# Name: anna retshenikova
# E-mail: [email protected]
# Address: Russia , Novocheboksarsk
# Phone: none
# Seen at: match co(american single)
# Dangerous:
# Details: we have been talking for 3 month she told that she had just 75$ a month as an english teacher and if i could help her to pay the agency fees to buy a visa and her trip to england i send her some money via western union she was supposed to come here on the 17 01 05 but she did not turn up
# Date: 2005-04-28
first time it was under the name of anna retshenikova
but after she used the name of darya kukareva she told me that abroad passport was waiting for her in moscow i send her some money 5 times for a total amount of 4000$ via westen union
Hi my dear xxx. I thought a lot about me and you. I did not sleep
all night. Now it is very important period of my life. I tried to find
my real love for some years and now i found you. When my friend told
me to try myself in the Internet i thought that it would be funny. I
cant imagine that in the Internet i can find such man like you. I
think it is a merical. Now every minute i think only about you my dear
xxx. Now i really feel myself happy. First time i did not want to
tell someone about us. I thought our feelings are not so strong. But
now i understand that it is a real love. I told about us to my friends
and they are really happy for me. They told me that they see it in my
eyes. I can tell you what i want. Everything that i want is to be with
you. With my LOVE!!!Every day i dream of having long walks with you on
the beach, watching the sun set over the ocean. Listening to the sea
galls call, and watching the dolphins swim up the coast into the
inlets for the night. Beautiful candle lit dinners sitting by the
harbor side with a good bottle of wine and wrapped up in great
conversation. But now it is only a dream.... But i think that we can
make this dream come true. I think that we will be the happiest people
in the universe when we will be together. My xxx i really need
you.... On this i will finish my letter. I told you what i feel ... I
hope you fell the same and you will understand..
I do understand that you want to hear my voice, so do i, believe me!
But sending me cell phone as a parcel is not a good idea, because the
type of mobile connection in Russia is different to your country. If
you don't mind i thought i could buy the phone right here. It's not
very expensive, about $200 and also $50 to pay for the international
calls. You already have my address, so can you just send this money
via Western Union? Their office is round the corner from my place, and
the same day i will be able to purchase the mobile and call you. Isn't
that wonderful honey? I love you so!
Now i have to go, it is pretty late now.
Waiting for your reply...
Honey, I have just got your letter, and I am going to Western Union now, It is right
the next door over here. So I will pick up the money now and will have my tickets, I
will let you know the information as soon as it possible sweety!
Your Ann
Hi my beautiful friend xxx. I am very glad, that I got your letter
again. It is really pleasant to hear from you that soon! Feel free to
ask anything that you would like to know about me. It is my first
experience of acquaintance through the Internet, and It seems not so
bad, because I truly feel something exciting and also some sort of
sympathy to the way we talk.. As I have previously told you, I got to
e-mail from internet-cafe, and very often it is either closed or just
overcrowded, so do not worry if you will not receive a letter from me
at once. Today I went to church, as it is a great date for me, this
day one of my girlfriends married a man who is a little older than
she, but they two look like the happiest and devoted couple I have
ever seen! Standing there near the church altar as a bride friend, I
felt something warm inside of me, something beautiful, it was a day
full of joy, and how was your day? Not worse than mine, I hope:) I
really wonder what is the weather like in you country now. Tell me
something about the place you live in. It is early fall now in
Russia and I like this part of year very much. Everything is so much
bright, and my heart is bright and joyful too. A lot of children play
in the yards in the street. And I like the way they play. Children are
the future of our planet and on them all our hope. My parents
educated me pretty good and I am really thankfull for that. I have
finished state university on a speciality of a teacher. And work on
this speciality. Tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do
in your free time, what is your favourite dish and favourite cuisine,
what movies do you prefer, what music do you like? My favourite dish
is pelmeni, this is very tasty dish from Russian kitchen which
consists of forcemeat of a beef and pork with an onions and spices
wrapped up in a dough and cooked. May be one day I will cook pelmeni
for you... But of course this is not the only thing I like. There are
a lot of tasty dishes here in Russia. Once I visited McDonalds. I
realised that the food there is syntethic but I liked it very much. I
would like to visit it one more time. But it is pretty expensive for
me. My one of my favourite movies is Titanic. As to the music, it
depends on my mood, I like Russian classics Tchaykovskiy, Rohmaninov,
Rimskiy-Korsakov as it is pleasant to me Madonna, Enya, Kylie Minogue.
I like your letters very much and I hope that you will answer my
letter as soon as it possible for you. Your friend from Russia,
Hallo my dear xxx. I have just finished my work. You know, tonight
I had very strange and pleasent fellings and thoughts. Actually
I even do not know how did I feel today. Was it sad or may be it was
beautifull. All this day I remembered that pair in the park. And with
every moment I realised that I am so happy for them. But at the same
time one thought about us did not left my head. All the ladies
that work in the same school with me asked the same question if
something has happened to me. They said that my behaviour has changed.
But I said that it is all just fine. Everything is the same. But after
that words I felt like if I lied. I know that I have changed. And I
think that you make me change. May be I am wrong, I do not know yet.
All I know is that I need your letters... Bye for now. I hope to hear
from you soon. Here is my address:
city Novocheboksarsk Lenina
street 30 flat 5
Anna Reshetnikova
Sweety, I have just come to the airport, and I am really glad that you were able to
send the money, but I need to know the exact amount that you have sent honey. Please
write back soon, hope you will be able to have this letter soon. I am waiting right
over here. I will go and pick up the money then, and than I will have my ticketks and
will find out the information that you need.
Your Ann
Hello my deat xxx.
It is 12:10 here now. I am going to move to the airport with Darya now. I
will be there in about 2 hours. There, after I will give them the money I will
have my tickets and will give you all the information that you need to meet me
there. Sweety, I hope tat during 2 hours you will be able to send me the money,
and in that case everything will go just fine! I truly love you, and hope to find a
letter from you at the airport, as I told you before, there is an Internet cafe there,
and WU also. So, I count on you very much, probably I will be by you even sooner
than you think. I love you so much, and can not believe that it is happening.
I got to go now. I have all my things packed and will check my mail as soon as I
will get to the airport.
You ann.,
Hello my love
I have just come to the Internet cafe, and I actually do not really
understand you my
love. What you mean talk? I think we can talk when I come to you. It is
one day left
only. Honey, please understand me too, I can not pay for the hotel for
extra days of
living there, as I don\'t have the money for that. In other case, if you
really need to
talk, I will have to go back home, to my town, and it will mean that we
will need to
put off our meeting. I don\'t want that so much! Please honey, if you
trust me, just
send the money today, and I promise that I will be by you tomorrow!!!
Honey, it is
really necessary! Please write back as soon as you can! I can not wait
that long, as I
am really limited in finances! I love you so much, and will never let you
You are everything to me, and it is not some game!!! I hope that you will
be able to
send the money before noon. Please write back soon.
Your Ann.
Honey, I am so happy that you wrote back to me!!!
I feel much better now!! I love you xxx. You should put Moscow, I
suppose, as we are here now. And also my love, it turned out that there
is nothing left for me for food,
will you be able to send some extra 50$ dollars for that?
I love you so much. Got to go to the agency now.
Hope to see you very soon!!!!!
Your Ann
Hello honey.
I was really glad to hear from you. Sweety, I am short of time now, as
it is pretty late. Just wanted to say that I got the information and
will pick up the money tomorrow. I also can not believe that our dream
come true!!
I* love you my dear xxx.
Your Ann
Hello my love. After I opened my mail box today, to say that I was
shocked is to say nothing!!! Why are you doing this to me??? I am in
love with you so much my dear xxx. I was so busy with preparing all
documents as I wanted to be with you in time, on the day as we decided
before. I am in Moscow now, I have come here today, in the morning,
and I also visited the branch of the agency here, that I use to come
to you! Sweety, things are going just great here, and I was told that
I will be by you on the 17th January, as we just planned! Honey, I was
told that I should pay some more money to the agency for their job, I
mean that they made all the work here in Moscow, I was told that it
costs 200 dollars, and I also should have one more paper, that is also
necessary, I will have to pay 250 dollars for it. This is all I need
for now, and on the 17th January I will hold you in my arms at the
airport, I will be able to let you the exact information when I will
have my tickets. At least I will make it from the airport, I found out
that there is an Internet cafe at the airport, so it won't be a
problem at all!!! I just hope that you wasn't serious about what you
have told me!!! I do love you and need you my dear xxx!!! You are
everything in my life, and I write you this letter as soon as I can,
believe me! I thought that it would be a surprise for you, that I have
already done everything, I supposed that you would worry, but also I
thought that you will be really happy after you will know that I am in
Moscow already! And hope that it is! I don't want to lose you
sweetheart! You are like an air for me, and I need you honey! I did
my very best to make everything in time. I am with Darya here, as I
wasn't able to buy the tickets to Moscow as my passport here, in
Moscow, and all that is left to do is to take it from the airport.
Everything is ready, and sweety, if you still need me, please send the
money to Darya's name. I am really glad that she is with me. She is my
best friend, and she will be at the airport with me when I will leave.
I was so happy when she said that she can go with me. I hope that you
will meet her one day!
I love you xxx. ANd hope that you will understand that I just wanted
to make a surprise for you my love. I really hope that you will
Please send the money before the 16th. And I promise that I will be by
you very very soon.
I love you my dear xxx.
Please write back as soon as you can my love.
I am yours and only yours Ann.
P.S. Just want you to say one more time that you will know the exact
time, place.... and other information as soon as I will see my
I hope that we will have a great time together, actually I am sure
about it!!!!
Hello my love! xxx, i received the information all right and i will
be able to pick up the money on 11th January, when the bank will be
opened after holidays. As i already told you i shall fly to you on
17th and i am glad that you arranged your free time on this date! What
for the airport and other exact details of my arrival, i will tell you
all this as soon as i will have the tickets.
Honey i wanted to tell you that i miss you so much and can't stop
thinking of you every single day! It's pretty good weather here right
now and really large snowflakes are falling from the sky! My heart is
full of love for you and i am the happiest woman in the whole world
because we have met each other in our lives and soon we will unite as
one. I hope you are doing fine dear, i love you so!
I am forever your Ann
Hi darling.
I have got your letter just now, as it is a day when the Internet cafe
is open. It will be closed tomorrow again, but it will be for one day
only. I got the information for money transfer, and I will go to the
Western Union tomorrow. I will let you know as soon as I will pick up
the money my love.
Darling, that will be fine if you will send the rest money on Friday.
I will be able to pick them up on Monday, as all the banks will be
closed. But it is not a problem. So you can send it on Friday.
Honey, I am really glad that things work out for us, and it is just
great that only a little more than week left till I will see you
I got to go now, and hope to hear from you soon. I hope that the
things are going ok for you, and that you will not have any problems
with your vacation. I truly wish to spend as much time with you as it
I love you xxx.
Your Ann.
Hello honey.
I was really glad to hear from you. Sweety, I am short of time now, as
it is pretty late. Just wanted to say that I got the information and
will pick up the money tomorrow. I also can not believe that our dream
come true!!
I* love you my dear xxx.
Your Ann
Hello my love! xxx, i received the information all right and i will
be able to pick up the money on 11th January, when the bank will be
opened after holidays. As i already told you i shall fly to you on
17th and i am glad that you arranged your free time on this date! What
for the airport and other exact details of my arrival, i will tell you
all this as soon as i will have the tickets.
Honey i wanted to tell you that i miss you so much and can't stop
thinking of you every single day! It's pretty good weather here right
now and really large snowflakes are falling from the sky! My heart is
full of love for you and i am the happiest woman in the whole world
because we have met each other in our lives and soon we will unite as
one. I hope you are doing fine dear, i love you so!
I am forever your Ann
Hi darling.
I have got your letter just now, as it is a day when the Internet cafe
is open. It will be closed tomorrow again, but it will be for one day
only. I got the information for money transfer, and I will go to the
Western Union tomorrow. I will let you know as soon as I will pick up
the money my love.
Darling, that will be fine if you will send the rest money on Friday.
I will be able to pick them up on Monday, as all the banks will be
closed. But it is not a problem. So you can send it on Friday.
Honey, I am really glad that things work out for us, and it is just
great that only a little more than week left till I will see you
I got to go now, and hope to hear from you soon. I hope that the
things are going ok for you, and that you will not have any problems
with your vacation. I truly wish to spend as much time with you as it
I love you xxx.
Your Ann.
Hello darling.
Nice to hear from you, as always!
Sweety, I hope you ahd a great holidays, and I wanetd to say that I missed
you all these days especially so much! I really hope that there will no more
holidays when we will be apart from each other! I love you with all my heart and hope to
see you very, very soon sweetheart!
I hope you got my last message, and you will be able to send me the first
amount by 6th January. I am not pushing on you my love, just make sure that you
remember, well,
I know that you do remember, but I ma so excited about all this. I need
you so much my
dear xxx.
Hope you will write back soon sweety!!!!
Your Ann.
Hello sweetheart.
Sweety, I wrote you a couple of lines on the 31st just congratulating
you on the New Year. I don't know why was it deleted. But it is ok my
love, I can write you one more time that I love you so much, and wish
you all the best in a New Year, and want you to have all your dreams
come true! I had I wish on New Year, and I hope that it will happen
really soon! I suppose you understand what I am talking about
I miss you so much sweety, and wanted most of all that this holiday we
could celebrate together, and hope with all my heart that next
Christmas and New Year we will spend together.
Sweety, that will be ok if you will send the money on 4th January, I
will pick it up on 6th January, as it is will be the day when the bank
will be open. After 6th January they are going to be closed for
Christmas again, and I don't know when will they work again. On 9th or
10th January I suppose.
So, I got to go now, and want to tell you that hope to see you very
soon honey! I miss you very much!
Will the 17th January be fine for my coming to you? I just need to say
the exact date at the agency when I would like to arrive to you. Just
let me know, ok?
Love you always
your Ann
Sweetheart, it was so nice to hear from you!!!
Honey, I was at the bank today, and turned out that bank will work
tomorrow last day, and it will work till 15:00 of my time, and after
that they will be closed for 5 days. ANd we will have Western Union
open again on the 6th January, after that it will be closed for 4 days
again, so it would be the best variant for you to send me the money on
the 5th January, so I will have it on the 6th. Will that be ok?
xxx, I was also at the agency and I was told that to remake my
tickets to the 18 January will be no problem, but it will cost 100
dollars. Will that be fine for you my love? If it is, than after the
holidays I will go to the agency again and will confirm my request to
remake the tickets to 18th January.
And I will have 270$ dollars from the money you have already sent me,
just as you said. I thank you so much for that my love, it means
really a lot to me!
I love you with all my heart my sweet xxx, and hope to see you very
Forever your Ann.
Hello my dear xxx.
I am glad that you wrote back so fast ( as usually!:)
Honey, you shouldn't feel scary about the bank, or that something will
be wrong about that! It will be ok if you will send the money of
Friday. I found out that it is going to work on the 31st December
(Friday) but the day of work will be short. I mean that they will work
not till 18:00 as usually, but they will be closed in about 14:00
already. So you just need to send me the money before that time, and I
will be able to pick it up on time! Sweetheart, to have a party will
be just great, and I can arrange it in the beginning of January, on
about 6th or 7th January. I really wish I could have a possibility to
arrange it, but in that case I will need you to send me about 800$
dollars instead of 530$ dollars. As I told you before, the money that
I need to pay for the party will include everything- rent of the cafe
for a night, and food, drinking, and all the rest things. I would
really appreciate if you will be able to send me the money for it, as
I can not afford it myself. I don't even know when will I be able to
see my friends again, so that is why I wanted to arrange the party.
I love you so much my dear xxx, and hope that we will do everything
in time! And I know that I will meet you on 11th January!!!
Honey, to make the things for sure, probably you will have a
possibility to send me the money on Thursday? That is going to be the
best variant my love!
I miss you every single day, and hope to meet you very soon!!!!!!
Forever your Ann.
Hello my love xxx.
I was so happy that you wrote back! Sweety, if you will send the money
this week, that would be great, as later I can have some problems with
having it from the bank, as there going to be holidays, New Year, and
Christmas than. So I guess all the banks will be closed till about the
9th or 10th January, and I will not have any time to prepare the rest
things after I will have the money from you. But when you will send
the money this week, I will have plenty of time to arrange all the
things in a good way!
Sweetheart, by the way, what exact will be the amount that you are
going to send? I just want to make sure that you understood me
correctly in my previous letters and will send just the rest money
that I need for sure. Just to check it, nothing else.
I also wait for our meeting all the time, and I can think nothing
about but you my love! I even see dreams sometimes about the way we
will meet first time! I love you and need you so much sweety, that you
can not even imagine it darling!!!
I think about you 24 hours a day and 7 days per week my love!!!!
And hope to hear from you soon!!
Your Ann.
Hello my dear xxx.
I am so happy that you will have the whole week off work! I think we
will spend a great time together my love!!!! I truly want it with all
my heart! And can not wait for the day when I will meet you in person!
I love you so much darling, and need you in my life more than anything
I understood that there were everything closed for Christmas, we will
have the same situation soon, so I hope that we will be able to
arrange everything before the holidays begin.
I miss you very much darling! And hope to hear from you soon.
Your Ann.
Hello my dear xxx.
I am so happy that you will have the whole week off work! I think we
will spend a great time together my love!!!! I truly want it with all
my heart! And can not wait for the day when I will meet you in person!
I love you so much darling, and need you in my life more than anything
I understood that there were everything closed for Christmas, we will
have the same situation soon, so I hope that we will be able to
arrange everything before the holidays begin.
I miss you very much darling! And hope to hear from you soon.
Your Ann.
Hello honey!
It was such a pleasure to hear from you my love!!!!
xxx, I got your letter this morning, and I was at the agency an hour
ago, so I am writing you with the result already. So, there is going
to be holidays, as everywhere, I suppose. We will have here everything
closed, even banks from 28th December till the 4th January, so the
agency will not work. So it is reasonable for you to send the money
before the 28th December, I hope it will be possible darling. And in
that case I will be able to come to you in about a week, so I was told
that I will land in your country before 10th January for sure. The
exact time and day I will be able to let you know after I will have
the tickets for a plane in Moscow. I understand you sweety about
wanting me to spend the rest of the year here with family, so I will
do it. But I will always think about you and imagine how could it be
if we spent these holidays together! But I am sure that we will have a
lot of wonderful time together!
I hope to hear from you soon my love!
Your Ann.
Hello my love!
I am glad that you understand my situation! Honey, I am doing my very
best to write you as often as it possible, but things are going crazy
here before the new year, I had some problems with having back all the
documents from work, but it is ok now. I wasn't able to get to the
Internet cafe two days only, but even than I felt that you worry about
me my love, and it is so pleasant to realize that you worry about me so
much! I mean that nobody before cared about me so much as you do my
love! I am trying to write you as often as I can, and I even have no
thoughts to upset you sweetheart! You are the best thing that happened
to me for the last couple years, and to lose you will mean to lose the
sense of my life! I need you with all my heart and to be with you is
all I want from this life! I love you xxx, and believe me honey, we
will be together sooner than you think! All the things are ready, and
I am trying to be with you before the New Year and Christmas just for
we could remember that holidays as the most pleasant and light moments
of our lives! And I am not trying to rush the things, I just need you
like an air to breath!!! You are all I have in my life, and to realize
that it is only one step left, I don't woanna stop here!
I was told at the agency that everything is ready. I have the
documents all prepared, and my passport and visa are in Moscow already
waiting for my arrival. After I will be in Moscow, I will need 2-3
days to have the visa and passport, and to order the ticket, and right
after that I will be able to let you know the exact date, time and
number of my flight! I truly wait for that moment with all my heart,
and sometimes I can not believe that it is happening to me my love!!!
Believe me sweetheart, I am ready to go, and it is all for sure, not a
dream and some game! I love you and ready to spend the rest of my life
with you honey!
Please write back soon and tell me should I wait and if yes so how
long? But just wanted to tell you again that everything is ready, and
after you will send me the rest amount of money, I will go to Moscow
the next day or in a day maximum!
I love you xxx, and need you in my life more than you can imagine!
You are the man that I waited for all my life!
Forever your Ann
P.S. If you ready to send the money my love, just to warn you, I have
my passport in Moscow already, as I told you before, so you still
should send the money to my friend's name Darya. I already warned her
about that, so it is all just fine, she is ready to help.
Hello sweety!
I was really depressed after having your last letter! I really DO NOT
UNDERSTAND your thoughts honey!!! Please tell me your thoughts and the
things that are going on in your head!
Darling, why do you think so bad about us and our future? Don't you
believe me? You think it is some sort of a game? It is not like that!
I LOVE you xxx!!!!I miss you every single moment of my life, and I
am ready to give you all myself!!! Every single piece of my body
belongs to you, all my love is for you only, my heart beats for
you only, and I live only with the idea to spend the rest of my life
with you sweetheart! You are the man I dreamed about all my life, and
can not imagine my life without you!
Please try to understand my dear xxx, that all these words are pure
true, I always was sincere with you, and everything that I ever told
you was true my love!!!
Everything is ready for us to be together! I have all the documents
ready, my visa and abroad passport are in Moscow now. All I wait for
is the rest amount of money that I need sweety! Why do you want to
stop? I truly do not understand that! Tell me my love, are you sure
about that? We passed so a lot of things, and I am not going to stop
now! You means everything to me! Just give me a chance to prove it to
you, let me be with you, let me come to you and give you all my love,
that I have in my heart for you darling! Please don't push me away
from you, since I met you, you are everything that I have in my live,
and you are the sense of my life!
All I need is to be with you, as I know that words can not completely
let you know how I really feel!
I need you more than anything in this world!!! Please write back
soon, and tell me what is going on!!
And remember my love, you have my heart, please don't break it!
I am forever your Ann.
Hi honey. I suppose you are busy with your work. I understand that my
love! Just hope that the things goes well for you, and you feel ok
honey. I miss you so much, and hoped to find a letter from you today!
Just spending all day long dreaming about you and our first meeting! I
really wish to be with you as soon as it possible. And as for me, it
doesn't matter that you have a lot of work, I mean to say that even 30
minutes to be by you will mean the whole world to me! Please
understand that my love! Frankly speaking, I don't want to wait till
January, it is 3 weeks!!! But if you will insist, I will do that for
you my love!
But I really need you, and every day with out you has no sense! And I
feel that it is like an empty existence without you!
Please write back as soon as you can sweety!
Love you always.
Your Ann
Hello my love.
So nice to hear from you again. I probably behave myself a little
impatient but I am just trying to be with you as soon as it possible,
and I am not rushing the things my love, just trying to be with you
I miss you so much every single day and wish to hold you in my arms on
the holidays, and I wish we could spend it in a very special way for we
could remember all our lives!
I hope that the things are going great for you my love, and you feel
ok. I really worry about you when you say that you have some stresses.
I wish I could be by you in that moments and warmth you with sweet
words and warm hugs! I feel like my other half is far away from me,
and I want to join you and spent the rest of my life by you
I hope that the things will work out for us soon. And we will be
I hope to hear from you soon.
I am forever your Ann.
Honey, I am so happy that you wrote back to me!!!
I feel much better now!! I love you xxx. You should put Moscow, I
suppose, as we are
here now. And also my love, it turned out that there is nothing left for
me for food,
will you be able to send some extra 50$ dollars for that?
I love you so much. Got to go to the agency now.
Hope to see you very soon!!!!!
Your Ann
Sweetheart, it was so nice to hear from you!!!
Honey, I was at the bank today, and turned out that bank will work
tomorrow last day, and it will work till 15:00 of my time, and after
that they will be closed for 5 days. ANd we will have Western Union
open again on the 6th January, after that it will be closed for 4 days
again, so it would be the best variant for you to send me the money on
the 5th January, so I will have it on the 6th. Will that be ok?
xxx, I was also at the agency and I was told that to remake my
tickets to the 18 January will be no problem, but it will cost 100
dollars. Will that be fine for you my love? If it is, than after the
holidays I will go to the agency again and will confirm my request to
remake the tickets to 18th January.
And I will have 270$ dollars from the money you have already sent me,
just as you said. I thank you so much for that my love, it means
really a lot to me!
I love you with all my heart my sweet xxx, and hope to see you very
Forever your Ann.
Hello my dear xxx.
I am glad that you wrote back so fast ( as usually!:)
Honey, you shouldn't feel scary about the bank, or that something will
be wrong about that! It will be ok if you will send the money of
Friday. I found out that it is going to work on the 31st December
(Friday) but the day of work will be short. I mean that they will work
not till 18:00 as usually, but they will be closed in about 14:00
already. So you just need to send me the money before that time, and I
will be able to pick it up on time! Sweetheart, to have a party will
be just great, and I can arrange it in the beginning of January, on
about 6th or 7th January. I really wish I could have a possibility to
arrange it, but in that case I will need you to send me about 800$
dollars instead of 530$ dollars. As I told you before, the money that
I need to pay for the party will include everything- rent of the cafe
for a night, and food, drinking, and all the rest things. I would
really appreciate if you will be able to send me the money for it, as
I can not afford it myself. I don't even know when will I be able to
see my friends again, so that is why I wanted to arrange the party.
I love you so much my dear xxx, and hope that we will do everything
in time! And I know that I will meet you on 11th January!!!
Honey, to make the things for sure, probably you will have a
possibility to send me the money on Thursday? That is going to be the
best variant my love!
I miss you every single day, and hope to meet you very soon!!!!!!
Forever your Ann.
Hello my love xxx.
I have come back today, and it was so pleasant to find a letter from
you my love!!! You shouldn't worry about anything as all that thing
went just fine!!!
I am so happy that I had a luck to make everything great! I answered
all the questions correct I suppose. As it turned out later, I was
allowed to have visa.
I was told at the agency today that I will have all my documents by
this Friday!!!!! Do you know what does it mean??? I will hold you
tight in my arms this weekend or Next Monday maximum!!! I am so happy
sweety!!!! You can not even imagine how! I waited for this moment all
my life, and I am the happiest lady in the whole world to find you on
my life-way!!!
Honey, I was told at the agency that I will need to go to Moscow and
spend there 2-3 days again. as I will have to wait until the branch of
that agency in Moscow will give me my visa and take care of my
Honey, I have packed most of the things and I will have about 4 bags
with me, I hope you don't mind my love? I took the most important
things only! I asked at the agency how much will it cost to me to pay
for that bags, and they said that it will about 150 dollars for all of
them. I also need about 140 dollars to the train ticket to get to
Moscow again. 140 dollars to pay for the hotel room in Moscow. And
about 100 dollars for food and transportation over the Moscow and to
get to the airport. I was told that the airport located pretty far
from the town, and as I will have my plane sometime in the first part
of the day it would be better if I will get there on taxi. And another
thing is that I will need to show at the airport that i have money
with me (1000.00$ dollars). I was told at the agency that last several
years it is necessary condition to fly somewhere abroad. I was told
that this is all I need to have. And in a week I will be by you
sweety! So at all I need about 1530.00$ dollars. I know it is much
money, but the 1000.00$ dollars that I will have with me at the
airport I will not need to spend it anywhere, so I will give it back
to you as soon as I will land in your airport.
I also wanted to ask you about one thing. I don;t know when will I see
all my family and friends again, so I thought that it would be great
if I would arrange some party. I found out that to rent some cafe for
a night with the served table (drinking, food...) will cost about 280
dollars. And I wanted to ask you my love if you can help me with that?
I wish I could make it myself, but I have no funds for it. If you will
say "no" I will understand, as I realize that there already been spent
a lot of money.
So, if you can afford yourself to send me the money for a party it
will be necessary about 1810.00$ dollars, if you can not do it honey,
then it is 1530.00$ dollars necessary.
I hope that the things are going ok for you my love.
I miss you sooooo much and can't wait to the day I will meet you in
person darling!! You are everything to me!
I am forever your Ann.
P.S. I still don't have my passport, so please send the money to my
friend's name Kukareve Darya. She said that she would pick up the
money, that it is not a problem for her.( first name: Darya last name:
hope to hear from you soon sweety!
Hello my sweet dear Alan.
I am so sorry if I made you worry about anything, I really didn\'t want
to make that. I love you with all my heart, and want you to be all the
time fine! I was busy with all that wok very much! I was at the agency
today, and I gave them the money for they could start their job to
prepare my documents.
Sweety, I can not even believe that my dream is coming true, first, I
met the man of my dream-YOU darling, and now I will be by your side in
about a week. And this makes me feel very excited and happy my love! I
can not imagine that all this really happening! I know, probably I
sound like a ten-year old girl, but I didn\'t feel so good for a very
long time, and you only make me feel so great! I truly happy that I
have found you!
Sweety, I also got another news, I didn\'t know about it myself. I was
told about it in the agency today. Before I go to you, I need to go to
Moscow for about 2 days. And there I will need to have the
conversation in your Embassy for they could let me have a visa. I
never heard about it before. But I was told that without it I will not
be able to go. I was at the railway station today, to find out the
prices of the tickets to Moscow, and also I found out the prices at
the Moscow\'s hotels, food and so on... For all I will need to have 520
dollars, and the sooner I will go there the better. I hope you can
help me with that. As you send me 1000 dollars instead of 1200$, I had
to spend all the money I had.
So if you will be able to send me the money tomorrow, then I will buy
the tickets right away and the day after tomorrow I will be in Moscow.
By the way, I also gave my passport to the agency for they could make
the abroad passport for me, so I talked to my best friend today, her
name is Darya, and she agreed to help me. You should send the money on
her name, as I don\'t have my passport for now. In other case we will
waste too much time. I really want to be with you as soon as it
possible. Even people at the agency told me that I will have my
documents prepared very soon, and I need to go to Moscow during next
two days. I really hope you will make it in time.
I got to go now sweety. And know that I love you so much, and think
about 24 hours a day and 7 days per week!!!!
Your Ann.
P.S. Here is the data of Darya for you could send the money on her
city: Novocheboksarsk
street Prohorova 36 flat 17
Kukareva Darya
My Love, today i came to the cafe with a clear feeling that you
already wrote me, and how surprised was i to find so many letters from
you! xxx i want to tell you something.. Now you became part of my
life, i said i love you, and by saying this i took great
responsibility. I have understood, that I can not imagine my life not
only without your letters but without you! Now for me life without you
is not meaningful. I can not live without you. I want us to be
together. I want to feel you. I really need you! I want us have a
common bed, feelings, happiness, mountain. I want that all the people
looked at us and surprise that we are the happiest pair in the world
full of love and trust. I want that your friends looked at us and
envied, that you have a beautiful wife and that my girlfriends looked
at you and envied that I have the best and beautiful husband in all
the world! I am sure, that our feelings are mutual. Dear, as i told
you before, my biggest wish right now is to hear your voice. You said
you can help me with buying a phone.. I am really confused to ask, can
you send that $250 via Western Union this week? When we shall live
together, i am going to give the mobile to my parents, so we have the
possibility to call them from time to time. Isn't it a good idea? I
know you have my address, but here it is again anyway: Russia, city
Novocheboksarsk, Lenina street 30 flat 5 Full name: Anna Reshetnikova
Keep faith in us, in our love, and be strong as love gives much more
strength than other people's envy. On it I shall finish my letter, and
I will wait for your answer impatiently. It is necessary for me to
know your opinion about everything I have told you. Your Ann