# Name: Anastasya
# E-mail: habbanera@mail.ru
# Address: Russia , Cheboksary
# Dangerous:
# Details: If you feel curious about the gift for february the 14th:
I sent a portrait of her, as I am a painter, to her attached to my email
(digital format-jpeg), I requested to her TO PRINT IT and shoot herself a
photograph of her HOLDING IT IN HER HANDS, all she did was TO DISSAPPEAR for
about three days, writing me back, after these three days, an absurd
message, it actually seemed a total "pre-fab" message, as I call it, not
mentioning ANYTHING AT ALL about the subject, telling me how wonderful our
love was etc... sounds familiar?.
# Date: 2006-02-24
Hello my favourite husband Robby!!!!
I adore you and became passed you!!!! How you feel my fine??? I every
day think only of you and I can not sleep As I wish to be close to
you, I am very strong you, I love, and I adore, To me very much
hunting to be with you nearby!!! Every day, each hour, every minute
and second I think, and I dream only of you my fine future husband!!!
I love you, and I cannot live without you!!! At last let's meet, and
we shall kiss each other Also we shall make each other pleasure and
pleasure In our new life, I want you!!!!! My love I wrote to you, that
a following stage of our attitudes should be my arrival to you. You
have not answered anything it? Why? My love I wish to arrive itself to
you. I want that you to meet me in the airport with colors. And in the
summer my peach we can go to visit my country, my parents. We it is
good to spend in the summer time at my place. What do YOU think of it?
My love I cannot send you my address yet. My sweet prince the matter
is that I we now live at my aunt. We in an apartment have repair. And
we live at my aunt. My love as soon as we at once to move to us back,
I to send you my address.
My love I have no photo with my friends on a computer. Whether I do
not know I can make them on a computer. But I shall try.
My love I to not receive your gift for February, 14. I do not know it
can has not reached me. If you can that send me him once again please.
I love you! I adore you!!! I look forward to hearing from you my
favourite and charming!!!
Your bride Anastasiya.