# Name: Emilia Arthur
# E-mail: emiliaarthur@yahoo.com
# Address: Ghana , Accra
# Phone: 011233239639109
# Seen at: loveandseek.com
# Dangerous:
# Scam scenarios:
ask for money
# Details: The scamer used a chistian use of words and terns the person is very smart. she/he waited at least 3 weeks before asking for money to pay internet bill. i cannot find the phone no. and adress they used. i called the number and a very young sounding female answered. she was suppose to be 32 years old. i have a street address i will find also and send to you if requested.rnsaid person said she when to a pencostaial church in Accra and worked at a gro. store she called her mother mummy. said person had a brit. accent mixed with local rnsounding voice. i put in said persons name of ghana in search and found this website. tis person is very sharp. used very strong words o love. and use of christian ideas.rn
# Date: 2008-09-15