# Name: Elya Filina
# E-mail: elliyae@inbox.ru
# Address: Ukraine , Nikolaev
# Phone: +380958274403
# Seen at: www.freepersonals.ru
# Dangerous:
# Scam scenarios:
money for passport, travel
# Details: I send money for a passport and travel to turkey by western union
# Date: 2009-01-03
I transfer 3 times money for passport and for travel to turkey 720 $.
This is the last who inform me the money was stolen
"I had a little free time and went to receive money from you, that to have them for flight.
As you also have written to me, I have received this money, have put them in a purse and went again for work. My working day yet has not ended.
I went and smiled that was happy that all develops
So it is good. But suddenly when I came for a corner, on me have flown what that the man and has snatched out at me my purse. There there was all my money and grivnas and dollars, what I just has received.I wished to come into shop that that that still to have time to buy, but what that the ridiculous case all has spoiled.
I came for work and there was all in tears, me calmed all collective, but to me from it it be not become easier. I regret about all and especially, that I can not go now to you in Turkey, and in fact we so waited for it and so hoped, that all at us will develop safely and we shall be happy. Now what to do now?"