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# Name:      Olga

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Orchanka

# Seen at:   American Singles

# Dangerous: 12%

# Details: I knew this was a scam right away. I have seen the photos on other sites. Basic copy/paste prewritten letters. Her e-mail address was closed and I never heard from her again.

# Date: 2007-01-31

Letter - Hi my love and my gentle man Dameon. I have come now in the Internet
of cafe to look, whether there is from you a letter And I am very glad
that you have written to me, my honey. I have read all and have
clearly understood.... How at you an affair and how health? It is a
pity to me that now you are not present near to me, we together would
send with you..... Honey, I very much love you and very much I miss
you. I suffer from that that you Now not near to me. I very much worry
for you.... When I you have written me the letter for the first time I
have understood, that you that person about which I dreamed all life.
You that knight on a white horse. Yours words Have pierced me up to
depth of my soul. I as if the bird who has escaped from a cell. You
have forced to beat my heart which lives one you more often. I so
would like to appear with you beside to feel your heat and to overlook
With you about all on light. Each night I lie down to sleep think only
about To you also I can not fall asleep. We are divided with thousand
kilometers, but I feel Your presence, you, as if the angel - keeper
who preserves me. When I do not receive your answer, something breaks
at me in a breast and it seems to me, That the ground leaves at me
from under legs. All my life was grey and boring, While I have not
found that who have changed my life, have brought happy minutes of my
life. I waited for you the whole eternity and at last there was this
MIRACLE!!! I am grateful for this miracle To destiny which has helped
us to find each other in this huge world. I so dream of our meeting, I
above all would like to meet you. For the sake of You I am ready to
offer everything to be only with you. I would like to fall asleep in
yours Strong embraces and to feel sweet taste of your lips and each
morning to wake up with I think, that Beside that the man without
which my life simply does not represent sense. I think that from the
girl should not proceed what or ideas. All initiatives should proceed
from the man. I very strong kiss you in your gentle lips!!!!! I shall
wait from you for the letter and very to miss on you!!!!!!!! With
Tenderness and Ideas on you Olga.
Letter - Hello mine Perfect Dameon. At times the days seemed so long, i thought
I'd never make it through. then suddenly out of a dream i met someone
like you. I had locked up all my feelings, and I'd thrown away the
key... until your heart spoke a thousand words, I knew were meant to
be. When times turned rough and lonely, and despair fell upon my face,
you comforted me and kept me safe in that loving special place. You
don't realize what you have and what you've done for me, but the way
you've managed to steal my heart is what has set me free. You've given
me a feeling that no one else could ever change. Your love has touched
a place in me I've always found so strange. Its as if you were cut
right out of a spell cast upon my heart, because the crazy thing about
it is, I've loved you from the start. No one in this whole wide world
could touch the feelings that we share, to the seconds that I spend
with you, nothing can compare... You've opened my eyes and touched my
heart just enough to let me live. You've changed my world with magic
and the kindness that you give. My heart was broken, and i thought
love was so far away, but you came into my life and showed me it would
be okay... Like crystal clear blue waters or a magical sunset, that
moment speaks a thousand words to which no price can be met. I wish i
could just stop time and spend the whole night in your eyes, for when
I'm with you there's a feeling even i cannot describe... Although my
heart holds painful memories that will never be erased, you touch me
with a love so strong it hides that lonely place... Heartbreak, loss,
and misery were all i ever knew, until someone showed me happiness and
that someone was you. Your gentle words and loving arms lift me up
when i am down, and Baby, with all you've done for me, you've turned
my world around. Your love is so consistent like the waves that break
on shore, and with every day my love for you still grows, more and
more. When broken dreams still fill my days and nothings going right,
you reassure me with your smile and give ma back my sight. You sweep a
spell across my heart, like a breeze across the sea, and you fill my
world with beautiful dreams and feelings meant to be. The way you
live, the way you love, and even so much more, with every smile that
you give, you're all i could ask for... You are in every breath i take
and in every tear i cry, you're in every star i wish upon up in my
lonely sky. Every day with you is heaven, like an angel from above, a
million magic moments sent, to give you all my love. You are living
proof that prayers and dreams really do come true, and i thank GOD for
that special day he blessed my heart with you. I could speak of a
thousand promises or even bet my very soul, the rest of my life I'll
be touched with a feeling no one can control... Fate, destiny, or
magic may be the reason that we met, but all i know is the days with
you i never will forget. Until the day i found you i never knew a love
so true, but from today until eternity, I swear I'll be loving you!
Mine Think only about you, yours and only yours Olga.

Letter - Hi my sweet heart Dameon. I was very glad to receive from you the
letter today. Dameon dear what's happened with your Brother, I ask you
say. I very much worry. Do not hide Dameon. I am always glad to your
letters mine prince.. They always lift my mood. For me was the big
happiness to meet such person as you my sweet. You became my ideal my
star of captivating happiness. And I am glad that it you have taken a
place in my big and hot female heart. Love mine I can not be without
you for me it more begins torture. I want to be near to you want to
feel your gentle touches and kisses. Want to hear from you gentle
words of love. Dear I want to prepare for our meeting. What you think
of it my sweet prince? I think we have learned each other already
enough and it is time to us to pass to the following stage of our
relations. I think that we may learn about each other more if we shall
lead any time together my lovely. My love to you is very strong and
serious I not so small girl to play games. I very much want to meet
you my prince. And I hope that our desires coincide. My love you want
to meet me at you housesDameon On it I shall finish this letter. I
wait for your fast reply my loved. I send you a gentle kiss and strong
embraces. With all love your sweet Olga.
Letter - Greetings my loved favourite Dameon. I am very glad to receive your
letter. Your letters for me are very dear{expensive}. I cannot without
them. I live from the letter up to the letter. I very strongly love
you. I shout about it to you. My dreams are connected to you. I think
of you constantly. I am already sure, that I have met the love. It
you. You my love. I wake up with ideas that you sleep with me a
beside. I lie down to sleep with ideas, that you too sleep with me
beside. Going on work I think, that you go with me beside. Also that
you everywhere with me. You as my the second J.Vspominat about you
happen sadly, as you in the other city, and I in the friend. Such
feeling that the destiny has prepared us test. Test of our love. We
communicate with you, and I present as you me embrace. As you with me
talk when I read your letters. Without you I do not present a life, my
days pass simply in dreams of you. When we shall be with you. When we
can realize all dreams. I have understood, that such the present{true}
love. It is not entered in concept about simple love. My love to you
it that that not terrestrial. Representing you I fall in the ideas and
I can forget anything you like. My sleepless nights pass in tears. I
pay because I ask myself " Why we cannot be together right now?! " You
simply do not imagine as I want to create with you family. To rise
every day and to be pleased to each day. To have children from you.
Children similar to us, Exact copies of us only at small age. Today I
have risen and at once have run in cafe. After I have seen that you
have written to me I have changed. My girlfriend with which I has got
acquainted in cafe, to me has told that at me eyes at once have lit up
and that I began to behave on another. My grandmother speaks too to
me. She{it} is very glad for me. My grandmother sends the regards to
you. And very much wants to see us happy. She{It} has compared me when
I came for the first time yet not having met you. The serious girl.
Now I have blossomed as a flower after winter. As the grass after a
drought as she{it} opens to a rain all petals rises. And I give you
all myself. And I speak you that occurs in my heart and soul. I cannot
transfer it words. I write to you only a small part of that that I can
tell to you. I even am rather afraid to meet you. I think that it will
be the happiest event in my life. I cannot tell that for me such a
meeting with you at all. I dream that I shall see you how you go as
you talk, your smile. And most important it to look in your eyes. Eyes
this most important for me, in eyes is possible to read all about the
person. Eyes this mirror oppress. Both it will open also to you and me
at our meeting. And in this mirror oppress I shall plunge with all my
ideas. Love this strong feeling on the ground. I think that each
person on the ground should love. Should love as I. Then all people
will be happy. There will be no wars. There will be a world on the
ground. Love this divine feeling which the god has given the person.
That in people is from the god. But main this feeling to not lose.
It{he} will be very difficult for restoring. Heart will be broken.
It{he} will be very difficult for collecting on slices. I think that
the person should love once in a life. And it for all life. Love for
all life. That I present this that to myself in concept of the
present{true} love. Earlier I thought, that all this is simple, but
now I began to understand, that it is very difficult. It is hard to
remain with the feeling in private. It is necessary to give it{him} to
the favourite person. For the sake of it people make mad acts. I want
to give you all love, but I to you cannot make it. We are
divided{shared} with many kilometers. I very much want to give you to
a catfish of all. To give you all soul and heart. And to know, that
this person tests to you too most. Mutual love. She{it} will win all.
Also will overcome any barrier. I want to make for you all. My dream I
cannot without you. I think of you constantly. I very much strongly
love you. These are very simple words. But all this that I to you can
tell. Because letters limit our freedom. Present, that we with you
shall be together. It very much pleases me. I live this hope give you
all that I can to give. To give all irrevocably. Simply to be with
you. On it I stop to write the letter. One million kisses. I with
trembling shall wait for your letter. Yours for ever love Olga.

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