# Name: Alena Naumova
# E-mail: alenarussia@mail.ru
# Address: Russia
# Seen at: e-russian brides.net
# Dangerous:
# Details: this is airfares
after 4 emails , this scammer wanted to come to england. She said she got visa from travel agency. She sent me the visa so I asked the British consulate in Mosocw to check it. It is forged. She also sent me her passport photo also which is forged. Be wary, this visa is valid from 24th of september for 1 month. It is a forgery and they are investigating
# Date: 2006-09-24
after 4 emails , this scammer wanted to come to england. She said she got visa from travel agency. She sent me the visa so I asked the British consulate in Mosocw to check it. It is forged. She also sent me her passport photo also which is forged. Be wary, this visa is valid from 24th of september for 1 month. It is a forgery and they are investigating