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Comment from Rabia

It may be possible that a rotain of studios to 2 BD might be 50:1 in which case a lower monthly rate might be possible. She barely kept the graph up long enough to review. The more interesting notion was that BPCA audits the system. Now we know that the BPCA has had issues with spending and fraud and it would not at all surprise me if we found out that the BPCA looked the other way (or didn't notice) a 5% buffer on each bill. There is very limited transparency and a great deal of secrecy with that agency. Lefrak has been the largest developer in BPC for 30 years so of course they have some sort of favorable relation with BPCA. So if each month, you make $5 minimum on a bill to 1700 units, you can see how this would add up. I would never be satisfied that the BPCA is adequately policing Lefrak on this bills. If they really were not making money on the electric bills, they would just let ConEd provide the electricity, Why hassle with is unless it was worth your time. I bet it is enormously worthwhile.
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Comment from Rajkumar

Well you can try the advertising prgraom by google named adsense.It is really good and i also earn a nice amount to spend on my needs along with my pocket money.And you can also work whenever you want to Just make a website and start earning. No investment if you start with a blog.People have really made fortunes in this thing who took this even a bit seriously and to top it all you have nothing to lose so i also thought this thing and gave it a try Official website:You can also get considerable amount of info. thru this link Good Luck!!!
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