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# Original Report:  here

# Name:      Natalia (Natasha) Sherbacova

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Kirov

# Dangerous: 37%

# Details: And here are some of her pictures for your Database. I received on with every Email. Kayton Tomaszyk Internet Identity Specialist, Inc 800-397-3743 Ext 114 FAX 888-942-1237 Qualified Attorneys and Legal Resources you can count on.

# Date: 2005-02-17


Natasha wrote:
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 18:27:16 +0400

Hello, new Friend!
Excuse me for that that long time I did not answer your letters.
I am very grateful to you that you have answered my letter.
It is my first experience of acquaintance in the Internet and my English it is
not so good, because I never was engaged in it specially. I studied English at
school, and then in institute. But I hope, that I was easy enough for
understanding to speak with each other.
I spoke you about myself already a little, now I want to tell a little more. I

not so well remember, that wrote in the past to you the letter, I therefore was
possible shall repeat a little. To me of 25 years, my birthday on May, 18. My
growth 167!!!!!!! sm and my weight of 50 kg.
I already spoke you, what I from Russia? I was born and have grown in city
Samara, now I live also in Samara, is on river Volga on distance!!!!!!!! km from
Mosñow. I have higher education, I was trained at university on an economic
speciality in the field of small business. Now I work in the trainer on aerobics
in local sports club which called "Antey". My work very much is pleasant to me,
because I it help me support the good physical form and to be always very
harmonous. But all the same I very much would like to work on a speciality in
which I was trained at university. But I cannot find work by my speciality
because at us in Russia the economy and our laws is still very badly advanced do
not allow to develop to small business.
I also want to inform you, that I have no house of a personal computer and to
write to you the letter to me it is necessary to go in Internet - cafe.
Therefore, please, be not upset very strongly, when I shall be late or missed to
write to you the answer. I have many friends and I always quickly find common
language with any people. Therefore I think, that we will not have any
difficulties with the further dialogue and we become good friends.
On it I shall finish my letter, I shall look forward your following letter.


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 20:29:53 +0400

Hi, my friend!
I am very glad, that you have again answered me, now I shall assume, that our
relations will be prolonged rather for a long time. I hope, that I also shall be
pleasant to you, as you to me.
I in the following week-end am going to go on a visit to my parents. I live
separately from them because it is more convenient for me, it is closer to my
work. But I frequently visit them because they my parents and if I for a long
time do not see them, me it becomes sad. Also they frequently need my help, we
also share news, we tell each other that with us has taken place, while we did
not see. I also have overlooked to tell to you, that I have the sister, to her
of 20 years and she lives with my parents. We have the big friendship,
frequently we go together to walk, at cinema and theatre.
To you, likely it is interesting why I have decided to get acquainted with you
on the Internet and I have no the man here in Russia. I had already acquaintance
to men here in Russia, but almost all of them had the big bent for to alcohol.
They also frequently overlooked, that they have person who loves them and
recollect it when sex is necessary for them. The Russian men love only
themselves. They also consider, that they can have more than one woman, start to
be angry very strongly when find out, that the woman who loved them, ceases to
love them and finds another the man. They also very much frequently spend the
salary for vodka and only small part from it bring home. Excuse me, that I so
have roughly described the Russian men but while I did not meet men here better,
than I have described.

Well, I shall write to you more in my next letter.
It here already too late and the Internet - cafe will soon be closed.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 21:07:53 +0400

I'm fine.
How your affairs?
I feel, that your letters to me become warmer. It is very pleasant for me, what even on such big distances we can transfer our feelings. In the winter here it is a lot of snow. I very much love winter sports, we with my girlfriend frequently go in the winter to skate and on a ski. But I never skied from mountains, it is my dream since the childhood. In the childhood I frequently looked a ski slalom from mountains and always was is similar to this. I always look Olympic games, it in our country very much love. You have dream since the childhood which you yet have not executed? Write to me about the dream, it is very interesting to me:) At you good weather?
At us now it is raining: (
I wanted you to tell, my structure is not seen on Yahoo, I do not know why it so.See you soon!!!


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 22:21:17 +0400

Yesterday I visited my parents and have told him about you. First they have started to worry and have told, that I was more cautious. Once mum saw on the TV as special agency of acquaintances searched for Russian girls for acquaintances on the Internet and when they leaved abroad from them took away all documents and forced to work as prostitutes. But I have calmed them, when have told, that it I have got acquainted not through agency, and on a site of acquaintances and I talk with you directly. I am going to print your photo to show its parents, I think you him will like.

I want to tell to you about my parents, I already a little about them spoke you. To my mum 51 year and she works at school, she teaches children from 7 till 10 years, it at us refers to younger school. We with mum very much trust each other and never we hide nothing, I frequently ask her various advice. Mine the daddy works as a policeman, he investigates grave crimes, frequently he investigates murders. He speaks, that in Russia becomes more and more criminality and they with mum very much worry about me when I am late at them late, and then I go home in darkness.
He is very dissatisfied to ours with laws in Russia because they allow to steal and to not receive punishment. He speaks, that in the western civilized states very much perfect legislation, there very much care of fair citizens, and there there is a program of protection of witnesses which allows to not be afraid to witnesses of a crime to speak the truth.
Excuse, but already it is time to me, I today am strongly tired on work and I want to sleep a little. How your health? You today well slept? I have recollected, how in the childhood when I could not fall asleep mum brought to me warm milk and I quickly fell asleep. I in the childhood frequently did not want to lie down early and was little bit disobedient:) You too did not like to go to bed early or you were the obedient boy? How at you weather?

Write to me please about the parents.

Your Natasha.


Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 18:49:49 +0400

Hello dear!!!
I am so happy to receive from you new news. You can will believe, but when I see it, at me is cheered up and on soul it becomes cheerful and easy. I feel very much weariness here from daily life, life in Russia is very difficult also I sometimes I am very much tired from it.
In the advanced countries any worker can go to have a rest in holiday, to gain strength for the further work, but at us too small income, therefore it is inaccessible to us. It is very pleasant, when know, that for many kilometers you have person who appreciates understands you.
You also agree with my thought?
Unfortunately I have no opportunity to buy a computer and to put home phone because the computer costs approximately 800 - 1000 $, and installation of a home telephone number - 300 $, these are very big money for me and I cannot allow it for myself. In my city not many presume to buy for themselves a computer.

Well, there are enough complaints... Tell to me about life in yours, what weather at you, you in the order?
At us it is already very warm - approximation of summer is felt, the sun every day shines and flowers blossom: dandelions, a cherry, a cherry and many others.
I send you my address of mail from my house, you can send me here paper letters and pictures, it would be wonderful. But do not send please anything valuable because it can be stolen. I also would like to receive your address of mail also to try to send letters and photos. If you have ICQ please tell to me, probably we can talk to you in real time.

424036 Kirov
Krasnoarmeyskaya st.
the house 51, apartament 25
Natasha Sherbacova.

Kisses and hugs!
Your Natasha.


Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 20:33:34 +0400

Hello my liked Kayton!!!

You are very great person.
I frequently re-read your letters (I ask the manager of Internet - cafe print out your letters). I am very happy, that is capable to talk to such interesting, strong and intellectual person who has the big sense of humour. I believe, that very much there are many women who would like to be with you. And I am happy, that I have an opportunity to read your letters. I want to tell to you, that you very much like me...
You have any good news? What weather at you? At me the usual working days proceed. Weather at us now very good, shines the sun. Now very hot, approximately 30 degrees on Celsius.
Miss you.


Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 21:09:03 +0400

Hi my dear Kayton!
I today am a little tired, because I had this night bad dream.
It so is wonderful, that we with you have such fine relations. It would be wonderful, that we have met you sometime, but I know, that it is too difficult, therefore I shall wait for such opportunity. I very much like to read your letters when I read them, it seems to me, that we were familiar very long time. I spoke you, that did not trust until recently in love on the Internet though I every day fall in love with you more and more. I have noticed, that I all time think of you and became a little absent-minded. I with impatience wait each your following letter and I have the big mood. But if I do not receive it I do not find the place and at me the mood falls.

With impatience I wait your following letter.
P.S.I have designated a place on a map, there where I live.
At you a fine dog:)


Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 16:16:55 +0400

Greetings my sweet.
I long waited for the moment when I again shall be may to Receive from you the letter. This moment has made happy me when
I have received Your letter. Certainly, I like to prepare and I am able to prepare for different dishes, certainly I have not enough experience, but I constantly read different books, I am interested at the girlfriends, I search for new recipes, it is pleasant to me. I have told about us to my to friends. They are very pleased, that I have the found happiness and I have the good new friend. Certainly I have told that we only friends, but in To depth oppress I hope for the greater.
For me as well as my parents. It seems, that you and I already on so was a lot of close with eachv other, we, as though the husband and the wife, only, unfortunately, Shared into huge distance. But not supervision it we should continue to love everyone Another and to trust each other.
You agree with me?
Each day I feel more and more happy. I think, that it - destiny it It may be dangerous to me, but I want to love you very much. Your letters are filled Such tenderness and care.
Sometimes to me it becomes very sad, that we are shared with such big distance.
Sometimes I Think - my God, thank for that that have helped to find to me of such good and kind person and to help us to meet. I dream of our meeting and about which as we shall leave on walk with you, to Hold for hands As we shall care one by one and as we shall do Love.
I LOVE YOU, I WANT YOU, YOU FOR EVER In MY HEART, In MY IDEAS. I dream as You will carry me on hands to kiss and embrace my gentle a body. It is a pity, that it only dreams.
Whether is doomed to come true? The god Only knows about it.
Your Natasha.


Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 20:00:19 +0400


Subject: Re: Important Information

Hello my LoVeD!!!

Today is remarkable day. I have understood from your letter, that all is very good. I am very glad, that our feelings are mutual. I never could imagine earlier, that it is possible to fall in live with somebody, just reading his letters. Now I see, that it is possible, because it has taken place with us. Today I went in travel agency and have learned, what will be necessary for me for trip. The visa and the passport are necessary for me. I have told, that all documents will cost 556 $.
Besides the insurance in case if something will happen with me, I can be treated in your hospitals. When I shall make documents, I shall take holiday and I shall come to you. But for me it is the big money. You know, that I receive a little.
Besides I should help parents. Could you help me with money? It is very a shame for me to ask you, and I do not like to be indebted to somebody, but I very much want to see you! May be we shall try to do it? I hope, I do not put you in a difficult positio! n.In any case, write me, whether you can help me. I very awkwardly feel myself, but I cannot live more so far from you.
I with impatience wait for our meeting, I hope, that you too!
That is all, my loved.
I love and miss you. Yours Natasha.