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# Name:      Galina Berezina

# E-mail:

# Address:  Russia , Samara

# Seen at:   E-mail

# Dangerous: 28%

# Details: She ran the money-for-visa or tickets scam on a friend of mine. He almost fell for it. I tried e-mailing her to get more information, but accidentally signed my real name to one my e-mails. . .d-oh!
  Pretty sure I won't get any more out of her now. But maybe this will help someone.
  LOL! Ok, despite having contacted her through my fake e-mail and accidentally signing my real name. . . she's still trying to scam me for money. Apparently not reading the e-mails of her victims. I got more information such as address and last name. I've included her latest letter and photo!

# Date: 2006-07-17

I live in Russia, in Samara. I am teacher in the senior classes. To me
of 26 years. Tall - 168 cm, weight - 55 kg. I was not married and I do
not have children, but very much want the boy and the girl. Here I
have not found suitable father for my future children... Therefore has
decided to look with the help of the Internet. Maybe You are whom I
searches? Please write to me about you too (growth, weight, the age, a
full name, a place of work... etc).

At me holiday till September. I would like to arrive in August for one
week to America. Can you help me by money. If you will send to me
300-500 dollars, then I can borrow the rest of money from the friends.
You agree?


I am very glad to see your letter in my mailbox. Stuart, it is very
good, that we write each other. I wait your letters with the big
impatience. Sometime this situation is looks like a first date for me.
It's when your heart tries to escape from the breast. I think, you
understand what I mean, Stuart. I'm very glad, that you write to me.
We get closer and closer with every our letter.
I want to tell you about my hobby. I think, that it will be
interesting to you. Stuart, I like swimming. Frequently I go to the
pool to return my body vivacity and good state of health. It is great.
But I can allow myself to go there only when I have my days off. After
visiting pool I feel ease and a new charge of forces.
Also I watch for the food I eat. I like to eat easy food, such as
vegetables and the fruit, the skim meat, cottage cheese and dairy
products. To support the form it is better to go into sports and eat
easy meal. Write to me, Stuart, what do you think about it.
Books are my joy. In a rainy day I like to read a good book, having
muffled in a plaid. Such way you distract from daily problems. From
musical predilections it is pleasant to me: classical music Vividly
"Seasons", modern music Enigma and saxophone music. I have two
favorite films - "Lord of the Rings " and "Titanic". From culinary
predilections I like to cook ravioli, different soups, salads,
pancakes with sour cream. My mum speaks that I'm good in cooking. I
like to read different magazines where I can find new recipes of
dishes. I like, when it's clean and cosy at home.
My best season is spring. All flowers and bushes blossom, thirst of
life is felt in the air. The weather is warm, and all pleases your
eyes. People walk in the park and enjoy a nature. When it's windy I
like to wander on a river beach, the wind touches my hair and fills my
soul with freedom. At this moment it seems to me, that I'm like a free
seagull. What is your favorite season, Stuart?
By the way I do not smoke, I do not drink and I do not have
tattooes... I do not have children, but very much want the boy and the
girl. Here I have not found suitable father for my future children...
Therefore has decided to look with the help of the Internet. You that
may is whom I searches?

Now we should decide one question. To arrive me in America whether or not?
For me it will be more convenient to arrive to you in the beginning of
August. Because at me holiday till September. My uncle will help me by
money for registration of the documents and visa. But I should to buy
the ticket and to have with myself some cash to pass through customs
house. It is about 1500 dollars. Unfortunately I to not have such
quantity of money. I have talked with the parents. They have agreed to
help me and to give 500 dollars. But to me does not suffice about 1000
dollars... My lovely I very much to want, that you to help me with
half of this sum. I can hope for you? If you send me this money I can
to take off at once in Moscow, to address in embassy and to start
procedure of registration the visa.
You to have in your city office the Western Union? I to write you the
my address:

CITY: Samara
Lenina street, 124
Berezina Galina

I also to learn, that you should me inform 10 figures MTCN (Money
Transfer Control Number), your full address and your full name. I
shall wait your letter tomorrow, and I to hope on good to conduct.
