# Seen at: First contacted me at SingleFriend picture personals back in May of this year
# Dangerous:
# Details: Hello XXXXX
Am so sorry for the late reply..It was late before i got this mail and so i had
to wait for some hours before i reply it..U said u feel that great becos of the
kind words despite the fact that they are not up to half of what u used to
say,that tells u how i also feel..U dont get urself worried much abt the pics,i ll
make sure i get it sent to u..So how was ur day today???hope kool?i hope
everything went fine??..Anyway am perfectly ok down here and everything is working
out fine for me..There aint any problem for me at all and i give glory to almighty
God and great friends like you cos if it werent to b people like u arround me,i
might not have been successful at least..Recieving a message from u is always a
pleasure and forreal i long for more and more
I apreciate the spirit of understanding that u have inserted into our
conversation over the past few days,only few people have that in them..So i say
keep it all up
Anyway i ll be expecting your mail as usual..Take good care of yourself and above
all things that u may lay your hands upon,put God first
Yours Cynthia
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 13:28:25 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Anne
How are u today??kool as eva i know.lol..Its a beautiful saturday here hunney,the
sun rising to its best,the waves of the sea moving in achord..Really its so lovely
today..I then asked myself this ?,What would it have been like if my New Friend
XXXXX was here with me??..U aks urself this question ,whateva your answer is
thats exactly what mine is also..
Thanks for all the lovely messages..I dont need to tell u that they make my day
Attached to this message is a recent pic of mine..Very recent i should say..I
just hope u like it..ell me wot u think abt it
Take good care of yourself and have a lovely day..I remain yours
">This is to report an apparent or potential scammer from Nigeria. She uses the
name Cynthia Sevenster. Here are the facts:
1) First contacted me at SingleFriend picture personals back in May of this year
2) Claimed to live in Stillwell, Oklahoma, but gave a Nigerian phone number
(verified). While using a Yahoo mail addy, her IP number comes back to an Israeli
provider. She is taking great steps to cover her tracks.
3) Please note this apparently is two different people! The light skinned lady of
color was the original photo I received. Today, I get her "new" photo and...she is
now a white female and blonde!
4) Her second and last letters are included here. Note the dismal spelling and
grammar, not to mention another person being addressed in MY letter.
Her e-mail: cynthia_sevenster@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 13:28:25 -0700 (PDT)
Am so sorry for the late reply..It was late before i got this mail and so i had
to wait for some hours before i reply it..U said u feel that great becos of the
kind words despite the fact that they are not up to half of what u used to
say,that tells u how i also feel..U dont get urself worried much abt the pics,i ll
make sure i get it sent to u..So how was ur day today???hope kool?i hope
everything went fine??..Anyway am perfectly ok down here and everything is working
out fine for me..There aint any problem for me at all and i give glory to almighty
God and great friends like you cos if it werent to b people like u arround me,i
might not have been successful at least..Recieving a message from u is always a
pleasure and forreal i long for more and more
I apreciate the spirit of understanding that u have inserted into our
conversation over the past few days,only few people have that in them..So i say
keep it all up
Anyway i ll be expecting your mail as usual..Take good care of yourself and above
all things that u may lay your hands upon,put God first
Yours Cynthia
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 13:28:25 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Anne
How are u today??kool as eva i know.lol..Its a beautiful saturday here hunney,the
sun rising to its best,the waves of the sea moving in achord..Really its so lovely
today..I then asked myself this ?,What would it have been like if my New Friend
XXXXX was here with me??..U aks urself this question ,whateva your answer is
thats exactly what mine is also..
Thanks for all the lovely messages..I dont need to tell u that they make my day
Attached to this message is a recent pic of mine..Very recent i should say..I
just hope u like it..ell me wot u think abt it
Take good care of yourself and have a lovely day..I remain yours
# Date: 2005-10-02