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Comment from Suresh

Thanks Dawn for your positive reievw! What I truly love about being a part of Melaleucais the fact that I know I am using safe products in my house for me and my children and everything cleans far superior than the products that are laden with harmful toxins ..I'll even tell you what actually sold me on Melaleuca was the fact that I now only buy laundry soap once every 3 months for a family of 8 that is amazing! The productsreally do allow me to a). save money and budget more wisely per month; andb). have the convenience of having products shipped right to my door to safe time.If one really studied the chemicals in some of the dish detergents, and cleaning products you really would wonder why these things are allowed to be on grocery shelves! There is a major company of baby shampoo that has 15 hidden names for formaldehyde in it's ingredient list Can you imagine!! I am SO glad I made the change and buy vitamins that have an 85% absorption rate, rid my laundry products of phosphates, which are linked to asthma, rid my cleaning products of all kinds of harmful toxins, which also are linked to health problems, not to forget poison free products, if a child accidently gets it into their mouth it won't burn the inside of their throat! So if I can do this anyone can I am a widow and a mother of 7 children and if you'd like to know how to get started on having a toxicfree home without spending new money, just change where you shop it's easy! Dawn will hook us up, just let her know God Bless![]
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Comment from Palak

above me, You should never have to pay for a JOB,A biesnuss opportunity maybe but not a job. I noticed 2 Mela reps posting answers to this, No offense to Mela , I have been with them for over a year but it is a biesnuss opportunity not a JOB and it does require a small start-up fee.Anyway,, It sounds like you are looking for a work at home JOB so here is some links that may be helpful for you, I use them everyday even though I have many work at home jobs because you never know when that perfect one for you will appear/Here is the sites and most are updated daily!Here are some of the best legitimate ones in my opinion:I personally love the 3rd one! I have found some awesome jobs listed there! Good Luck in your search!
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Comment from Anonymous

She is also now on Millionaire Match
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Comment from Bob, USA

This woman scammed me out of $2,500 over two years ago and is black listed on site. She writees the same leters to everyone with all the same lies. I can't belive she has not been prosecuted, jailed or shot by now.
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