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Comment from Jan-Erik

A little explanation. I was married to this girl. We get married when she was 25 y,o. She put in the ad when she was 26. And that`s meen we was still married when she did that. She have change her age now to 27. But still we are married, we are getting divorce. She have been fool me all the time. When she know that she could not get a stady zitesentship right away, that she have to wait 2 years to get that, then she wanted divorce. And that was just a week before i was going to migrationoffice and talk. She also try to get me to take a loan for her mother so she could bay a apartment. Not small money that was. But i say no. When she get here she could get a loan and give to her mother. She did not think that i was caring for her since i did not send eny more money. I told her that caring for someone have nothing to do about money. She did dissigree. When i was there, the telephon was ringing many times from different country. She say that it was college that call from other country. She did never anserw the cellphon. So many more things i can tell. But this is all for now.
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Comment from Hercules1944

You need to quit smoking them thar funny cigarettes. Married, not divorced? What are you thinking? That is just begging for trouble, and the possibility of staring at the barrel of a shotgun pointed at your face. You need to sit down, take some deep breaths, and evaluate what you want. Think positive, and never, repeat never, send money to any person you do not know. Sorry you lost money, but, learn from it.
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Comment from Anonymous

Sorry you lost a bundle. I hope you are not carrying a torch for this loser. Report her!
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