# Seen at: www.bride.ru
# Dangerous:
# Details: Dear sir or madam, I congratulate you on your website as I see that it is one of the very best in the internet against scammers. I just want to warn you of the following girl who lied to me and stole my money after making me trust her. I met her in another good website of Russian ladies: www.bride.ru. The staff of this excellent dating agency took immediately all the measures and they removed her profile from the website as I sent them all the proofs that show that this lady is a DANGEROUS SCAMMER, she is intelligent, clever and knows very well how to get your confidence and trust her. She is jumping from website to website and as she is registered with her profile and photograph in your affiliate dating site "www.allbeauties.net" with ID: Ekaterina / KA27195. I give you her personal information and please, include her in your "blacklist". She was asking me for money from the very beginning as she wanted me to pay her travel to Spain, but she prepared an intelligent strategy to all my questions, so I trusted her. When she received my 900 hundred Euros, she vanished, no more e-mails, no more phone conversation, etc. etc. If you need some proofs, I will give them to you (Western Union receipt with the 900 hundred euros I sent her, photographs, etc), but please, as she has been removed from "www.bride.ru" Alex, staff of "bride.ru" took special measures and he found her suspicious not only for the proofs I sent him (scan of Wester Union receipt, her e-mails to me, her photographs, etc) he also found that she was related to other girlfriends in the same website who were doing the same and already in the blacklist, he removed her, but you can still see her photograph there (but withouth profile because she was removed):
http://www.bride.ru/ph/htcgi/ladies/in-gold/index67.html (but if you click you will not see her profile because she has been removed)You can contact Alex from "bride.ru" to ask him about her: alex@bride.ru.
ID of the lady in your website: Ekaterina / KA27195
These are her name and personal information and address:
AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 1.76
e-mail: ekat129@rambler.ru
Batova str. 3, ap.27
cell: 7-903-372-72-77
If you have more questions I will be very glad to keep you informed about this dangerous scammer. Kind regards from Spain, Jesus Isaias
# First reported: Jesus
# Date: 2006-04-03