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# Name:      Ellen Gid

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Ghana , Kumasi

# Dangerous: 26%

# Scam scenarios:   ask for money

# Details: Hi M.r Umberto,rnrn I need your help but am afraid to tell you on skype.I owne three month internet bill which cost 200 dols pls try to help me pay it.If not i will be disconnected.If you can help? Then this is my address:rnrnNAME:ELLEN GIDrnCOUNTRY:GHANArnCITY:OFFINSO KUMASIrnCOUNTRY CODE:00233rnBANK:WESTEN UNION MONEY TRANSFERrnrnAm very sorry because you dont know me well so it will not be easy for you,.But trust me.rnPlease try and help me so that we can chat as long as posible.Am sorry for asking you money.rn

# Date: 2011-01-11

Hi M.r Umberto,

I need your help but am afraid to tell you on skype.I owne three month internet bill which cost 200 dols pls try to help me pay it.If not i will be disconnected.If you can help? Then this is my address:


Am very sorry because you dont know me well so it will not be easy for you,.But trust me.
Please try and help me so that we can chat as long as posible.Am sorry for asking you money.

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