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# Name:      Anife Yusufova

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Greece , Drama

# Phone:    00306943279415

# Seen at:   Cafecupid, loveawake ...

# Dangerous: 22%

# Scam scenarios:   She needs a passport to come see you, then ticket. She insists hat the ticket needs to be bought by her. She does not want you to buy the ticket for her on line, because she claims that she can not find a printer in her city! She sends you a

# Details: She needs a passport to come see you, then ticket. She insists hat the ticket needs to be bought by her. She does not want you to buy the ticket for her on line, because she claims that she can not find a printer in her city! She sends you a fake on formation of the ticket by email. When you call the airlines, hey do not have a record of her at all!

# Date: 2012-10-14

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