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# Name:      Freya Pettersson

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Sweden , Gothenburg/ Malmo

# Phone:    46 852506079

# Seen at:   Seen her picture on your web site,using the name Sandra Rochet, living in Paris France, lost contact with her after answering email from a Doctor Neilssen asking if I was going to cover Freya medical bills, I refused and ask for his office Tel #,never answered.

# Dangerous: 21%

# Scam scenarios:   Initially we became good friends, she took her mother to Australia for cancer surgery,she returned to Sweden ,Malmo was attacked by assailants spend about 45 days in the hospital,she stated that she was robbed of her funds, passport ,after re

# Details: Initially we became good friends, she took her mother to Australia for cancer surgery,she returned to Sweden ,Malmo was attacked by assailants spend about 45 days in the hospital,she stated that she was robbed of her funds, passport ,after recuperating I helped her financially to get back on her feet, helped her to get new passport. Did not hear from her until I received email from Dr stating she was in the hospital again.

# Date: 2017-11-08

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