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# Name:      Marina Mal'tseva

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Kazan

# Seen at:   Contacted on American Singles -

# Dangerous: 32%

# Details: She is the best one yet. She contacted me on November 13th and is still writing, even after I told her that I would never send money. She provided me with a Yahoo IM ID - She has answered all my questions with no avoidance of issues. She is smart and patient. After request for money was shot down by me, we started discussing my coming there and she was all for it. I thought she might actually be real and I felt bad because I had played her along as if she was a scammer. She hinted about wanting a computer for home and how she was robbed one day while going to the internet cafe to send me an e-mail. I could not find her on any scam sites until I looked at the "City of Brides" scam list; and there she was. She still thinks I am interested. I am going to get her good.
  2d report:
  First name: Marina
  Last name: Mal'tseva
  Country: Russia
  City: Kazan
  Details: Marina first contacted me through Absolute Agency on June 30, 2005 and gave me her email address:
  Marina is very good, patient and likes to receive letters so she can use the terminology to incorporate into the letters she sends to other potentials! I have sent her many letters and spoke with her on Yahoo. She has used portions of my fine letters to her, to send to other men as her own. She is very patient and will answer most of you queries, she hints a lot at what she needs and will tell you anything to get them! At first she says that money is not an issue of importance for her, but as time goes by you will see that it is indeed all about money!
  I will not tell you how I caught her, as scammers regularly check these anti-scam sites for their names so they can find out what they did wrong and how to improve on their M.O.
  In short it went from Internet cafe fees, being robbed, not safe for me to travel to her country (many gangsters will attack me), visa/passport fees, plane tickets and cash money to show at the customs house! Most recently her mother was in the hospital for a serious operation, this is why I have not heard from her for extended periods of time, but I know she was setting up her next target.
  She goes by Marina Malseva, Marina Mal'tseva, Marina Andreevan Mal'tseva. Email addresses as:,,, and Yahoo messenger:
  She gave an address as: The country Russia, city Kazan, street Main, the house 47, apartment 21. She does not have a phone or computer as she is poor.
  She also has other user names on many sites: Solnycho, Marinohka10, Marina10, Marina121 the list just goes on and on! She had profiles on the following websites:,,,,, New-dating,,,,,,,, American Singles, Some sites have now removed her profiles and blacklisted her.
  Reported by: Dale

# Date: 2006-04-06

hi my love *****. Today I have received from you the letter and at once begun to write to you the

letter. I liked those lines which you to me I have written also is glad that you do not forget me.

I on you very much miss. I very much frequently about you think and I present myself as has passed

your day, that you did, where went, what mood at you was. I also present myself that, have as though

passed your day if I was near to you. I very much want you to see, but at present it is impossible

also for me it is necessary to dream of it only. We are divided with very big distance and I about

it regret. We live on different continents which very strongly differ from each other. My continent

very big is one of its features. But your continent differs a warm climate. I like a warm climate

and I very much sometime would like to appear on your continent,! in your country, in your city, near

to you my dear. I very much love you!!!! My love to you is so strong that any distances for

it not a handicap. But all the same I would like to see you before myself to look to you in eyes

and tenderly to whisper your name. And if it happened I would be very happy. I would be happy even

if you could lead with me even one hour. But more it was good that I knew

or guessed that that you to me necessarily write or have already written.

Having seen and having read your letter at me the desire to

write to you the answer at once has appeared. I very much would like to meet you my dear.

Perhaps and all that I wanted to tell it to you in this letter. With love yours Marina.
My love ****, because of you my doubts and apprehensions are
fading away, I am finally starting to breath again on my own! It is
such a wonderful feeling, I feel alive again! I used to have one or
two days where I felt good and then I would slip back into loneliness
and despair again, but now I am starting to endure days of happiness
and cheer! Do you know why that is? Yes my love, because of you!! You
are an inspiration to me! Sometimes in life you have to hit rock
bottom before you can see what is actually waiting in the wings for
you to enjoy a better life! We only have to grab hold and experience
all that is waiting for us to enjoy, I found that with you my love! I
have ventured out of the darkness and found the light, you my love, is
that LIGHT!! My love *** I want to arrive on wings of love to
you I is ready though today to go to you! I very much want it! I
yesterday went in travel agency found out of cost of the tickets up to
you, what are necessary to me the documents! I was very much upset
when has found out the prices for all trip! It is very expensive.
Unfortunately I can not arrive to you. I do not know what to do! I
dear you is offered at you by what opinions! I very much want to find
out your opinion! I agree my love, that our happiness is
what we make it, but do not expect it to be an easy road to travel, it
will take time, but we together, shall prevail!! Just wanted to share
the moment with you!
Love Marina!

Hi my love ****! How you as your mood? At me all is good! I have
received your letter! I am very glad my love *****! With each letter
you give me love and happiness! With each letter I was more and more
and I fall in love with you my dear more! I can not without you road
***** any more! I very much want to be to you with you to be in your
embraces in the afternoon and at night! Why you not with me! We are
divided only with distance! Which we may overcome! I very much wanted
to arrive to you but at me for a way problems have appeared! I also
did not know that cost of trip to you will be so dearly! I again went
to travel agency to find out the information! I have in detail found
out all my dear! For trip to you I all over again should make
the visa and the passport for travel abroad! They also have told that,
cost of registration of the visa will be 328 dollars, cost of
registration of the passport for travel abroad will be 187 dollars.
The travel agency will do documents during 10 days. Then after
official registration of papers it will be possible to reserve
tickets! My love I is ready was though today to leave documents on
registration but I unfortunately do not have such money! I so am
upset! I so want to see you in alive! You see one meeting may not
replace even thousand letters! I want to see you to embrace, kiss!
Ideas about it at me always in a head! My ideas only about us and
about our meeting! I each evening each night see dreams about us! You
for me became air! And without air not one alive substance on the
ground may not exist, as also I now can not continue the life without
you my dear!
Sincerely Yours,
I hope your day is great.
I send you best wishes.
In hopes of your response, Marina!

Hi my love *****! As you, how your mood? At me very well! Mine dear I
was very glad to receive from you the letter! I understand you mine
dear *****! you already long write letters with people. I also did not
know who such skamer. The girlfriend has told About it to me from
Australia. It speaks that to them many letters from Russia from
different women come. They wish to receive from people a deceit of
money. You were written by such women? It is very a shame to me with
such women which deceive people. In fact at the person after it have
deceived the trust to the person vanishes. It to trust more will not
be nobody. I did not know that we in Russia have such women. Such
people should be punished. To apply to them what that strict measures.
That they any more did not deceive people. I understand all this my
love! If I even can take this money from whom that borrow! It will not
suffice me! This money will suffice me only on registration of the
documents! Money to the tickets up to you you will be still necessary
to me understand it? Mine dear I do not know what to offer! Then if
you do not believe me! You can arrive to my city and take away me! You
can arrive mine dear ******?
Sincerely Yours,
I hope your day is great. I send you best wishes.
In hopes of your response,

Hi my love *****! As you how your mood? At me very well! I miss on
you. I want our meeting my love ******! My love I has read your letter!
And after that has made to itself yahoo! Mine ID:marina_malseva2005 I
shall wait for our conversation mine dear. My love you still have
asked my address and my complete name. My complete name: Mal'tseva
Marina Andreevna! My address: the country Russia, city Kazan, street
Glavnya 47, apartment 21, postal index 42400. My love I on it shall
finish my small letter and I shall look forward to hearing from you
yours Marina!
hi my love ******! How you mine dear? How at you passes day? At me all
is good! My love ***** excuse me that I so long did not write to you
the letter! Last time when I went in the Internet of cafe for me this
day was not successful! My love it was after the salary! When I came
back home at me have stolen a bag! I so was upset! I there had
passport and money! I have not told it the parents because they me
would not let more in evening in the Internet of cafe! My love today I
once again has taken money from the girlfriend to come and to write to
you the letter! Mine dear I now absolutely do not have money to me
still it will be necessary to make the passport! I am very much upset!
I can not frequently write to you the letter! I should once in one
week write! If to turn out because now at me with all there is no
money! Mine dear at me such bad news! I shall wait from you of the
answer mine dear! Yours Marina!
hi my love *****! As you, how passes your day? Excuse me that I so
long has forced to wait for my letter! My love is a pity at me at home
there is no computer! We could speak each day! I am very glad to
receive from you news! I thought that you have forgotten me. Mine dear
we with you time could not speak on yahoo yet! I so want to speak with
you! Mine dear now in you is time write to me please when you can
speak on Yahoo! I shall look forward to hearing from you my love
Yours Marina!
**The last letter was 3/29/06