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# Name:      Marina

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia

# Seen at:   ro_mantik

# Dangerous: 26%

# Scam scenarios:   ask for money

# Details: Hello Philip. I was glad to hear from you today. I am very glad that yournrnwant to see me. I need to arrive in your country a tourist visa. Irnrnalready have a passport. Today I learn that the visa costs 200 $. I do not have such money. I need only this and only want you.rnrnI want to ask your help.rnrnif youre willing to help me I would be happy if not then our meeting is not to be.rnrnI want to try our relationship. I want to come to you. I think this is possible. we have everything for it.rnrnOnly I have no money to pay for the visa. hope your good conscience and good sense.rnrnI think that we can understand and make the right decision. I am waiting for your letter.marinarn rn rn

# Date: 2010-08-12

this scammer was very persistent in wanting to know me , atlhough I really didn't respond :
Asunto: Re[2]: hello

Cabeceras: Mostrar todas las cabeceras
Hello. where are you lost? I am waiting for your letter. And you say something and not what not to announce itself. what happened to you?

I want to understand. I am interested to communicate with you and learn from you many new and interesting. you suddenly fell silent and not talk to me.

I thought we started well, our communication. I wish that we continue to communicate. does not disappear from my life and our communication.

I can not bear it. I want us silenced. I want so that you sent to the alias the photos and many letters. waiting

I asked several times for possibility to chat or phone , but never got an answer to that .