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# Name:      Elena Semyonova

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Russia , Khabarovsk

# Dangerous: 26%

# Scam scenarios:   money for Visa, travel

# Details: Visa, travelrnMy dear xxxx. My conversation with you is the best that is during my day. I enjoy every letter thatI receive from you,rnand reread them before I go home.I can take my holiday only in May or June. Dear xxxx, I very much want to spend myrnholiday together with you.Please find an opportunity to meet me. What do you think of a meeting in May or June? Probablyrnwe can meetwhen your work will end and in weekends!? It not a problem for me! I with impatience wait for our firstrnmeeting!I want to share my live with you, I want always be with you, feel your warmth and care.I am very emotional,rnpassionate and hot-tempered person and it is usual for me to show my feelings.May be it seems strange to you. We didn’trnmeet with you in real life, we have only letters, which I cherish, but I have feeling that we knoweach other forrneternity. I hope that you understand me.The most important in relations between two people, man and woman, of course idrnthe mutual understanding andrespect in attitudes. Two people must trust each other first, take care of each other. Yourrnlife will be my life,and I will give all my love, care and tenderness to you.You asked me lastname. My full name is ElenarnSemyonova.I am waiting for your mail. rnrn------------------------rnrnMy love xxxx. We live very far away from each other, our bodies are at the big distance, but our souls are close.Ourrnfeelings and emotions make us closer.Dear I spoke you that I shall have a vacation soon. Probably, I shall have arnvacation since May, 15.Love in distance is very complicated. Our feelings can be carried for long distances, but actuallyrnour love will bepossible only after our meeting. Only after that I could look into your eyes, only after you will see myrnface, we canthink of our future. I believe in our happiness, I want further development of our relations, and it’s a realrnjoy forme that you want the same. Our meeting must happen in any case, even if it will be only for some minutes withrnyou.Today I will have time to visit the tourist agency. I think that the use of tourist agency is the best way tornrealizeour meeting. Unfortunately I don’t know anything about what kind of documents are necessary fro arrival to thernothercountry, but today I will learn it for 100%. I will write you a letter as soon as I will learn all the necessaryrninformation.Elena rnrn------------------rnrnI could go through the tourist agencies and learn about what documents I need to come to you, xxxx.At first I visitedrnthe tourist agency “Vlada”. Tourist agent of the firm told to me how I can go to Sweden.He said that there will be nornproblem with making all the documents. All was much simpler than I thought,I won’t actually need to do anything. I needrnto pay only 1200 euros, and the tourist agency will do everything for me.In 1200 euros included are the cost of the visa,rninternational passport, making an insurance paper,airplane tickets (two-way) and a payment for the work of the agency.rnPreparing all this documents will take fora month. I decided that it is too long and went to another agency. In the otherrntourist firm “” they offer meanother variant – it is an urgent preparation of documents, if pay 1500 euros, thenrnalready in 5-7 days I can come toyou, just imagine how great it is! It will pass only for a week and we could berntogether, my dear xxxx. But there is one problem, I don’t know how to say about it to you. I wrote you earlier that myrnsalary is not so big,only some roubles I can’t even with all my desire pay this money and I need your help. Without yourrnmaterial supportI can’t come to you. If you want that our hearts come together, I want it very much, please, help me.rnWill you help me?I want that you as sooner as possible write me what you think about it. rnrn----------------------rnrnHello there, my dear xxxx.Thanks for your readiness to help me. Really, we should learn each other in the real world.Irnspoke you, that the travel agency requires cash to do all necessary documents.Probably, you can pay for services ofrnagency, having sent money for the account of travel agency.I will learn about it today. I will inform to you as soon as Irnshall know more.Im really thankful to the fate that it made us to find each other in that big world of hate andrntroubles.Well become the happiest couple and see our life only in beautiful colors!!! I know that it will be so,rntrusting in our feelings Im finding myself realy like a princess waiting for themoment when her prince will take her inrnhis arms... Million of kisses and hugs for you my dear and all my love from the bottom of my heart only for you!!!Yournhave come back home already? Or you have rest in Florida? Your Elenarnrn--------------------rnrnHello my love xxxx.I am very happy, that I have received your letter.My dear xxxx, I was today again in travelrnagency.They have told that accept only cashalso cannot provide transfer of money from abroad.Dear, I shall go in bankrntomorrow. Probably, I shall createthe bank account that you could send money for this account.I think that it will notrnoccupy for a long time time.If I shall give money to travel agency they will makeall are necessary documents within 10rndays.I do not know exact date of arrival of the plane, but I think that we reallywe can meet in the middle of May or inrnthe beginning of June.I miss you very much these days. Today at work it was a very boring day and I thought of you.Irnthought of our joint life.I had various terrible ideas in my head, and what if I can not leaveRussia and we will never berntogether?Now I need your support very much. I think, that you have a good day now in your country if you can,pleasernanswer me as soon as possible. I love you xxxx. Sincerely yours Elena.rnrn------------------------rnrnMy dear xxxx. I said to you that I will learn how possible to send me the money for the travel to you.So I consultedrnwith the accountant in my work how it would be safer and faster to send money from the other country, and here what shernadvised: As far as I dont have my own account in the bank, and to make an account in the bank is very long, as manyrnpapers are checked about the client, then it is better to use the services of Western Union. As she told me, this companyrnid the worlds leader in the money transfers. Offices of this companyare very spread, so to transfer money is possiblernfrom almost any country of the world. She made me sure that it is very safe and trustworthy company and money will bernavailable for the recipient in about 10 minutes. For that you could send me money you need to visit the agent of WesternrnUnion in your country. You will need tofill in a simple document which you receive from the agent and there you shouldrnidentify my data:Name: ElenaSirname: SemyonovaCountry: RussiaAnd also you should identify you personal data. After yournwill send me money, you will be given an identifying number consisting of 10 figures. So, you should send me this numberrnand your personal data and then I can go tothe agent of Western Union and get money. My friend accountant said to me thatrnshe sent money this way and she likedit very much because it is very fast and the main thing safe. She also gave a linkrnof the site of the company You can learn at this site where is the nearest to you office of WesternrnUnion.My dear, please, find the nearest to you agent on this site and go to him to send me money. I will wait for therninformation from you. I love you and I hope you will soon write me. Yours, Elena rnrn---------------------rnrnHi, my favorite xxxx .I hope that you have bank western union near to you. I also have it in my city and I can go therernat any time.I think that it will work for you also!Dear, I would like to hear your voice. Unfortunately I have no ownrnphone, but I can call to youfrom a city telephone exchange. When I can call to you?I did not tell to you in the lastrnletter that yesterday I saw a beautiful dream about us.I saw that I ran on high grass on a field. I ran long and thernlonger I ran the stronger I felt heat on the body. Then in the distance I have seen your silhouette and began to runrnfaster. I have approached to you, have taken your hands, then have strongly embraced you and you have presented me arnsweet sweet kiss. I have woken up from it and my body was damp. When I had a boyfriend I never saw dreams about him. Andrnabout you I saw... I never thought that I shall have to you such feelings, but they say that love comes suddenly andrnquickly. So it is true love. And would you like to appear in my dream and to present me a kiss? I shall wait for yourrnanswer with impatience... Elenarnrn---------------------------rnrnHello, my sweet xxxx.I understand that you will soon go in bank.I hope that all will be good there and I shall wait forrnyour news.The love sings in me as a bird in the spring sky. I think that it is destiny, it can be dangerous for me, but Irnlove you very much.I think: My God, thank you that you have helped me to find my sole and I hope that we will meet withrnhim and we will be happy.I dream of our meeting and about how I will go for a walk with you holding your hand, how wernshall look at each other and how we will make love. I LOVE YOU FOREVER In MY HEART, In MY THOUGHTS. I dream about how yournwill hold me on your hands, kiss and hug my gentle body. It is a pity that it is only dreams. Is it fated to come true?rnThe God only knows about it. I hope to see your letter in a short time. Your Elenarnrn-----------------rnrnHello my love! Today I with the big impatience waited your letter. My full address: Elena Semyonova Lenina, 46680000rnKhabarovsk,Russia I hope that it will be enough for transfer of money.I think, that Western Union it is the best, fastrnand safe way of transfer.It should work for us. For reception of money, I also should know your address. I wait when Irncan begin official registration of papers. Kiss you my love. Elena.rnrn----------------------

# Date: 2008-06-01

1200 euros and 1500 euros

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