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# Name:      Olga Solodkova

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Kazan

# Seen at:

# Dangerous: 28%

# Details: Usual Scam. Writes me a few letters, falls in love, has to come to be with me and conveniently has all the details worked out and how much it will cost. Nothing origional.
  Hello, my sweet Greg!
  It is a great happiness to read your letter and your words are warm my
  heart in the cold Russia! I wish that I can just tell you thank you
  with my hug and passion kiss! You must know that I am yours with all
  my heart and I think that you are as a prince form tale and you will
  get your princess and soon I hope! First time in my life I understood
  that somebody feel something important and very romantic to me! I know
  now that you are with me no matter what and I have a very strong
  emotions and I think that it can be called a love! YES, I feel a love
  and it is so wonderful for me and for my lonely heart! It is not
  lonely any more and it asks me constantly: "Where a man who makes your
  heart is beat?" Yes, you are so far away! It is a life but we can
  overcome it and it is possible, I know that! For me it is very
  difficult to love you and have no chance to show you in physical part
  how much I love you! I want to feel your touch, your warmth, and your
  lips on mine. It is excites me so much! I want to be near you and I
  know that we can be happy! I wrote you in my letter that I will know
  what I should do to have a chance to see you. So, I asked at the
  agency and they gave me a full information about my coming, how can I
  do that! I never been abroad before but I don't think that it is so
  difficult! To go to you I must have a visa, it is cost 300$, passport
  120$, two-way air-tickets, it is about 980$, then insurance 600$, and
  I think that it is a last thing the confirmation of my solvency,
  1100$. As I counted I can found from my friends, some sum will give my
  father, then I will sell something to go to you and I will be able to
  pay for all documents and it is possible for me and I want to do it as
  fast as I can. I can't find money for confirmation of my solvency! I
  must have this money just to show that I am able to live in the
  foreign country with out any problems and asking help of the local
  government for life! It is a rule of your government and I am so
  confused about this. It is counted like money for life because I will
  be a tourist. I hope very much that it will not be a big problem for
  us and we will see each other. I want to know that it is possible and
  all your words are from your heart and you are really want to see me
  and give your kiss! I tried to find money for this solvency but all
  people who could help me just did that that could! My father can't
  help me and he is so sad, my friends are too not able to give such
  money for me! I don't know what to do and it is make me so sad! I even
  cried and my father almost cried with me! My material situation for
  such trip is not good, so I just have one chance to see you if you
  will help me! I will be waiting for your letter with great impatience
  because our destiny is calling us and I want to be with you! If I have
  a chance I would not ask a help from you, but I am afraid to lose you
  and this thought is terrible for me! I think that I positive oriented
  and I have a strong hope that I can be with my loved man soon! I will
  be praying God and all will be fine and possible, because I love you!
  I love you and I happy that I can tell you such words! I kiss you and
  just wait when can I tell you: «I love you». Olga.
  Hello, my sweet, Greg!
  I writing you and I know that I cant express all feeling just by
  letter. I need your touch, your strong hands and warm body! I want it
  right now and forever! I want to be with you and feel our love and
  passion. I think that our love making is Oh, I have no words, I need
  you. Please, be with me. I can't be along anymore I want to be with
  you and be happy. I tired of waiting and I know that soon we will be
  together, but time is killing me. I have so many emotions and I can't
  stop them inside of me. I want to give you all. Just take it and I
  will be happy. I think about future and I ready to embody this future
  for us. I love you, I need you. When I can see you? I want it so
  much!!!!! I trying my best and I know that we will settle all things
  and we will be together. I glad that I am not along with all staff and
  you want to help me with some problems connected with my arriving.
  Thank you for this, my only one!!! I know that it is necessary to have
  information to send money thru Western Union. I am going write you
  this and please be careful, there should be no mistake.
  My name:
  Last name:
  I know that after you will send money Western Union should give you
  MTCN, it is ten numbers without which I cant take money in my country.
  So I need to know then in any case. After you will send money to me,
  please, honey, write me the letter and those 10 numbers. I need to
  know it and that you have already sent me. I will need a full
  information about you(country, state,name, last name, address).I hope
  that everything will be fine and I can do everything very fast. I
  really dream about our meeting. I love you so much. I love you, never
  forget it!!!!
  Your russian tender woman, Olga.

# Date: 2006-04-08

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