# Seen at: www.Besten-Partner.at
# Dangerous:
# Details: She write my in the first Time a normal letter,by the rn3-or 4 Letter,she Love my so, and by the 10 Letter,she will Money for Passes for Visa for the Hotel in Moscowrnall money wos she like is 1800 Euro ! I write retourn this is so much Money,I will come to her,and 20.8.07rnI fly to Moskau,next fly to Cheboksary and drive whit the Taxi to joskar-ola,sovetsky to Chirki,she write me chirki is my home-Town,in chirky I give all people thernPicture from her,and all say, this woman is not from chirky, I found she not !! when I send this money,its my money 100% Lost! I think she is a Scam from joskar ola,this is the first city of all Scammers !rnWhen you like thats I send all Mails and Pictures from this Scammer,send me your Mail-adr. OK?rnBest Regards....Helmut from Austria
# Date: 2007-08-26