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Comment from Dylan

Good quesadtions, Dmitry. Wave G is a coradrecadtive rally for sevaderal reaadsons. First, locate the same wave on the 9,000 Tick chart. It is the first up wave after the long down wave. This shuold not look like demand is comading in to you now, right? There is nothading speadcial about this wave voladume on the 9K tick. The move up to G is also a simadple 3-wave move (an a-b-c coradrecadtive wave in Elliott terms). The 3-wave a-b-c on the lower time frame couadpled with a simadple up wave on the higher time frame is a nice setup I look for when a maradket is trendading. Here, on the 3K tick chart it is trendading. Each downadwave on the 3K shows strong downadside wave voladume. Supadply is in conadtrol. Thus the conaddiadtions are right to short a coradrecadtive 3-wave pulladback. So, as always, maradket strucadture and. in this case, good time frame cooraddiadnaadtion help us find trades.Regardading tradading in a tradading range — I agree, it is usuadally more risky. Here, the odds favored the downadside because of 1) the inabiladity of the maradket to rally back up to resisadtance (at B on the 9K, indiadcatading weakadness — strucadture), and 2) wave D showed the prinadciadple of Effort vs. Result (a good amount of up voladume could not push price higher, meanading someadone was sellading into the buyading on that up wave). Also, just before wave D, there was a down wave with increased down voladume. You can see this on the 3K Tick chart. The 3K Tick then painted a Hidadden UT. So, there were sevaderal reaadsons for at least recadogadnizading that the maradket was likely to turn down out of the tradadinga0range.Even if you refrained from tradading in the range, the trade at F was, as David Weis comadmented, “a gift” as the supadply increased just before the weak pullback.
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Comment from Daniela

And here i thought i won soiethmng, celebrated, jumping up and down, waking up all my friends and some family members to tell them my good news and to remind them their bad lucks. i was chosen out of all you suckers out there, i cried out from the top of my lungs.And now i come here and and find out it's all a lie?! WTF, that's not cool man!Hope those spamers stumble and fall and on the way down they catch one of their eye on an upthrust needle.How am i supposed to tell my friends that i'm one of them, unlucky and useless?!Help!
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Comment from Mhmd

Brandi,I follow your dheagtur's story, and it is children like her who make this hoax even worse. I don't get an iota of fake from your blog, and I have a spidey sense for that. Scarlett is so brave, and I admire your family very much. You should link your actual blog to your name, though!
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