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# Name:      Alena Pikusova

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Kostroma

# Seen at:

# Dangerous: 28%

# Details: This scam is ongoing, I have been looking for proof online from someone that they have also been in contact with her. I found it last night, 3 photos with no information though and am putting the word out now. In two weeks she has fallen in love with me. Though she is being sheepish at the moment about acutally saying that. Beats around the bush uses "love" a few times then backs off saying she should keep her feelings to herself. I offered to visit her, got the usual no that is not a good idea response. Says it is too dangerous, yet there seem to be plenty of hotels in her town and commercial tourist runs through her town. Seems to be a nice place, think I want to visit there anyway lol. She suddenly was in touch with her travel agent who she says she uses all the time after I said I would like to meet her. ( wonder if for scams or real travel like she is implying?) Money shot has not happened yet, should happen next week.
  It seems this gang or whoever takes the weekends off. She does not write on the weekends. She claims to be writing me from work. She says she works for an advertising agency. Won't say which one and the yellow pages directory I found lists for like 21 companies in Kostroma that could be her place of employment.
  I have done DNS search of her IP address and all I could figure out is one was in moscow ( the one) and the other came from Germany?? Not sure if I am reading it correctly though. She uses Bat! email program, though if she works at an advertising agency who knows. Also, all of her letters were "replies" even her first one. I sent her my email address from so she could not have replied to me on first letter. She just changed heading after the RE: part. Not sure if my whois and DNS inquiries mean anything because of that. Im new at deciphering those email headers.
  I searched her last name and came up with listings for slavik names and websites (.sk) That might explain the slavik referances and German IP??
  I sent her a google earth sat pic of Kostroma and asked her to point out where she lived in town, her reply was she could not figure it out, fyi Kostroma has Kostroma river and Volga river joining in middle of town, bridges crossing them etc, how hard is it to get your bearings with all of these landmarks visible on the pic?
  Usual ignoring of my chatter about daily stuff. I have a collegue from work who has adopted a little girl from there and is going back to adopt 2 more, I thought that would have prompted some response. She has never replied to that or other topics even after I asked her why she did not answer my questions. Just asked my why I sounded like I did not trust her. :)
  After some coaxing she sent me one photo of her with some friends, and got photo of her with mom and her parents together without out her unsolicited. Otherwise it is always 2 pics, her alone, posed. I still have not seen her sister who she says has taken most of these photos. The car photo shows what appears to be more of a man reflected in the side of her car though. She slipped and sent me the same photo from her first letter, I was at the computer when it came in opened it right away and responded withing a minute of getting it and she apparently hit send and moved on cause I did not hear from her till the next day. EFIX data from her pics show some taken at 0530 in the morning!! She's dressed to the hilt too! Most seem to be only a month or two old so think this one got busted early.

# Date: 2006-10-01

FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Reply-to: Alena Pikusova
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "D V"


Subject: Re: Hello Dave!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------DF17A9B137D507E"
X-Auth-User: AlenaPikusova, whoson: (null)
Content-Length: 1363388
&& &&&&&
Hello Dave,
I am glad to receive today your letter. Thank you very much that you
found time to write a letter to me. I waited for it from you very much.
You have made today my day especially happy, you have decorated it with
this letter. I want to say, that I am a cheerful girl. Usually I
dont hesitate by dialogue with people, but now I am excited. I hardly
can get hands on keys of the keyboard. My heart is beaten more rapidly!
First of all, I I worry that you will have a problem in understanding
of my English language. I studied the English language at school, and
then at university. Probably my English, differs from yours colloquial
one. Can you understand what I speak you? If something will be not
clear for you, do not hesitate to ask about it. I do not want, that
there will be the essential barrier of language between us.
I really live in Russia, I live in city Kostroma. Many kilometers
divide us, but I hope, that it will not be a problem for our communication.
I want to tell to you, that I dont like the Russian men and there is
for a reason for it if for you it is interesting, I can tell to you in
the following letter. I have solved to look for the love outside
Russia, I do not know why, but I like United Kingdom. I have addressed to
agency of
acquaintances, which is to be in our city. I filled in various
questionnaires, answered some questions, and they sad me that in the first day
will be uneasy to find men who fully match me. They advised me to come
to agency in some days. Yesterday I come to the agency of acquaintances
and some profiles of men who mostly match me were presented to me. Also
I was informed that, that match rate in some cases reached 95 percent.
It is a pity, that on my profile it was not possible to place a photo
on my profile, agency informed, that it will be difficult. I shall send
the photo to you today. Dave, I hope you like my photo. Please, send to
me your photos too!
Now, probably I should tell you about myself. I am 29 old year, my
Birthday is on July, 10, 1977. I am 173, my weight is 55kg, I try now to
transfer them into your metric system. My growth 5 ' 8, my weight of
121 feet. You better judge my appearance on my photo. I care about my
appearance very much, I attend courses of aerobics and fitness, it
helps me to keep my body and elegance top-level. It is very important for
me because I am a girl and I must be beautiful. Probably it will be
interesting for you to know about my work. I work as a advertisment agent.
I am engaged in designing of advertising famous trade marks in Russia.
Various orders come to us. I have higher education on the speciality
" Marketing and Advertising Business ". I like my work very much. I
like it because it helps me to communicate with different people and we
have a rallied group of workers. In our group the success of one
employee depends on the previous success of other employees. Our friendship
and unity are connected just with it. Work allows me to express myself
and my individuality.
My work helps me to be well-being. I live to work and I work to live. I
live an independent life, and I liked, I do not like to need something.
I live with my sister in two room apartment. The majority of the
population in Russia lives in apartments.
My parents live separately from us in a country house, they like
silence and fresh air.
Our family lives friendly. I love and respect my parents, because they
have presented me the most valuable thing that I have - my life. Also,
parents raised me, brought me up very well, and give me good education.
I am grateful to my parents for everything, that they have made for me.
Dave, please tell me about your family.
Dave, I also want to tell you, that my purposes are very serious. I
want to find the man of my love. I want to have serious relationship
and have a good family in which relations will be formed upon love,
mutual understanding, respect, friendship and trust. These traits are very
important for me. I want to find the man, who will be happy together
with me and will support me in despair. Please, tell me about yours
in your live. It is interesting to me to know about it.
I am really interested in communicating with you. I had never had
communicated with a man from in another country. I shall be glad to hear
about you, about your family, your life. It is also interesting for me
where you work.
Dave, please tell me, does the city where you live have places which
are worth to see - theatres, exhibitions, museums? I like to visit
such a kind of establishments in our city. In last weekend I have
visited a planetarium with my friends. It was great, we had possibility to
observe the star sky, also we observed planets. I liked it very much.
Ok, Dave, I have to finish my the letter. I hope, you take my letter
seriously. I want you take my letter with gravity and responsibility.
I hope, it was interesting for you to know about me, and I hope it
takes not much time for you to read my letter.
Please, write to me. I wait with impatience for your letter. Have a
nice day! Sincerely, Alena.


From Alena Pikusova Mon Sep 18 10:57:38 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:27:59 -0700
X-Originating-IP: []
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (EHLO ( by with SMTP; Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:27:59 -0700
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Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:57:38 -0500
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Reply-to: Alena Pikusova
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "D V"


Subject: Re: My friend!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------CD199382D6950DC"
X-Auth-User: AlenaPikusova, whoson: (null)
Content-Length: 300748
&& &&&&&
Hello my friend David.
I am glad to receive today your letter! How are you doings today?
Sorry, I could not answer you earlier because I had weekend. During
weekenda, I have visited the house of the parents, we drank tea,
talked. You know we with you are poorly familiar, but my ideas you
borrow the most part of day. I try to foresee, whether I shall receive
your letter, and on what you to me write. The our correspondence is
pleasant for me.
David, it is really fine weather in our city today. It is closer to the
autumn, and air becomes pleasant and fresh.
Your letter that i received today made me happier. The best part of my
day is when I receive your letters. Your letters become for me
more and more desired. I like to receive your letters and to know more
about you.
Now it is too early to speak what our relations will result in,
probably, we will understand, that we are different people, probably,
we will be friends. Do you think of it? But I want to tell you, that I
do not want to hasten, because I already was mistaken in the life
and now I want to be more attentively. I trust you, and I want you
trust me too. Trust - a policy of any relations. It is my vital motto,
I was learned it from my mum. I am a sincere girl, and i have nothing
to hide from you. I can answer any your question, also I would like
to ask you to answer my questions because it is interesting for me to
know more about you. It is still unusual for me to have a dialogue
with you. I am excited when I write the letters to you, but each time,
I feel more and more confidently. Tell me, do you have interest
to me? You can ask me, and I shall tell you about everything, that it
is interesting for you!
David, today I have a usual day at work, now I have free time, and I
write to you a letter. I had already told you, that I work as
an advertisment agent. Today our agency advertising has received an
order of sport goods. I will have to think up advertisment for it.
Some ideas have already appeared In my head. I want to make, something,
that will be unusual. My work is quite fascinating, I like it.
David, tell me please how has passed your day? How is your work?
Dear David, also it is interesting for me, what do you prefer to eat? I
heard, that in your country McDonald's food is widely spread,
do you like such food? In our city there is also McDonald's, I want to
tell you sincerely, that I do not try to eat there. I like to eat
healthy food you know, I prepare to eat very well! I like to cook, in
most cases I prepare dishes of Russian cuisine . We raise products
on the garden of my parents.
Parents have a garden, where we raise vegetables, such as potato,
onions, tomatoes, carrots. Cultivation of vegetables demands a much
work and efforts. We do not buy them because we think that, it is not
necessary to spend money on that we can make ourselves. Do you agree
with me? Have you ever tried traditional Russian cuisine? Sometimes we
go to have dinner to a restaurant or a cafe. I like sushi. Have you
ever eaten sushi? I like the Mexican and French Cuisine too. I try to
eat correctly and to have healthy food, it is very important for me.
Much depends on food but the most important is vital activity. There
are a lot of vitamins in healthy food which are so necessary for an
organism of each person.
To my mind it is important to tell, that I have no harmful habits. I do
not smoke and I do not drink alcoholic drinks. I think harmful
habits ruin health. I care about health, it is very important for me
because the health of my future children depends on my health.
I do not want my children will suffer because of me. I think, that a
girl should not have harmful habits, it can be understood if a man
smokes, but a girl should not smoke.
Ok, your life is also very interesting for me. We are from two various
cultures, but I think, that we should find common language.
Tell me please about your hobbies, and what you like to do at leisure
time. I like to play billiards and bowling. I play billiards with
my friends at leisure time. Tell, how You concern to such
David, I do not like to visit bars of discos, and in general I cannot
be in the noisy companies for a long time . It is more pleasant
for me to be in the company of close friends.
It is interesting to me, what music do you prefer to listen to? I
choose music in dependence with my mood. I like to listen to classical
instrumental music, also I like to listen to Pop music.
Classical instrumental music always cheers me up, I am sure, that it
will always have a great respect. People at any age and any generation
like to listen to it.
Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart are composers, who have world glory and
Dear David, it is interesting for me if you sometimes play golf? I know
just nothing about this kind of sports, and I do not know at all,
in what the essence of this game consists. Can you tell me about this
kind of sports?
Please, do not think, that I ask many questions, simply I am interested
in you. I have a big interest to you and to your life.
Wow!!! Now I have a friend in other country, it is cool! You are a good
man and while communicating with you I feel, which I have never felt.
Please, treat me seriously. OK? Probably you are the man of my dream? I
shall be always frankly with you.
I promise you that.
Well, I have already slightly tired by printing. Probably I shall end
this letter. Write to me soon!!! Send your pictures!
I shall wait for your letter! Sincerely yours, Alena.


From Alena Pikusova Tue Sep 19 13:39:20 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Tue, 19 Sep 2006 13:51:13 -0700
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Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 15:39:20 -0500
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Reply-to: Alena Pikusova
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "D V"


Subject: Re: My liked friend!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------9D137C43F77FE94"
X-Auth-User: AlenaPikusova, whoson: (null)
Content-Length: 339979
&& &&&&&
Hello David,
How are you doing? How is the weather at you?
My day today is fine the weather is fine today.
Today in our city the temperature of air reaches 20 degrees C if I am
not mistaken it is approximately equal to 68 degrees F.
Please, correct me if I am not right.
Your letter today has decorated my day. I have got used to your
letters, and I every day hasten to the workplace to see your letter.
I have a smile on my face when I read your letter. It is very pleasant
for me. I like to know new moments about you and your life.
David, I ask you to excuse me, probably I set many questions? You may
tell me about it. Now it is already much easier to me to
write to you letters in comparison with the first time. I am really
worried very much, when I wrote the first letter to you, but now
I write to you letters much easier. I write to you, that I feel. I
trust you, and I tell you about everything. I also hope very much,
that you are sincere with me.
David, you are surprised with that spheres in Russian billiards of
white color. Yes, in our country billiards refers to " Russian Pyramid ",
it is more complex kind of billiards. The sphere is much more complex
to get in a billiard pocket in Russian billiards because the size
of a sphere of all is little bit less the than size of a billiard
You know, every evening, being at home I, think of you, I think,
whether you will answer my letter tomorrow. David, I treat you as
my friend. Yes, us there is a big distance between us, but I think,
that it not a barrier to be friends. You are very nice for me.
Today it is a usual day at work, I worked much on some orders. I am
very responsible at work. I try to carry out her perfectly.
It is important for me that clients were pleased with the work done.
I think, it will be interesting for you to know about the schedule of
my work. I work from Monday till Saturday.
My working day as usual begins at 9.00 and comes to an end at 18.00. I
work approximately 48 hours per week. Work allows me to have
good earnings, I earned approximately 800-900 dollars per month. In
Russia it is a big money and they provide well-being.
The earned money I receive in every two weeks. My workplace is in about
20 minutes of trip from my apartment. For work I reach by auto.
I have a Russian automobile, it is VAZ-2110. This automobile I got at
the beginning of this year as soon as I got the document allowing
to drive the automobile, it is my first automobile, it costs many
months of working. Earlier I reached my work by public transport,
we have no problems with it in our city, but now it is very convenient,
when I have my own automobile. Tell David how do you reach
the work?
I am glad to receive from you answers to my questions today. You also
can ask me any question, and I shall answer you if I, certainly,
I shall know the answer :-), only a smile. I hope, you understand my
sense of humour.
Dear David, please tell me your favourite season? My favourite season,
is spring! I love spring because in the spring all comes to
life, the nature wakes up after winter, the cheerful rivers flow, trees
become covered by green foliage. I think, that it is fine!
In the spring all receives a new life. Also I like summer because it is
warm in the summer, it is possible to bathe, visit a beach,
to sunbathe. Tell, have you a river or lake near your house? Do you
like to visit a beach? I like to visit a beach, in Russia we can
do it within two months in a year. We have a temperate( mild )climate,
and in August it becomes cooler, and actually in August the
swimming season is closed.
In the south of our country it is possible to bathe till October, it is
great! Once I visited a beach resort in Abkhazia, this resort
is on the border of Russia and Southern Caucasus. By the way, in Russia
we have 30 days of a vacation every year. It allows to have
additional efforts to work. This year I have not yet used the vacation.
I visited Abkhazia within 2 weeks, I enjoyed fine beaches and
pure mountain air. When I have come back home and felt like vigorous
and healthy. The beach and bathing in sea water helps to be healthy.
I am sure, ocean water makes people healthy. I always dreamed to see
ocean. Also I never visited USA, I know, that it is very
beautiful country, it is a country of freedom.
I hope, that in the future my dream of visiting USA, and coast of ocean
will be realized.
Last year I visited Bulgaria, I had the tourist permit. I enjoyed a
mountain landscape. The mountain landscape is beautiful at any time
of a year! There are many mounting skiing resorts are in Bulgaria. I
love this kind of sports, and I try to master it.
David, tell to me about your vacation and travel. It will be very
interesting to me!
Yesterday I have told to my parents that I had acquainted with a man
from other country. They have been very much surprised. But their
reaction can be explained. My parents acquainted not in such a way as
we though they also wrote to each other when my daddy was in army,
but this correspondence was by means of post service. Presently there
is the Internet, and it is very convenient, also due to the Internet
we have got acquainted with you. I am grateful to the Internet. Letters
will go by mail probably very for a long time, from the USA to
Russia, therefore I think, that the Internet is much more convenient.
My parents asked about you much, and I answered all their questions.
First of all, it was interesting to my parents what is your name?
I have told, that yours name is David.
Will our relations proceed?
I think of it! Do you think of it ? I think, that I would like to speak
with you and to learn about you more. I am interested in you.
I want to thank you that you are always fair with me. I trust you.
After my last relations my heart hurts still and it is very
difficult for me to be restored. You help me in it David and I thank
you for your understanding and trust.
Well, it is necessary for me to go home now and to have some rest! Have
a nice day! Write to me as soon as you will have time...
Yours Alena.


From Alena Pikusova Fri Sep 22 11:06:18 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:21:33 -0700
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Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 13:06:18 -0500
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Reply-to: Alena Pikusova
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: "D V"


Subject: Re: Have nice day!!!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------9227FB1FB9D9D8"
X-Auth-User: AlenaPikusova, whoson: (null)
Content-Length: 523311
&& &&&&&
Hello, my dear David!
It was so pleasant to see your letter today, and you have made my day
better! I thank you David! How - you today? Well!
All is excellent on work today, I have coped with orders, have
received several days ago.
My director has expressed me gratitude for completely made work! It
also has told, that because of such employees as I our agency of
advertising is a success among clients.
Director was in good mood today, it has approved a lot of serving.
I am confident, if everyone always speaks kind words with employees,
they will try to make the big successes, and to do work completely!
In general, when I read your letter, my increases of mood upwards.
I think, that we are good friends! You can be convinced of my
David, I am glad to see remarkable pics you. You beautiful the man.
Your smile and your kind eyes are very pleasant for me. I see,
that you very good cook.
You ask me about kitchen in Russia. In Russia there are many national
dishes, it is tasty soup from a fish which has the name "Uha",
soup from beet which has the name "Borsh". These are very tasty soups.
Also, pies, salads.
You speak about your automobile, I am glad to hear, that we with you
have automobiles of identical color. This simple concurrence, but
it is very amusing.
I even more frequently remember last vacation. I would like, that they
arrive soon.
I would like to spend this time in the good company, with end and the
expensive person.
Probably, I would like to visit the USA, I never was there earlier.
Tell David, you already spent your vacation this year? Whether you have
any plans during the period of the future vacation? So it is
interesting to me for knowing about your life!
Certainly, I understand, that you, probably, spend a lot of time for
work also. But probably also it is necessary to give rest to an
organism! I think, that the most important, that the rest and work are
always in norm. Then the person will be always vigorous and full
of forces! Then any work it made, will be a success. You agree with me
The finest time - when all family travels together. I remember my
childhood, my parents have taken always me and my sister to travel.
What happy and carefree time it was. Since my childhood my parents have
shown us the big love to family. I dream, that as soon as I and
my future family we shall travel more, and my children also will be
pleased and loved feeling. I want to give them love which was given to
me in my childhood.
David, I want to tell to you, that I am grateful for all advantages to
the god also. I believe in god Jesus Christ, it has died for the
sake of our sins. However I have no opportunity to visit church
frequently, I do it once a month.
I understand, which we trusts in the god, can be excellent. I hope,
what it will not be a problem for us? At the same time I support any
belief. In my opinion, the person should trust, and it is not
important, who of it or its god. The main thing - that there is a belief in
his heart. I hope, you agree with me? Tell, what you think of it?
Dear David, my friends in my work ask me also about you very much all
time:) I speak them, that you are very good person, also I want to
tell to you, that some my friends (girls) envy me a little because I
have found the good person through the Internet.
But I do not pay attention to their envy. David, I feel, what our
attitudes - it is more than friendship, whether not so? I feel it in
my heart and soul because I cannot without your e-mails now. I wait for
your e-mails as soon, in the greatest possible degree!!! I already
start to dream of a meeting with you once! I think, that it can be
understood in our case if we - both will be had with desire to meet.
I think, that it is very important.
It is important to meet the person first before any other attitudes. I
sincerely want to tell to you, that you are very interesting to me,
and I imagine you as my person.
You are a good person, and I think, that you are in my taste! Tell to
me, please, fairly, that you think of me. You feel interest when
speak with me? What do you feel, when you write letters to me?
Today I send you a photo of and the parents. Yes, it is mine mum and
the daddy. I have not found out on the computer of a photo on
which our family is represented together. I hope, that you will be glad
to see photos of me and my family.
It is very interesting to know about it because I have serious
intentions in search of my soul mate.
Warm kisses of tenderness. Sincerely yours Alena.


From Alena Pikusova Sat Sep 23 07:17:07 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Sat, 23 Sep 2006 07:58:16 -0700
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Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 09:17:07 -0500
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
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Subject: Re: I think of you!!!
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&& &&&&&
Hello my dearest David,
I am glad to receive your letter. It is very pleasant for me!!! I with
impatience wait for every your letter. Every day I think of you, and
about our correspondence. You know, I cannot make anything with myself.
You are in my mind during the most part of day.
Tell me, how are you doing? How is your work? How are your relatives?
Tell me whether something is not so, I shall support you and consider
you with understanding . I am glad to answer all your questions. Also I
am glad to see your answers to my questions.
Excuse me, if I set many questions to you, but through interest to
each other we can better learn our personalities.
I do not use at a spelling to you the letter of any translator. I
regret, that you can understand not all my words. Probably I know the
English language a little bit worse, than you I am sure in it. I
already asked you a pardon for it. Nevertheless I think, that we with you
can have conversation and we shall understand each other. Probably,
sometime I can calls to you. I would like to hear your voice.
David, also I want to ask your pardon that I do not answer on some from
your questions. I write to you the letters from work and I want to tell
to you much about myself and about the life. I did not show your photos
the to girlfriends, I only had conversation and spoke, that I have
correspondence with the man from the USA. I have told, that we with you
have the correspondence.
Today I had an usual day at work, now I have a break and I hasten to
write to you a letter.
I do not know, whether my letters bring to you the same pleasure but
when I receive your letters, my day becomes the best. In the letters
to you, I express a condition of the soul. I write to you only that, I
feel. David, I also very much trust you, I hope and I believe that
you trust me.
I want to tell you, that last night I had a conversation with my mum,
we talked about you and about our correspondence. You, probably,
understand, that between mum and the daughter there can not be no
secrets. So in our family. I hide nothing from my mum. I and mum as the
best friends, I think, that it was very important. I spoke mum about
you and about our relations. Mum was very glad, that all develops well
between us. Also she has told, that I am already an adult and an
independent woman and should decide and do steps in my life myself.
David, my mum also told me not hasten to trust you because we have
never met and are not familiar personally at all. I do not agree with
my mum considering this. I trust you, also I think, that you are not
the man who is capable to deceive. In each your letter I read many
compliments and words which are pleasant for me. You answer many my
questions, and I do not have an impression, that you can deceive me.
Mum has told me not hasten in our relations, we need to learn each
other better. Certainly in it, I agree with my mum, but I think that we
you know each other close enough. David, I used to receive your letters
very much, they are now the best part of my day. I feel, that we
are very close friends. I have told mum, that you are good, decent.
Dear David, also, I want to ask you some questions, please, consider
this very seriously as these questions are really important for me.
What do you think of me? Whether you have feelings to me? I already
told you, that I am a frank woman, I am not able to tell lies. I want to
develop our relations . You have unexpectedly come in my life and were
very strongly fixed in it. I already spoke you at the beginning of the
letter, that I think frequently of you. I do not want to frighten you
with the questions concerning your feelings, but it is really
to me to know about it. I do not want to hasten in our relations. I
listen to my heart, I hope, you also listen to your heart. You began to be
dear for me. Tell me David, do you write to other girls in the
Internet? It is interesting for me to know, I can understand everything, but
I do not love lie.
In the beginning of our correspondence I spoke you, that I wanted to
find the man with which it will be pleasant for me, the man with which
it will be possible to part grief and pleasure. Now my heart prompts
me, that I have found the man and he is you. However I do not want to
hasten. You are in my taste, but I think,it is still early to speak
about feelings. The Internet is the featureless thing, also it is
impossible to trust completely a person if you have never met with
him.Do you agree with me?
I hardly can find words to tell about my attitude to you. David, you
became a very close friend for me. I remember past relations about
which I told you, and I should think of how I was silly and naive. I
did not feel so much sincerity from his side as from yours.
With each your letter, I learn about you more and more, and I think
often that you are that man of which I dreamed much.
In my heart feelings to you woke up, but I do not know how to tell to
you about it, I already understand, that it not simple sympathy.
Oh, my heart is beaten frequently when I speak you it because I feel
Tomorrow weekend, and I cannot write to you any letter. It is very bad
for me because I also cannot see your letter. I shall think of you
tomorrow, have pleasant weekend, I with impatience shall wait Monday to
see your letter.
Now I shall finish the letter, I shall come back to work. Please write
to me your ideas, that you think and feel!
I shall think of you. Sincerely yours, Alena.

Seventh letter

From Alena Pikusova Mon Sep 25 10:00:14 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Mon, 25 Sep 2006 13:57:18 -0700
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Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:00:14 -0500
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " Add Mobile Alert
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Subject: Re: I`m sorry!!!
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&& &&&&&
Hello my dear David,
Today I only have come back from weekend, and I have not found out your
letter. To me have told, that my electronic box full of letters.
Your letter has probably come back back to you. The volume of a place
on my electronic post address makes 30 Mbyte. This place has ended,
because on Saturday to me the letter from my girlfriend in which a
plenty of photos from its wedding contained has acted. All the matter is
that my girlfriend had wedding on August, 18, 2006. She lives in city
Magnitogorsk which is located on the Ural mountains. She has sent me
a photo only today, I have already copied them on a disk and have
removed from the letter box. Now I have enough empty seat on the electronic
address that we with you could continue our correspondence. I was not
present on this wedding, but the girlfriend is for me very close.
We lived with it in one court yard earlier, but she has met the young
man from city Magnitogorsk and has left to it. I could not arrive on
wedding because, I worked at this time.
David, I today very much was surprised to that I have not received your
letter. I very much regret, that all so has turned out.
You probably were in perplexity, that occurs. Please, excuse me for it.
Today in our city surprisingly good weather. The sun shines highly, but
any more does not radiate so much heat as it was in the summer.
Yes, the autumn comes nearer and we are compelled to recognize it. Soon
in streets autumn pools will appear, there will be rains, trees
will dump the foliage. Autumn a melancholy season, but nevertheless
oustanding Russian classics very much loved it. You heard about such
as Aleksandr Pushkin, Ivan Bunin, Nikolay Nekrasov. They wrote
remarkable, very beautiful poems on love. I shall send today to you one poem
which very much is pleasant to me, I hope it to you it is pleasant
You beside and all are fine,
Both a rain, and a cold wind.
Thanks you, my clear
For that you are on light,
Thanks for these lips,
Thanks for these hands,
Thanks you my loved
For that you are on light.
We beside, and in fact could
Each other to not meet at all...
Unique mine, thanks
For that you are on light.

I so miss on you
When you not with me
Also I recollect your laughter
Both a sight and your voice
You look from a photo
With a smile on me
And I awfully would like
More soon to embrace you!
And looking in the evening in a window
It is pleasant to think to me:
That too the moon
Burns in your window.
This one of my favourite poems.
Lovely David, today I have the usual working day. There is nothing
especial, all is very good. I hope, that you also have fine day.
I think of you, and with impatience I wait for your letter. I hope,
that you forgive me because of my post address and write to me the letter.
I send you today pics on which I am represented. It I before dream, me
have helped to make this photo my sister. People which saw this photo,
speak me, that I look very small, but I do not want, that you thought
also. I really very much like soft toys. Please, be not dared over me.
Anyway, I think, that you love my photo. I with impatience wait for
your letter and new pics you.
Sincerely, for ever yours Alena.

Letter #8

From Alena Pikusova Tue Sep 26 07:01:36 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:43:25 -0700
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Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:01:36 -0500
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " Add Mobile Alert
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Reply-to: Alena Pikusova
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Subject: Re: I miss you!!!
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Content-Length: 570138
&& &&&&&
Good day dear Dave,
How are you doing? I hope everything is ok with you!
I weekend has passed very wonderfully, I had remarkable rest in a
circle of the girlfriends. Yes, all the day long Sunday, I have lead
with my girlfriends, we have visited cafe, drank coffee, also we have
visited billiard club. We played billiards, you know to me very
much it was pleasant. On Sunday in the evening, I together with the
sister have gone to the house of the parents. We also drank tea,
I together with the sister have bought a pie on road. We drank tea and
ate a pie. But I want to tell, that all this time I thought of you.
As for me, all is fine! I am glad to receive news from you. It is very
big pleasure for me, to see your attention. I very closely read
your letters as they are very important for me. I do not miss any word
from your letters, I try to understand all. I realize that you write
letters specially for me. Our correspondence is the only thing, that
connects us now.
I am glad to see your photos today. If you have, please, send me more
than your photos. You had for certain very cheerful celebrating of
birthday of your friend. You have a beautiful smile! I also am very
glad, that to you like pics which I send to you.
In our city it is cloudy today, the sky is grey, may be it will rain
tonight. Days are closer and closer to the autumn, and rains became
It is so romantic to look out of the window and think of the future,
when it is raining.
Tell David, are you a romantic man? I love romanticism, and I think
that I am a romantic woman, I like to have supper with candles.
Watching TV with my man.
In my opinion, in romanticism there are particles of happiness. Each
person should have romantic feelings.
Today I have a stable working day, I am not so busy at work today.
Dave, I would like to receive your post address! Can you give me it?
Inform me if you will need some information about me, I shall send it
to you.
You know today I began to write to you the letter which I shall send
you by means of post service. Dave, it is very responsible for me.
When I wrote the letter for you, I felt excitement, it is possible
that our future depends on this letter. Also, if you want, I shall send
you together with the letter a photo. I hope, it will be surprise.
Dear Dave, you are constantly in my thoughts . I like your letters, and
I like to know about you, your life, passed days.
I am sure, that if once we meet we shall already know enough about
each other .
In the last letter I already spoke you that I think that our relations
is already more, than a simple friendship. I shared you with some
feelings. I am afraid to speak about them, and I feel as a girl at the
first meeting. I worry to tell you about my feelings to you, but my
of you are more than just sympathy. I cannot know exactly whether it is
love or not.
But at the same time I understand, that for love we know about each
other a little. I want, that we will develop our relations, probably,
will help us to understand our desires. Do you agree?
I do not know how to express the feelings in the letter. I never felt
such earlier. All this is so unusual to me. Dave, I worry may be you can
miss understand me, but be sure, I do not want to injure you.
I could not imagine, that in the life I shall once feel attachment to a
man who is far from me. I heard many histories on the TV how Russian
fall in love with men on the Internet and then go to them to live, I am
sure, many of them live very happily, have strong and healthy family.
My next aim in my life is to have a family. I am 29 and I have
everything in my life, I live good and have a fair life. But I want to have my
family, I want to care about the husband. I want to have a domestic
cosiness, to wait from work for the husband, to prepare a supper for him.
In it I see the happiness!
Tell David how do you imagine happiness?Can you say that you are happy?
I can say that I am a happy woman only then when I shall have family,
the husband and children.
I have a good life, but I have not the most important- love, the man
of my heart.
I dream, that the man will be always frank with me. It is important for
me that he will love and respect me. Tell to me how do you imagine your
future, your lady?
Tonight I shall visit the parents, I want to have a conversation, and
to ask my family what do they think about our future meeting. I want to
know the opinions of the parents on my future visiting you in the USA.
Blessing of parents is an important step in the beginning of any
Do you agree with my opinion? I shall tell you about conversation in
the following letter.
Dave, it is necessary for me to come back to work.
I wait with impatience for your letter tomorrow. I shall think of you.
Sincerely, yours Alena.

Ninth letter

From Alena Pikusova Wed Sep 27 11:44:12 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:46:27 -0700
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Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:44:12 -0600
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Reply-to: Alena Pikusova
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Subject: Re: My feelings!!!
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&& &&&&&
Hello Dave,
How has your day passed?
Your letter has decorated my day. I wait for your letters with
Today it is a sunny weather,it is favorable for walks on fresh air.
Probably, today after work I shall have walk with my girlfriends, but
most of all I would like to be near to my man in such fine days.
I am glad, that you also want our meeting. Dave, I think, that it will
be a big plus to our mutual relations. It will be good, if we
shall have a short meeting, even some days or weeks. We can spend some
time together and learn each other. I shall morally prepare for our
future meeting, certainly, I shall feel excitement, but I hope, that
you will help me, to struggle with it. Tell me please,will you worry
before our meeting?
Dave, your today's letter was very brief, you have told to me, that you
will write later, but you have not made it. Also you have told, that
I have sent you the same photo which I sent you and in the beginning of
our correspondence. Please, excuse me for it, I have not paid attention
to it.
Last night I had a conversation with my parents, I have told him about
the feelings to you. The parents treated our situation with
understanding .
They understand perfectly, that I am an adult and it is necessary to
arrange private life. It is necessary to think of the future, and to
create family with a good man. Daddy told me, that it is necessary for
us to check up all over again our feelings, but it is possible only
at a meeting. Daddy also assured me, that I am an independent woman,
and have to decide myself. My parents are not against our meeting, they
have blessed us.
Dear Dave, it is pleasant for me to understand, that the our friendship
developed into frank feelings! I thank the God that I have found you.
Today I, work much. Our agency received orders for registration of
advertising of a new network of shops on sale of furniture in our city .
It is a very serious firm and has a good reputation, and the director
entrusted the realizing of the order to me. I am sure, that I shall
consult. My colleagues ask about you frequently, but I speak them about
our revelations a little. I only speak, that we with you have the
correspondence, and our interests to each other continue to grow.
Though, actually I test to you more deep feelings, than simple sympathy.
Dave, please consider me seriously. I concern to you with a great
trust and I speak it sincerely.
Dave, you have best qualities of a man about which I told you. You are
the man of my dream, I can say it even to you because I do not want
to hide from you anything.
You know, we never met you, but I trust you very much. I do not know
why but something prompts me, that you are frank with me and cannot
deceive me. Dave, I think, that a meeting with each other is necessary
for us. The meeting will help us to check our feelings. The meeting
will be the big basis to the further relations.
Tell me, what do you think of it? I worry, probably, therefore I ask
the important questions frequently! I would be glad to meet you,
the our first meeting could take place in your or my country. We should
make a decision and think of it. I understand, that you work much, and
it is not easy to have a vacation at this time of a year. It is
probable, that I can visit you, America is the surprising country and as for
me it would be desirable to travel there together with you. Time which
we, probably, shall spend together, will be unforgetable.Tell me, what
do you think of it? I hope, that I can arrive to you, but it is only my
dreams if we decide to meet we should treat this very seriously.
Our future can depend on this step. Do you agree with me?
I am really happy now, I cannot express the happiness in the letter,
and only when we will be together, you will see, how I want our meeting.
I shall sincerely hope, that you will not deceive me as I shall go to
you with pure heart and open soul.
My feelings sincere to you, also I shall not dare never to cause you a
pain and sufferings.
I want, that you would concern to me well. It is difficult to express
feelings in the letter but when we with you shall be together, we can
have conversation, we can observe sights each other, and understand all
sincerity of desires.
Dave, our life is in our hands, and only we can change her. After our
meeting, we shall live, probably, in another way, tell me, do you
want it? The meeting, is very responsible step in our relations. I
thought of it much, and I have decided, that I want to realize it.
Together, we can feel like a happy pair. We have the right for
happiness. Please, understand me, we should be very responsible. Between us
now thousand miles, between us an ocean, I am ready to overcome this
distance, for the sake of our happiness. I do not want, that it will
be in such a way that when I shall arrive to you, you will not meet
me, and I shall find myself one in your country. I do not want to hasten!
I shall not arrive to you tomorrow though I would like it. Probably, we
with you shall meet in some months. Tell, when you think the best time
for an our meeting. I can have a vacation this year, I did not use them
still. I think it to the best.
With this I shall finish the letter, think of me. I always think of
Have a nice day! I wait with impatience for your letter!
Sincerely, yours Alena.

And finally the tenth letter, my most current one. I am not sure if I scared her off, my letter to her let her know I was having some doubts about her authenticity but did not rule out continuing this game of charades. Is the weekend here and she seems to take the weekends off as far as letter writing goes. Ill update if this continues, next letter should be the money shot.

From Alena Pikusova Thu Sep 28 03:40:16 2006
X-Apparently-To: via; Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:41:06 -0700
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Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:40:16 -0600
From: "Alena Pikusova" FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=View Contact Details " Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0) Professional
Reply-to: Alena Pikusova
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Subject: Re: I kiss you!!!
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Content-Length: 464022
&& &&&&&
Hello my David,
I am glad to receive your letter today. You at all do not represent, as
I waited for your letter. Dear David, ideas about you do not
give me rest. You the man of my dream, I very for a long time thought
of everything, and there has come to a conclusion, that a meeting
with you this my biggest desire. I thank the god that it gave me an
opportunity to have acquaintance to you.
To me starts to seem, that I love you, but I do not want to do too fast
steps. I want to have a meeting with you to spend our time, we
with you should have direct dialogue. You agree with me? Certainly the
Internet a remarkable thing, I am grateful the Internet that it
has helped our acquaintance. David, you represent, that some time back,
we with you and did not guess existence each other. And now
you my best friend, probably, you even more, than simply the friend. I
have a lot of pleasure.
I am glad, that you also want an our meeting. It will be healthy, I am
sure in it.
Today I visited travel agency in our city, I frequently use services of
this company so I already have a agent of travel. I wanted to
learn the information on my future visiting you in America. My agent
allowed to me a lot of helpful information, it was polite and
benevolent as always.
David, I have found out, that I for visiting you in America, I shall
require first of all the visa and the passport, and also in
some tests. So I have already the passport, and now the main thing it
is the visa! For reception of the visa I should visit embassy in
Moscow. My agent can help me only with excursion round to America as
they are engaged only in short-term trips. Their services include
excursions, supervision of sights, and beautiful places in America.
Besides if I shall visit the USA through my agent of travel,
I should be always with the certain group of people and with the guide.
I think, that it will not be convenient for me, will be better,
if we of more time shall carry out together. At trip through embassy I
can free move on all an extent of America, I can result more time
with you.
My agent has told to me that I made a decision, concerning my travel
and then it can write out to me a direction on visiting embassy in
Moscow. Probably, soon it will be necessary for me to visit embassy in
Moscow and already precisely to find out the information.
David, for me it is good news. And how for you? My intentions to the
Attitude to you are serious. You very responsible the man.
I for a long time did not collide with such big and serious feelings,
all this so is unusual to me. I never could assume, that probably
in the future I shall have travel to other country to meet dearly to me
the man. But now I see, that with the woman do strong and sincere
feelings. Yes, my feelings strong to you and I want to prove to you it.
Love, this very serious word which unites in itself such words, as
respect, friendship, sincerity. Mutual understanding, support, caress,
tenderness, kindness, relationship, also components of love. I am
afraid to use this word because it bears in itself very deep sense.
Besides I cannot discuss, such sacred feeling, as love in e-mails. It
is very responsible! I cannot speak about it in e-mails, and it
does me sad. I think, that it is necessary to do a declaration of love,
looking in the face to the person. You agree with me? On eyes of
the person much is possible to tell very much. In eyes sincerity and
lie always prevails. I always could learn mood of my mum on eyes
and expression of its person. I saw, when my mum to mourn, I saw, when
my mum has pleasure. All this is very appreciable. We with you
cannot see an eye each other now. It is difficult for me to speak love,
I hope, my letter does not tire you. David, you my soul mate,
and now I can speak with you on any themes, I have no from you any
secrets. It is very unusual to me.
David, I feel, that between us there is a side of mistrust to each
other. Tell, why you do not trust me. Has passed a lot of time since
that day when I have written to you the first e-mail, and I every day
recollect it. I recollect, as I wrote to you the first letter. It was
for me very big step. I wrote the letter to other country. By the way
you have asked me as I have got acquainted with you. I already spoke
you about it, but me at all will not complicate to repeat to you once
again. I have decided to get acquainted with the man from the USA.
I like your country. America - the country of freedom. I read about
your country much. And my dream, it to visit your country. I not began
so to get acquainted with the man simply. Right at the beginning of our
correspondence I have told to you about gravity of the intentions.
Well and so, I have come to agency of acquaintances which to be in our
city, with the request to get acquainted with the man from the USA.
Some questionnaires have asked to fill in me, also to me informed, that
acquaintance will pass with the help of the Internet by means of
a site of dating I already spoke you, that I have no wide
experience of work on the Internet, the girl in agency of acquaintances
have told, that will place mine profile on the Internet. Also me have
asked about photos, but I have given up. I am afraid to place the
pics on the Internet because they can be stolen by any person. Also in
agency to me have offered a little profile men among which there were
you. The girl has told, that men whom she has offered for me are more
compatible with my character. I have written to you the first letter.
So we have got acquainted with you.
You speak, that for you it will be much easier to arrive to Russia. I
want to tell to you, that I already had travel to the foreign
countries. I have the passport for travel abroad. I want to visit your
country, this big happiness for me will see sights, but the biggest
happiness for me, it that I shall see all these sights in your company.
This happiness for me. My parents are very glad for us with you.
I tell him about you much. Now autumn, my parents are borrowed with
harvesting on their personal plot. Also I want to tell to you, that
optimum time for you to visit Russia, this time in the summer. In the
summer in Russia it is very warm and very beautiful. Now time of my
holiday just approaches. Probably we with you can arrive to Russia
together then, and you will meet my parents. I want, that the our first
meeting has taken place in your country.
You ask about my photos. My sister, and also my girlfriends helped to
do my photos to me, you speak, that I never sent you pics the friends,
excuse me for it. Today I shall send you a photo on which my girlfriend
will be represented also. Photos very qualitative, and it is valid so.
I have a digital camera which I was presented per day a birth by my
parents. Even in darkness very good photos turn out.
You have sent photos of my city which have been most likely made from
the satellite? It so? I am glad to see them, but pictures which you
have sent me are not legible for me. I cannot specify to you an exact
place of my residence in these photos. Also I asked you about your home
address, but you have ignored me. Why you do not want to give me your
home address?
Dear David, I want to tell to you, that I very much want to hear your
voice. I am sure, that you have a beauti">Initial contact letter from her profile was gone before I could even look at it and I checked within a day of getting it.

I would like to get acquainted with you; you have seemed to me very interesting by the man, and I hope, that you want to learn me too. First of all, let me to be represented. My name - Alena. You will be, probably, are surprised to receive this letter.
I want to tell to you about the purposes of my life and a little about myself. I - the educated and cheerful woman. It will be very good, if you look at my picture. It will be the best way to judge my appearance. I have some photos, and I shall be, is pleased to send you some from photos so that you could see me better. My e-mail is, I always dreamed to find my love. I search for my soul mate! My second half in my life!!! I want to tell to you, that I do not search for an easy life. I search for my happiness in a life. You understand? I like to work; I like to have a fair life. I dream to create family and to care about my loved. I want the person who loves me and also to care of me. I love tenderness and kindness in the person. Also I want to find the decent and fair person. I am young, and I want to think of my family. I want to create healthy and strong family in a plenty of good statuses for a life! I shall wait, and I hope, that you will not ignore my letter. Thanks! Sincerely yours, Alena.
P. S. I have search to you which you have written to me on this address of e-mail: And it would be more convenient for me because I cannot pay completely my membership in the given site. I shall look forward to hearing from you impatiently!!!



From Alena Pikusova Wed Sep 13 08:14:22 2006
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