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# Name:      Ekaterina Sheremet

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Ukraine , Andrushevka

# Phone:    380962326630

# Seen at:   Lucky Lovers net

# Dangerous: 35%

# Scam scenarios:   Money for visa, passport

# Details: Hello, my dearest and beloved darling [name]rnI am the happiest woman in the world, because I am dating the best manrnin the whole world, and I am so much waiting for the magic moment ofrnkissing you in reality and whispering you: “Thanks for being as yournare: so gentle, noble, romantic, tender and damn sexy!” And my love, Irnhope this happens very soon… My darling, I had been trying to makernthis several times, but only today I had a chance to find outrneverything in the passport office and Travel Agency about my trip to you. I was explainedrnthat before making any visa I need to start with the internationalrnpassport, as I don’t have it. And that is very expensive to have itrndone, unfortunately, but it is the obligatory thing. As I supposed… :(. So, to have itrndone in the soonest time will cost about 380$ US dollars, and it willrnbe ready in about a week or so. If it is possible to wait for somernlonger, about 3 weeks or 1 month, then it will cost 270$ US dollars,rnand to have it done in 2-3 months, that will be 160$ US dollars. Myrnbaby, as for the visa, they help completely in making the visa, theyrnhave the connections in the Embassy and for this will be much morerneasier for me to get the visa and through their Agency and with theirrnhelp, that will cost about 140$ US dollars to have it ready. My dear,rnI am really very much ashamed, because I have always considered myselfrna very independent woman, but now I can not consider myself like thatrnbecause I am not able to start the process without your financialrnassistance… That is a huge sum for me, more then my salary and Irnreally rely on your help to make us complete our dream and to berntogether… My sweet darling, I hope that you are also as serious aboutrnus as me and that you will agree to help me, because I know that yournare the most caring and loving man, and that is the reason why we arerntogether… My darling, I am now sending you my passionate kiss andrnwaiting for your reply! Kisses, yours Katya.rn

# Date: 2012-01-09

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