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Comment from Klara

that can't be true cause Luther says so. I'll go with the word, I am a new creature ALL THINGS [caps mine] are beocme new. Sorry, Brigitte, I'll take the Word of God over Luther and his cohorts. I am not seen by God as a wretch any more. The blood of the Savior took care of that. Nothing I did took away my wretchedness. It was Christ that did that. “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me . I once was an enemy of God, now I am not. I once was not a child of God, now I am. I once was lost to God, but now I am not. I once was hell bound, but now I am not. Wretched (5005) (talaiporos from te1las = suffering, wretched or according to A T Robertson from tlao = to bear + poros = a callus) means afflicted, miserable, in a distressed condition. Wretched describes a very unhappy or unfortunate state in poor or pitiful circumstances. Yes, Paul says, What a wretched man I am! But I suggest you read the rest of the story. In himself he recognizes hopelessness, misery. But he says, Thanks be to God . It is through God, Jesus that the wretchedness of the saint is put to rest. I am sure you will not agree. But that's ok. You live as a wretch, I will live as a new creation where all things are beocme new. If I come of has harsh, forgive me. Don't mean it that way.
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Comment from crorkservice

D1sCMv I really liked your blog post. Really Great.
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Comment from Joseph

Mohammad, I guess you're referring to Israel, and to the surpopt she receives from the U.S.OK. I'm going to say this as an insider, having lived in Israel for my first 7 years, having family there for over 200 years, and having followed closely all the developments there since the inception of the state.Israel may seem like an arrogant state to a great many people in the Middle East. And there is no doubt, that just like any other place in the world, there may well be some highly arrogant people in Israel. However, I would argue that Israel is not an arrogant state. Rather, Israel is a state that it trying to survive, and is doing what she thinks she needs to do to succeed in that effort.Try to put yourself in Israel's head. Let's say you become convinced that there are a great many people who want you dead, an impression which is born out by a great deal of historical evidence. So you're going to defend yourself as best you can, and not only that, but you're also going to play the role of tough guy because you're convinced that only that kind of image is going to protect you in the long run. And you even allow a lot of your culture to surpopt and sustain that touch guy image.However, no matter how tough and arrogant you seem, as part of this image that you've created for yourself, you still know, deep in your bones, that it is wrong to kill, and that you are commanded by your Creator to seek peace. And there are many aspects of your culture that point to this softer side of you. But you still can't appear to be too soft, because you know that there are still people out there who are out to get you.The picture I'm trying to paint is far more accurate than calling Israel an arrogant state. It's far more nuanced than that.Could Israel be doing more to promote peace? Yes. Is there a need to address the injustices of the past, on both sides? Yes.So what is the answer, Muhammad? You know my answer, my friend: Selling a Vision of Hope. Speak to one another with common sense and with a sense of personal dignity. Invest in one another with jobs that protect the environment. Inspire one another with a sense of hope. Sustain the hope with public diplomacy. And when necessary, and it will be necessary, fight against the forces of extremism, and fight hard, but position the fight within a Vision of Hope. Raise the fight on the ground to a higher moral plain by giving the fight a moral clarity of purpose. In effect, use a Vision of Hope, to beat the extremists at their own game.What I'm going to say to you, Muhammad, may sound wierd. But I deeply believe with all my heart, that Israel not only wants peace, and is willing to sacrifice for peace, but in many ways, Israel is probably best positioned to bring peace to the Middle East, and to help revive the stagnant economies of the Middle East, and to help bring environmental protection to the world. You may think that I'm crazy. But from everything I know, that's what I've come to believe.
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Comment from kingcobrakidd

now going by Ludmila Volkova, Russia , Kazan, repulic of Tatarstan 420097 , Ershovs 12 st # 91, email, asking for the typical visa scam wants $500USD thank God for photographs ! check some out first SEND FLOWERS, ITS A CHEAP WAY TO FIND OUT IF THEY ARE REAL., she found me on
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