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Comment from Darkwatch

Today we started a big campagne in Europe to stop the scammers!We have launchd a movie clip with a warning and the internet adress from this paige so they can be aware and ask them not to send money!I think that the Russian and athor scammers dont gone laugh if they see this.So we send the movie clip with the information around the world!Maybe we can not stop them but give them damage and ask everybody if they don't send money.We also have send a copy to the Russian Embassy and they gone start a investigation.For the moment it is all we can do,but please,don't send them money because if you do you are cheated,believ me!Its the true!Darkwatch
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Comment from DarkWacht

like i thougt she is a very clever one,try to get money of my but i did not give her money.I now meny Russian woman with their pretty face ,the give you so much(in words)but please dont trust hem!and what they say about the free sites is true!its there they contact you!if you wnt to meet somebody take a cite with you have to pay.Mostly these sites are under control,but always be careful!Try to find somebody with a webcam,than you see the person for real,but always be carefull.i must say i put here under a lots of presser and now the mail adres with the name "lookintomyeyes" is not longer in use now but now she is having another one.And indead it is jannakro@rumble;ru.Now are we trying to trace her and we gone send a mail around the world with her picture and a warning !Dont give attention on her!sche is only out for your money!!Hope you can use this information,from DarkWatch
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Comment from onknowd

she is very clever you now.I hade a talk with here and sche is doing it on a other way now.But i have also a psychologic studie on her and if she contacts you, you must put her under pressure.I find out if you make them affraid from the beginning and you say you are a professional computer freak they will and any trace you can track she dont ask so fast for money.I now ,i already whas once so stupped because i believed them but after that pretty face we will see where she is gone be in 20 years?Be carefull for the money!you never now who your dealing with if they dont use a webcam.They dont gone have my money enymore but at the other way i like the chats,even if i now its fake!They dont play with me but i play with them now!And like they enjoy it i enjoing it now,because the never gone get the money from me!i have learnd my lessen!
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Comment from arnold frome the netherlands

this is now;;
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Comment from Anonymous

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Comment from William Mc Farland

Everyone burn these pictures into your subconcious memory and if you happen to see her picture please let me know at and tell me which site she is operating from . I might keep her on the line long enough to track her down. I never personally fell for Tania It was more on the I feel sorry for you Tania role and was willing to help her get a nice teaching job here for 60k per year at the University and the main professor is personal friends with Gorbchav and I could have actually pulled this off. iwould have helped her in every immaginable way and I know lots of people and she could have had a nice life here and not necessarily with me as her husband as I told her I was much too old for her to consider as a mate. She was in my mind going to be the daughter I never had. So here's some more advice guys Look for someone about 10 years younger than you are if you really want a chance with someone from Russia. Don't feel sorry for the young ones they don't want any help only your dollars right now. They are young and dumb. They have no concept of heart and love in their young lustful bodies only money and what it can buy them right now . This one really missed her opportunity with me. I knew better but once I sarted I just had to know if she was for real and I found out better. The hard way .
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Comment from NYC

And it goes on and on and on and on! Good luck William! I really am sorry for your loss. This has nothing to do with Heart; although I am not sure if I have one. It comes down to common sense and controlling the male ego (our own). We all would like to think that we can still have such beautiful women and it is possible that some of us, maybe, still can. But the reality says that a 25 year old beauty and old farts like most of us are, is just not going to happen. And the scammers know this, so they combine the pretty pictures with sweet words and play to our useless egos and pathetic desperation to remain verile young men. So it comes down to common sense or bizarre fantasy. Let common sense rule. And to all Newbies out there who are reading and wondering if the lovely face on the other side of the world is real; go there yourself and find our. Never, ever send money to someone you have never met and who claims to love you more than life! Damn, I need to put those psych books from college away.
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Comment from Anonymous

you got taken by another used car salesman
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Comment from William McFarland

I will post Tanias pictures as soon as I can . I have several. As far as the visa I know you are correct and I tried to catch her on this in the beginning but she said she had help from a friend in the embassy and it was traveling season . She was supposedly an english teacher and she spoke very good english. There were some mistakes on my part to be sure but I didn't want her to think that I was calling her a liar. And I wanted to trust this woman. Thats the hook before the sting, They are playing a game of the minds with you and unless you are just completely cold and heartless you will listen to a degree and hear what you want to hear to make things appear in your mind as sincere. They will have an answer for everything. In sales a close is only possible if all the objections are answered and NOT BEFORE. She was able to answer all of my objections (on the phone) this made it much easier for her, about sending the document money. After you do this then you are hooked . Well anyway I learned my lesson the hard way and now I'm only trying to help you all understand NOT to send any money NONE! And when you tell these young cuties assuming its really them thats in the pictures you see posted that you are going there and not them coming here then they will cease conversing with you. But in Tanias case she said of course come here if you want first and I will meet you in in Kieve , we will get flat for $560 a month and spend the summer together while she was off from school. I could not get her to just disappear so I finally convinced myself that she was for real. BAD THOUGHT ! Thanks for the commnets at least you could tell it was very well thought out plan and scam.I consider myself a fool now and see where I could have maybe let go and just dumped her before sending the first $400 document money. But I kept telling myself and its true to a degree someone eventually has to trust someone , with something even if its going there and them meeting you . They might not show up. Or if no trust is ever established then you are just writing letters to ghosts. Nothing can ever be accomplished . BUT BEWARE , BEWARE, BEWARE, and do not send ANY MONEY and make it very dlear up front that you will never send one dine to them by anymeans. If you are going to do something at all go there and meet them , you might at least get laid for your three thousand bucks. But don't be surprised if they don't show up. At least you might meet some other women while you are there and have some fun before you come home empty handed.GOOD LUCK.
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Comment from James

My regrets as well, and my thank you for posting your report. I know first hand that it first requires a self examination to understand that one has been scammed. The one flaw that I will point out in your report, not to rub it in to you, but to help others reading this, is that her 'visa' to enter the USA never existed. All of the other information regarding travel arrangements can be obtained by someone savvy enough to do so. I question if a real airline ticket had been obtained, but even if it was, there still remains the problem of the visa. Tourist, business, fiancee, temporary work visas, all take time - a lot of time - to obtain and all require a visit to the US Embassy. And tourist visas are extremely difficult for young, single persons to obtain. No one, absolutely no one, can obtain any visa 'easily' in just a 'few days' or otherwise. If a jpg of the 'visa' had been sent, this could have been copied to the US embassy in Kiev for confirmation that it was a fake. And please do post photos per Dameon's comment.
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Comment from Dameon

William - sorry about your loss. A photo would help others from staying away from this one.
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