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# Name:      Oksana Kibasheva

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Kazan

# Seen at:   

# Dangerous: 31%

# Scam scenarios:   ask for money

# Details: Usual Russian scam - e-mails of friendship to love to travel. Needs money only for visa, but has not inquired about ticket price. If he/she was to receive first money request, then they would go with aq second request for ticket money.

# Date: 2009-02-20

My name is Oksana.
And you have very much liked me. And I have decided to write
to you that will meet you to get friendly communications.
I search to myself for the friend with whom it is
possible to spend time and can and to create in the future serious

If you want to learn about me more and better that write to me on mine email:

I shall be glad to answer
you. I also shall be glad to learn about you more and to receive your
photo. I shall respond also to you and I shall send a photo. I very
much hope that you will answer my letter. Write with personal email.
Your new friend Oksana.
Many thanks for your letter, it is very pleasant for me. Whether today I went in
the Internet of cafe and thought of that I from you shall receive the answer to my short message.
I shall tell under the truth did not expect to receive the letter,
but I very much hoped for it and my expectations were justified also I am glad.
I want to tell that I have very small experience of conversation through the Internet,
it is possible to tell it practically was not present! And for me now opens new,
not the familiar world for me and in this new world I have found you.
I am very glad that my profile and my letter have interested you. I hope that now we learn about
each other more and I think that we shall find much in common between us. I want to tell
to you a little about myself that you had the best representation about me.
As you already know my name is Oksana. I live in the Kazan city, republic Tatarstan, Russia.
I am 28 years old and my birthday 25 of September, and I shall become more senior for one year.
I have blue eyes and I have blonde hair. My growth of 169 centimeters, my weight is equal to 56 kgs.
I very active person and I do not like to sit on a place. I work as the manager on sales of home appliances.
It is work interesting to me and it demands the creative approach to it and I give a lot of time
to the work. I also like to go in for sports and I am engaged in fitness.
Employment by sports help me to feel like better and relieve of excess weight. Also I do not smoke
and I do not take alcoholic drinks. I think that cigarettes bring very huge harm to the person.
I have a lot of interests in life: dances, sports, rest, clothes, cookery.
I will tell about them more in following my letters to you, if you not mind. I am now lonely,
and I want to begin new page of my life and I search for the person with whom I could begin this life!
Maybe this men will be you? The time will show to us and I think that we have taken the first step to this.
What do you think? My friend, I would like to learn about you more, write me more about myself,
about your work, about your interests. I think that so we can learn about each other more and it will allow us
to understand better each other and to become closer!
dear, if you will have questions to me you can ask to me them, I will answer them.
Now I finish the letter and I will wait from you answer.
Your Oksana.
I today very much hastened to come in the Internet of cafe to write to you the letter.
I want to tell to you fairly that I thought of you and I waited for your letter today and
I am very glad to see your letter in my letter box. I have read your letter
and thought of what to you to write and I have decided to write to you about the character,
about that is pleasant to me in the person and that I do not like!
I can assert with confidence that I very quiet person. I do not love noise,
I like when my life goes moderately. It is very easy to wound, offend, afflict me, but at my
insult quickly passes. I was very shy in relations with the man,
and I never undertook nothing to make a first step on a meeting to the man. And in due course
my character has changed, now I became more open. I think to this my work because work
of the manager is connected to dialogue, and the main thing in this work skill to communicate of the person,
its skill to find common language with clients (with buyers) promoted, but in relations with
men I have remained the same modest girl. I have girlfriends. And they are surprised to me and
ask " as such beautiful girl as I cannot find to myself the man? "
Yes, I agree with it, many count me beautiful and I also think that I beautiful, but external beauty
of the person for me not the most important. I think that in the person all should be beautiful
and first of all his heart!!! Presently people have very strongly changed,
they have overlooked about the heart! Now people think only of the benefit and pay attention only
to appearance of the person, now it is not important for them what actually the person,
his position in a society is important, his bank account, his money is important.
Actually money for people now began to have determining values! Sometimes my girlfriends speak that
I live in the other century, that at me old representations about life, they speak that I am romantic.
Yes, I am distinguished from the girlfriends, for them now the most important beautiful life
and they try take all from the young guys that they can. I have got used to achieve all.
I think that I early started independent life from the parents though they always spoke that they can
the help to me, but I tried to pass vital difficulties itself both I devoted much time to work
and I have absolutely forgotten about the private life. For me on the first place there was my work
though I receive not the big money. At that time when my girlfriends walked with the young steam rooms
I sat at home and developed new ideas about that as it is possible to increase a sales volume.
Now it seems to me ridiculous but then for me it had prime values and now for me my work has big values,
but now I want to start to build the private life I want to love and be loved!
I want to find good man which I shall love on the present. Who knows maybe this man you?????
I also very kind person, I always help people when my help is necessary for them.
Sometimes even in harm to! I love honesty in people, I always speak that that I think,
I always speak all in all sincerity. And I do not like when me deceive, I always speak that better the bitter
truth than sweet lie! I very strong person though there are minutes when would be desirable me
that me have regretted, sometimes I would like to be cried to somebody in a waistcoat and these minutes
it is very difficult for me. But we shall not be about sad. At me very good sense of humour,
I like to be pleased lives both I like to have a rest and I like to travel. In the spring I was in Finland.
And there very much it was pleasant to me. ****, you like to travel? Write to me about your character,
about that what you the person! It will be interesting to me to know about you more.
I hope to receive from you the letter soon!
Yours Oksana.
Today we have rainy day and cold weather, but due to your letter I have a smile on my face.
I think that you have learned much about me from my last letter and you now know
my character both that is pleasant to me and that I do not like. I today want to tell about that
what I see the future, I dream of what future! As I already wrote to you in the previous letters
I want to begin new page of the life. I want to build the private life.
Certainly I dream of family. I think that each person wants to have the family, will have the house
in which it come and in which it will be met by his or her favourite person! I wrote to you
that I search for the person with which I shall continue the life with which
I can share the pleasure and grief with which I shall pass the life. I want to leave in marriage
and I want to have 2 children! It is my dream and huge desire, but at the same time
I think that in the modern world is possible to live and be together I do not enter a marriage.
I think that this decision should be accepted in common by the man and the woman.
You agree with me? And I also very much love children and they reciprocate to me.
As you already know I was never married also have no children, but I had to bring up my niece and
it has been very much adhered to me and I liked a role of mother.
I think that for children the most important is an attention on the part of parents.
It is a pity to me of which those children of their mother leave in children's homes and
they never test parent love. It is a problem I think all world from which it is necessary to struggle!
I shall give a lot of time to children, I shall bring up them very well and when
they become adults that will tell " mum many thanks to you for that you so have well brought up me!"
I spoke these words to my mother when I have finished university and have received the diploma.
Certainly the question on children too should be solved the husband and the wife!
They should solve for themselves: whether 1. They want to have children?
2. if they want to have children, how many?
In matrimonial life for me the most important value will be had by family. I shall be very good wife.
I think that in family should have the main place the man, the head of the family! He should earn money,
and the wife should be the keeper of a home. During too time I do not want to sit all time of a house,
I too want to work and benefit the family, but I shall try to find such work which will allow me
to more time to give the husband and children. I think that in family everyone should be equal,
even children, even their opinion should be taken into account at decision-making
which concerns directly him. All should be under construction on mutual understanding and
all disagreements in family should be solved in common. The man should not get puffed up and put itself
above the wife only because he the man, the husband and he has on this right.
I think he should ask always opinion of the wife, he should respect her opinion.
Certainly in family all should be under construction on mutual respect and love. I think that if spouse
they love each other that will overcome all vital difficulties and will live happy home life
and I dream of such happy home life. I am interested with your representation about the future,
I want to know you want to have family, children?
I have decided to admit today to you that you like me also I think about you and
I wait from you the letter every day.
Sincerely yours Oksana.
I am very glad to receive from you letter today. How you have lead the days off?
I have lead them well, but weather was cold. I want to admit to you that
I am waited these day to receive from you the letter and to write to you the answer.
All these days I thought of you and I have missed on you, under your letters.
I think, that we became closer each other! And I start to feel attachment to you.
You have such feeling? I want to tell to you that I am modest girl and
I am very cautious in the words and acts, but to me you would be desirable you to tell these
words " I like you very much? " I hope that I have not confused you with the frankness?!
I do not know why to me with you very pleasantly and easily to communicate.
I can speak you all frankly and I do not test constraint, though I very constraining.
It can because we communicate with you with the help the Internet and
we do not see each other to face? In fact to speak looking in eyes to other person it is very
difficult. But that it nevertheless seems to me not for this reason? I long time was one
and with anybody so frankly did not speak about itself, about the private world and about itself,
but I why now would like to know more all about you, to understand you better,
I want to be for you more than the friend! For these years when I on the first place had my work
I has forgotten such words as love, a kiss, embrace, heart, ideas about the lovely person.
All my efforts have been directed on that prove to the parents that
I could to live independently because at younger age all of them time solved all for me and
tried to make all that I anything I did not require also felt like "princess" sharpened
in the deputy for all these years I have got loneliness. Certainly I have girlfriends,
but they are girlfriends. I did not have lovely person and all my girlfriends were surprised to this.
Probably I was very correct for all and guys were afraid to approach me?! Now I became more open.
Now my life in my hands. Each person himself creates the happiness,
he builds the destiny and as far as he will make his future life will correctly depend.
You agree with me?! Though to me now 28 years, I do not think that I have the big life experience,
but I now know that I want from life. I want to love and be loved. I want to have family and
I want to be the happy woman! I want to find "prince" and now for such long time
the feeling has appeared that I have found him! I want that you were this "prince".
I all heart want that you have told "yes". Now I shall wait your answer to this question.
I shall think of you.
Kisses and hugs.
Yours Oksana.
Do you know expression " If stars light, it means to whom - that is necessary.
If people meet, means, their vital rivers merge to be ocean of life. "
I think, that our meeting in boundless open spaces of the Internet is not accident,
it is destiny. I thank destiny that we have met you. « Life is one.
Also it would be desirable to live it so that it was not painfully hurt for aimlessly lived years ».
Now I cannot present, how I could so for a long time live without you?!
And how to live in general without you? I love you. Now in my heart something
is created unimaginable since that moment as I have fallen in love with you!
My heart has lost rest ever since, but, that is interesting, it does not want to find it again!
I speak all this to you not because today it is necessary to speak it that is why
what be silent I I can not! Each my section shouts how it madly loves you!
I want to shout to you about it always, since morning when I wake up, in the afternoon when
awfully I miss you or to sleep in the evening when inflow of my love does not give me!
But I in fact not from evil, and all because I madly love you!
*****, you became my necessity, need! Without you I would not like anything, even to live!
As I can live, if not I can speak about how I am sincerely sick as to me has prompted a computer,
I love you! And in general, what for to me such boring life! The sun, you likely already know,
but all the same I shall tell, that you the most light person in my life!
My sun! I even cannot think without you, I become silly - silly! To me even to breathe
it would not be desirable without you! You are need for me as air! Without you so it is intolerable
it is stuffy, and you it is impossible to inhale! You such far and such close simultaneously.
You are far only on distance, but always at me under heart. I feel you the heart!
Now between us the big distance, but I know that will not be fast this distance between us.
I very much want it!!! It is a pity, that now we are not together. But you know,
recently I have come across very interesting idea in any book: « Ancient counted the sky a symbol
of unity and eternity. When people look at stars even if are far apart, during this moment they together ».
So let's look at that stars.
Kisses and hugs.
Sincerely yours Oksana!

I this year had no holiday and I want to spend the holiday together with you my lovely.
I for a long time thought about it and I think that we should meet.
Our meeting has very big value for me my dear.
I think that due to our meeting we become closer each other and we learn about each other more.
We have such expression in Russia" better once to see, than hundred times to hear!
" You agree with this expression? We know each other not long time, but I have such feeling,
that we know each other already long time. Now you know about my feelings to you.
You know that I love you!!!!!!!!!! For me it was difficult to admit to you it, in that I love you,
but I any more do not want to hide that I feel to you. You are a great importance for me now.
You became for me the dear person, the person with which I want to connect the life,
I think that I have found second half, you are my second half.
I think that the following step in our relations should become our meeting.
You agree with me? I think that this best time for our meeting.
I have learned about that is necessary for our meeting. It is necessary for me to have the visa,
the passport for travel abroad, the ticket aboard the plane.
I want to make the tourist visa to a meeting with you. Term of the tourist visa is equal 15-20 day.
The travel agency can make the visa in current 7 day. Cost of the tourist visa in the COUNTRY is equal $200.
I should give some documents for reception of the visa: a copy of the passport,
the passport for travel abroad, the information on incomes, photos.
I have the passport for travel abroad already and I should not do it.
The employee tourist agency has told to me that I should not have problems with reception of the visa.
He also has told that I can get tickets aboard the plane in this travel agency.
What do you think? Also I want to know, can you render some help for my arrival to you? I hope that
you will help me and will send me of money that I could receive the visa my lovely.
Now I want to learn your opinion. What do you think? Also I want to know,
can you render some help for my arrival to you?
I kiss you. I love you.
Sincerely yours Oksana.
I very very very miss, I can not wait for that day when we shall be
together. My heart is filled with strong love to you and it never will not
become empty while you will love me, because I when shall not cease
to love you. I am know, that we will be very happy Family together,
I very strongly want from you beautiful children. I constantly think
about you. I very strongly wait our meeting in the person.
***** as to me today have informed that there is a fast and reliable remittance
the western union and ask that you have sent me 200 dollars for my visa that
we could be together. I give you the data that you could send money.
I all time I present as it will be. I all time present our wedding, she very
beautiful. we shall be happy together. I dream of our wedding and you
in a beautiful black suit and I stand in white beautiful wedding dress.
Everywhere many beautiful colors, many beautiful people around of us.
Everyone are very much pleased for us, congratulate, compliments pay.
I present as we go in wedding travel there where we only together and
anybody will not prevent us. We with you such happy and the smile
descends from our happy persons. Lovely I very much want,
that it is all was carried out as soon as possible. I very much
hope that within the next few days we already shall be together.
When we shall be together I there will be the happiest the woman on
a planet. I shall love you always and I shall do everything that you with me
it will be always good, that you were always happy. If you will be happy,
I too shall be happy. I very much love you and I do not present the life
without you, you my ideal, You all that are necessary for me in my life.
My love to you does not know borders, I shall love you always not looking
on anything. Nobody in this world can not force to not love me you.
Honey, write to me as soon as possible, I very much wait from you for the
letter. Well I better go for now. I await your response impatiently.
With undying love, Forever
All of my LOVE
Your future bride Oksana.
My address:
Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan, St. Lenina 17-15
My full name:
Oksana Kibasheva!!!