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Comment from Alexandre

This is a very inspiring video by Hedy Scheifer and I felt moved to add it to my own site. She spkeas very powerfully out of what I see as a healthy mutation of human consciousness, putting us on a new evolutionary trajectory. Did you know that the word empathy only came into being at the beginning of the twentieth century, and mirror neurons (which Hedy mentions) were only being talked about for the first time towards the end of the twentieth century.Thank you so much for this Georgia.
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Comment from Dyane

Thank you for this. Many years ago I fell in love with Israel. Some years later I fell in love with a beautiful Iranian pceirnss Having spoken to many people from the ex-soviet countries I discovered that the ordinary people never wanted to harm us, but their government told them our Western countries were a threat. And no-one I ever met in the West wanted to harm anyone in the USSR, yet our government told us of the threat they represented and that we had to be prepared to fight them. What would happen if the ordinary people of the world ignored their governments and generals, and refused to play their war games? What if loveLeo
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Comment from Giselda

Ich lese mit Spannung jeden Blogeintrag, so weht ein Hauch von Abenteuer hier in den hohen Norden. Ich hoffe Euer Ronny he4lt noch lange durch und die Matratzen erffcllen ihren Zweck. Grfcdft mir die Berber und Bedouinen. Ich mache hier noch eine Woche Gulag und dann bin ich raus! (Fe4llt fcbrigens genau mit deinem BDay zuesmman, na wenn das kein Grund zu feiern ist.)Man sieht sich! Hoffentlich?!Bigger Respect an die Ronny Crew:Nadine, Obst und MarkGrudfAPO
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Comment from yusuf

hi----sani sevdem sevi sevaei sani gordem gorai gurai----------I love you-------lovly.
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