# Dangerous:
# Details: How are you Today my Sweettt heart Alex? Today I again had a dreamrnabout us. I long could not fall asleep. It is very pleasant to me tornthink of you. I do it always. On work, houses when I go to thernunderground. Once I even missed the station :-). I very much divertrnwhen think of you. I went to travel agency again. Today I havernreceived the detailed information on travel to you. There are somernstages which I should pass for a trip to other country. First I shouldrnhave the passport. Usually it would be required month what to receivernthe passport. I have provided it and have made the passport inrnadvance. Now I have it. It greater economy of time for our meeting.rnNow you know that I very much serious and I am engaged in preparationrnfor our meeting. Secondly I should receive the visa. It very muchrndifficult process, but I have the contract with travel agency and theyrnassist to me very much. They have given me the questionnaire, I havernfilled it and have sent in embassy. Now I shall receive the visarnthrough one or two weeks. In travel agency I have received detailedrninstructions on interview. Me have assured, that I shall receive thernvisa of 100 % a guarantee. I as am assured. This travel agency sendsrnthousand people in other countries every day. I am quiet for the visa.rnThirdly I should buy the ticket. According to the contract the travelrnagency provides me with the ticket also. I should pay to them for thernticket and I shall receive it. I have paid to them the depositrnalready. These are 400 dollars. I did not think that their servicerncost so much. Now I have remained without money. My parents promisedrnhelp to me, but it is impossible now. My daddy bought the new car andrnnow he should give the credit to bank. I hope you can help to me. Irnshould pay in travel agency of 540 dollars more. YOU can give me thisrnmoney??? Do not worry, I shall necessarily return to you it. CertainlyrnI tried borrow money at friends, but in Novocheboksarsk I have veryrnfew friends and nobody could help to me. It is very sad. You can usernWestern Union or Moneygram for remittance. I shall give you thernaddress for this cash payments systems:rnrnWestern Union:rnCHUVASHCREDITPROMBANKrnSOVETSKAYA 15 rnNOVOCHEBOKSARSK, 428900rnrnMoneygram:rnSVIAZ BANK rn44 YAROSLAVSKAYA STR rnCHEBOKSARY 428000 rnrnName: ElenarnSurname: TeryanikrnrnI very much hope for your help. Please send money quickly. I shouldrnpay in travel agency soon. When I pay there I shall give you number ofrnmy flight of self-summer and can precisely tell when an arrival timernof self-summer. By the way, tell to me what weather now in your city.rnI should choose clothes for my travel to you. I shall wait your letterrnwith impatience.rnrnYours Elenarn
# Date: 2007-04-12