# Name: Anastasia Bazhina
# E-mail: anastasia_b@list.ru
# Address: Ukraine , Nikolaev
# Phone: 011-380675982448
# Seen at: www.AnastasiaWeb.com and www.loveme.com
# Dangerous:
# Details: Emailed her for 9 months, went on tour to meet her in Odessa. I paid her transportation and for her Interpreter which she brought to Odessa from Mariupol...Interpreters name was Olya/Olga employed by the Mariula Agency. I rented them an apartment, paid for food and bought her many gifts. On the last day she agreed to Marry me...When we parted..I thought It would be the last time I would see her until I could arrange the fiance visa..When I got back to the Hotel I saw a friend who was waiting for his date to arrive from Mariupol..He should me a picture of the woman who had just agreede to marry me...He also had sent her money for transportation and had rented an apartment for her...Bottom line was she was deleted from the website...9 months later she reappeared....then disappeared...She was just recntly again on the AnastastiaWeb.com website...living in a new city...and with a completely different look...She was 19 when I met her in 2004, but her recent profile stated she was now only 20???....
# Date: 2007-05-16