# Seen at: Ashley Madison
# Dangerous:
# Scam scenarios:
Money for travel, uses stolen photos of Melissa Midwest, erotic model
# Details: Met her on the site,mid dec 2011,e-mails quickly became very romantic and sexual.We agreed that she should come here [ontario canada].She asked for money to purchase ticket,instead I sent ticket,a few days before departure she informed me that she needed a medical cert for british customs,cost 470 pounds,I sent that,1 day before departure she asked for 3000 pounds to show british customs she had enough money to get back to the UK in case of problems.I refused to send that and attempted to break with her.She continued to e mail me, very persuasively,and ,like a fool,I allowed myself to be drawn back to her.This resulted in my sending money for a new heater for her apartment,360pounds.She then told me she had to go on a training workshop for the organisation she worked for as a nurse,The Better Life Foundation.[This charity seems to exist but only in the US]The workshop was in Spain While she was there she told me that she needed 3800 pounds to pay for her tuition fees at the college of nursing[a part of the university of western london]so she could finish her nursing training when she returned from spain.When her training was complete she was coming to canada to be with me[previously she told me she was born in canada and had citizenship]I sent the money to pay the fees.It was sent to an account in the name of Plaistow Groceries,[also a western union outlet]supposedly her aunt.The money was picked by a friend,Adrianne mercer,and I eventually received a receipt,which I think is forged.When I contacted the college of nursing they have no record of a student by the name of Melinda Wayne.rnMeanwhile I received a very excited email from her in Spain telling me that she had won a prize at her work of 120000 pounds for being the best nurse of the year.Over the next day or two she told me that she needed 10000 pounds for lawyers fees to get this money transfered to an account in my name in canada,ready for her move here.I told her i didnt have that amount,and over the next couple of weeks the amount was slowly reduced to 4000 pounds,mostly due to her aunts fundraising efforts.At that point i told her I could get the money but I was not going to send it ,I would bring it personally.she refused to go along with that ,for obvious reasons.Prior to this I had sent her small amounts of money in spain for living expenses,so someone was in spain to pick it up.Over the next couple of weeks this relatonship came to a close when I told her I had met someone else here[not true,but I didnt want to confront her for fear of blackmail attempts]
# Date: 2012-06-22