# Name: Darya Shabalina
# E-mail: daryachernaya@yahoo.com
# Address: Russia , Kazan
# Seen at: luvfree.com and myfreehome.com
# Dangerous:
# Related reports:
2873 # Scam scenarios:
money for VISA and travel passport
# Details: She became frind after 8-9 letters she asked for money. For visa and travel pasport. She pick people from free dating sites. she is 32 , but if you see the pictures se look like 23 years.rnShe is clever and can good write english. Her senario is to become her girlfrind who now lives in Italian husband. Witch is not treu i think.
# Date: 2007-09-07
this is her part of email to me:
Use the western Union bank, total charge 989 euro.
I shall give you the address of my city and a place of my residence. It{he} the country Russia, 420000, city Kazan, , the house 32, number of an apartment 19. Now you know my address. You have told, what will send me of money for tickets, and how many money you will send??? Because I shall search too money.