# Name: Anastasia Korolevskaya
# E-mail: nastyyshka86@rambler.ru
# Address: Ukraine , Vinnitsa
# Phone: +380-(66)-533-45-67
# Seen at: http://bride.ru/ph/htcgi/ladies/879/879694P1.html
# Dangerous:
# Scam scenarios:
suspicious behavior
# Details: This scammer would always sign her letters, "Miss you. Kiss you." (How do you miss someone you've never met.)She finally gave her phone # so I could call her. When I called she didn't want to talk very long. Then during the conversation I read her part of my letter "It’s good that you want to have a family, as do I. In fact, I would not bring a woman to Canada, without having a family first. This way I can be sure the family is solid and together."To that she got very upset and didn't want to talk any more. You see her plan is to marry some guy, use him to get into his country then its bye bye.
# Date: 2011-08-07