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Comment from Alexandre

- You capture life so betilufulay with your images, but you also have a way with words. You are able to capture the essence and evoke a feeling in text alone. I imagine this ability to see beauty and help others see it too is what draws so many people to you. Thank you for sharing this perspective and reminding each of us to savor today and the many crazy routines we travel through.June 16, 2009 9:19 am
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Comment from Saliha

Pam Crenwelge - How cute! I was trying to come up with a new idea for my llitte friends (3-5 year old SpEd kids) to make as gifts for their parents. This might fit the bill thanks for sharing!November 17, 2012 9:00 am
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Comment from Abdo

I was the first person I think, on the blog that Taryn and I both frenueqt, to voice suspicion about this story. It was Mother's Day. I am a mother, though all my kids are grown now (thankfully, and one day you will all be here too, though I know some days it seems like it will never come!)Another visitor at the site we both frenueqt posted this story. I thought it was horrendous. And I was immediately curious.I Googled a small bit, and could find NOTHING about this family, or about Dana's tragic death. Had a mother of 10 who was a surgeon and was pregnant with #11 been killed in a head-on wreck while pregnant with their 11th child as she was en route to the hospital to perform life-saving surgery wouldn't there have been some media coverage? ESPECIALLY ON MOTHER'S DAY?And that she was hopelessly broken, but meanwhile her preemie daughter was ripped from her dying body and SURVIVED doesn't anyone who doubts wonder why this story wasn't all over the news? REALLY?I raised the questions, and then I went to bed. After I came home from work the next day, this site had exploded. I was not shocked, but sad, Sad that someone had done this.That night, Taryn was there when I raised my suspicions. She and others Googled, and found what8094 I had about this family NOTHING. Nothing that is, but a bunch of stolen pictures and a whole bunch of lies.I was there at the start of all this. And I am irritated with anyone who thinks Taryn is making this up or lying.Emily is a liar. Eli isn't real. And I am sorry so many people have been hurt.But heavens PLEASE, quit blaming Taryn. Blame me if you feel you must blame someone. I voiced my suspicions early on and asked others to search. I'm so glad they did.
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Comment from link building

gHYPkB Thanks again for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.
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