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Comment from Lara

Netflix customer for over 3 years. Yes there are msitakes. They have humans working for them. They also deal with the POST OFFICE. The Post office breaks everything even if it is in good shape when they recieve it. When renting new releases, I have never had an issue if I mail my movie back on Fri, the new release ships out to me on Monday and I recieve it on Tuesday, just like I should. If you use a 30 dollar Walmart dvd player, some of your movies will not play. These movies are used over and over sometimes. Customers don't always take alot of care of their rentals. Fingerprints, food all over the packaging etc. Netflix ships over 3million discs in a day in the winter months, cut them a break. For the price, even if you get a cracked disc from the post office, it is still a great deal!
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Comment from Anjhelo

I got a text just like the others Ipad3 or 1000 dolalr gift card for being a good netflix customer.Here is the phone number 1-347-674-9252. So you can add it to your list. I feel really stupid because I tried to respond to it by phone and text, even tho I'm not a netflix customer,duh that should of been the first clue! I am new to the internet and text so I have an excuse,lol. I had to ask my son and he told me its prolly a scam,and sure enough it was! I hate scammers!
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Comment from Elizemilde

I think all of us are looking for an anwesr to this question. I can't seem to find anything unless I want to pay a bunch before they send me the info. I have been looking for awhile on a company that will let me work from home and I have given up and started my own business from house! And today I have gotten my first client!! Although I can't quit my normal job it is a start on getting my business going!
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