# Name: Anna Mihajlovna Rossiji
# E-mail: anna_1606@mail.ru
# Address: Russia , Nizhny Novgorod
# Seen at: Contacted on American Singles -
Sickly Mom
# Dangerous:
# Details: About 10 short uninformative e-mails were exchanged. She fell in love quickly but Mum got sick and needs $700 for medicine.
I know things are bad in Russia in some aspects - but I don't think they will let someone die because they cannot afford their medicine. I don't know - maybe they will.
# Date: 2006-01-31
Yes i have written about it in last letter.
My heart is warm, because it warmer from your warm feels.
I read your letter and sayed music file.
I heared it and it like to me.
I think that our music tasties liked are.
I like this music since 16 age.I can to say,
that i love you and want to travel to you and
I hope that you will help me soon.
Write me your number of phone and country and city code.
I call you.
Send me your new photo please,please,please,please,please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scam Letter:I cannot arrive to you as circumstances have become
complicated As I work above two works as you know. Mine
Mother more bad, and she requires some medicines. And I should take money
To bank. But the bank does not give money, do not give money because I take it
The last month for medicines of mother. And now I sit and I shout ,
Because I do not know what to make, to that the friend asks about uniform time.
I want
To ask your help. Required to address to you with this problem, that to you
Helped me, but I do not know as you it to tell. My heart is interrupted
From a pain as mum for me means much. And doctors ask about medicines
And for service 700 $. If you can help me. I want to ask you that you
Did not give up to me and have helped me, than you can.
But I want to tell, that I love you. In any case. Under anyone
Circumstances also I want to connect to you a life. To live,
It is similar, adore, and respect each other. Take you the big love. Write to me
Your Anna
Scam Info:I with impatience waited for your letter as it is
nobody me was to address more. At all my familiar financial crisis.
And the misfortune has overtaken me unawares.
Thanks for your kindness, for your warm tender words,
I now sit I pay and I thank the God that he has given me you.
My mum too prays every day, thanks all sacred that there are
kind people on light that there is you. My person so for a long time
did not know pleasure. Also has now appeared though small
hope for an exit from a desperate situation in which
I was tired out with destiny.
And I am glad that in this dark world the
ray of light - you has appeared.
Also has not left me to the mercy of fate.
And I love you. I very much miss on you.
I dream more likely to arrive to you, to live with you,
to love you. I would want that you always were joyful and happy.
It nobody me in a life any more it is necessary except for you.
I love you more lives and I value you as whom all over the world.
I only ask the God that it was not sweet dream,
I so am afraid of awakening.
I hardly can think now when has met you,
I am overflown with feelings to you and to our meeting which
I so strongly wait. I love you and is happy that we could to
find each other for thousand kilometers.
I think, in it there is a Divine carrying out, that so happened.
And time which the God gives us this test of our feelings,
we should be fair and open the friend before the friend.
And then the God will renumerate us and we shall be together!!!
Write loved, I wait for your letters!!!
With love your Anna!!!!
On transfer of money to me which you asked my data
Through Western Union Boldyreva Anna Mihajlovna Rossija
The city of Nizhni Novgorod I think that it will suffice as
I do not know what else given to send.
Thanks I want to tell to you beforehand. We with mum
We thank you.