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Comment from Isela

You should difinetely check with your pediatrician to make sure that he/she does not feel that your daughter has any neurologic or developmental issues first. I spoke with our speech therapist who deals with feeding issues at our hospital. Since your daughter eats chips and biscuits without any problem, it seems unlikely that she has any neurologic problem with her oromotor coordination and that she likely has some sensory processing issues which are fairly common in children. (i.e. she over responds to certain textures and tastes of foods). A few suggestions to help her develop more tolerance :•allow her to explore and chew on teething toys with her mouth•use a vibrating toothbrush when brushing her teeth•allow her to different foods at times other than meal times; this will allow her explore the different foods without any expectation of eating at that time•under supervision, allow her to chew and explore some hard foods such as jerky or a carrot•gradually change the types of foods that she does eat; for example, if she likes a certain type of chip or biscuit, gradually introduce a different flavor of chip•try distraction at meal times such as conversation, soothing music, having her hold a toy that she can squeeze to take her mind off of the food and give her a lot of praise when she is willing to taste or explore a new texture or food
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Comment from Sumita

I know, it's soo annoying getintg scammed especially when you put the time in to do the work. I would say that all of the sites are a scam. Any legit one's don't pay well and you can only spend the money in certain places. I would say to start your own website which gets alot of hits and get advertises to put their pictures on it. Then you can get alot of money but it will take time. +1Was this answer helpful?
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Comment from Hayle

I told my gradmnother how you helped. She said, "bake them a cake!"
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