# Scam scenarios:
ask for money
# Details: Hello Lucas !!! Its a nice surprise to receive your e-mail :) I ampleased, thank you for contacting me. Unfortunately I cant use anymessengers because I havent got a computer and use internet fromother ones. Here I can send my e-mails only. I hope you willunderstand me. Now, about myself. I am 28 years old. My parents andfriends call me as Ketty. I have never been married and i do not havea kids. I live with my parents. I have a good job. I work as nurse inthe hospital. I graduated the Bachelor of Nursing Science in 2000. Ivery much like my work. The most intense days is Monday and Tuesday .Tell me please about your job.:) Do you like it? I like entertainmentparks, outdoor activities, sports, travelling, music, concerts,movies, swimming, meetings with friends in the pubs but not often,also I like comedies and romantic movies. I like different music. Ilike pop music, disco music and sometimes I listen to the romanticmusic. I like dancing very much. I do sports and I prefer healthylifestyle. I visit the fitness club 2-3 times a week. Im trying tokeep feet. What kind of sports do you like? Ive sent you my pictureand I hope you like it. Also I want you to send me your pictures. Tellme about you please, about your hobbies. And what about your characterand about you at all? What kind of women do you like? I hope we shallhave time for writing more interesting letters to each other. Thefuture will show us the way. Write me at . Ill be waiting for yourreply. Your friend Ketty.rnrnrnKetty (
[email protected]) rnEnviado: jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2009 9:19:54 rnPara: Lucas Florian (
[email protected]) rnrnHi, my dear Lucas! I was very glad to get your message, sweety. DearLucas, I miss you so much! I want to embrace you and nestle on you Ioften imagine how we meet the first time, and I imagine our firstnight that we spend together. I think, we will not sleep at thisnight, I will try to make you never forget this night, and I think Iwill never forget it too. We will take a rest only for coffee andsandwiches. Also, lovely, a want to take a bath with you. We couldwash each other and do something else. Im waiting for this moments somuch! And Im glad theres not much time till we meet. I often thinkabout things that we can do togather. I think about it in details. Idon?t write these details to you, my modesty doesnt let me write it.And now I have to say stop to my thoughts, because Im completely notquit right now. I want you to know that I have good imagination. Andnow I have some shiver in my body. Well well well now I stop thinkingabout it and I stop this theme in my body. Lets speak about importantthings. Lucas, Ill inform you about some news that my agent told me.He informed me that they dont accept payments and bank transfers fromprivate persons. They accept such payments only from organizations fortravelling by groups. Therefore I have to make the second payment bycash. The agent told me that there are some banks in our city thatmake transfers with other countries. He told that we can make itquickly, it takes no more than one day. There are some money transfersystems here Western Union and Money Gramm To make a transfer youshould go to the bank with Western Union or Money Gramm office. Theytold me in the bank that such offices are avaliable in each cityalmost over the world, there fore there will be no problem for you tofind it. Whan you will get there, youll need my full name and adress.My dear, please, dont be confused, as you know Ketty is my nickname,my friends call me so, but my real first name is Tatyana and thesurname is Lavrenteva And here is information for money transfer: My First name:Tatyana My Last name:Lavrenteva My address:Mira street 3/18, Nelidovo city ,Tverskoi region ,172527Russia For receiving this money I should specify your full name and adress,and also I have to know confidential number (MTCN). Theyll tell youthis number in bank when you make the transfer, and you should tell methis number in message. Also they informed me in the bank thatetherell be no problems with reception of this money transfer, youjust need to write the full adress of a bank you send money from.Transfer will take some hours, but itll be necessary to pay some monefor it to the bank. I think Lucas, that its the most reliable way tomake the transfer of money. Dear, please be ready to make it. Ourmeeting depends on the time I make this payment in travel agency. AndI want to be with you soon! Sweety, now its time for me to go, Imalways waiting for your messages, and write me as often as you can.Also inform me what kind of lady is more sexual for you. Ill preparesomething special for you probably, my dear!!! Kisses!!! Yours Ketty. rn
# Date: 2009-12-30