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# Name:      Elizaveta

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Russia , Sharypovo

# Dangerous: 25%

# Scam scenarios:   ask for money, stolen photos


# Date: 2008-09-25

hello Greg! thank you! it's good to write you again! excuse me for previous letter....

I think I'm a lucky girl to meet such good man as you in Internet! I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you

in the real life!!! yesterday I told my parents about you.

they said that now they don`tworry about me as before because now they know you are a kind man

and can help me if I will need your help. You can show me your city and

tell me about the life over there! I think I didn't write you I like cooking.

I will cook Russian cuisine for you! Pelmeni, vareniki, blini, borsch, okroshka!

You will like it! Besides Russian cuisine I like Italian and Mexican. I love

spaghetti and pizzza!!!!! mmmmmmm ! I can't live without it! I like

Mexican food because it's very spicy, although I don't cook Mexican

dishes too often. I've been told my cooking is very tasty!

I like to cook cakes. my favorite is cheese-cake with raspberry! You

know... when I talk about food I'm getting hungry ))) I eat everything

and I'm not on any diets but usually I don't eat after 7 pm. This

helps me not to be fat! I can cook many tasty things for you when we will meet! You know..

almost all Russian men are like bears! They are so rude, they can't be nice

and polite, they don't want to have a family. I think you are not like them.

I like to go to the cinema! I really like to watch a good movie with

my friends. 50 percents of movies in our cinemas are Russian and about 50

American. actually my favorite actor is William Smith and I like all movies with

him. I've watched "Hancock" Have you seen it?

could you recommend me any American movie so I can watch it?

What is your favorite movie and actor? Soooooooooooooooo......... what else could I say?

I have a driver's licence but I don't have a car. My father has a

russian car and he gives me his car sometimes.

I don`t like only cinema! I like theatre and opera too, I like ballet.

Unfortunately there is only one small theatre in my city and there is

nothing interesting. If I want to go to ballet, for example, I should

go to Krasnoyarsk, there sometimes can come famous Russian actors and

dancers but I can't go there often because it's quite expensive.

By, the way, one thing else about my trip. Agency will help me to rent a room

to stay near my future work. I will share this room with a few girls yet,

it is usual procedure and it helps to pay the rent (it will be cheaper).

And I have a question, is it normal if we will like each other may be it is

possible to live together?of course if you or somebody doesn't mind.

As you know I will stay there for three months but If I will like there I will be

able to prolong my trip. I think I will be able to improve my english and you can learn Russian

and I think it will help us to learn each other better,who knows.Do you have a big

wide bed?(joke). And now I have some good news for you! After sending this email I will

go home, take my packed bags and go to Krasnoyarsk! From there I will fly to Moscow! I`m

really afraid to fly on a plane! I hope my plane will not fall down! I'm really afraid!

It is several hours from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow.

when I come to Moscow and settle down I will write you an email. I

hope today I will be able to write you. Please don't worry about me

if you don't hear from me today, that will mean I was not able to

find a place to stay and I will write you tomorrow.

In Moscow I will spend a week or maybe even more, I should make all

final arrangements with my documents and after it I will come to you!

I've never been to Moscow before and I'm so nervous now... I've never

went somewhere alone and now I should go alone to such big city!

I really want to talk to you by phone, but as I don`t have a mobile

phone, I will find a public phone in Moscow with international calls.

you know... I had such great desire to start my trip already.. and now

I feel myself like a newborn kitten who has even didn't open it's

eyes... I just want to hug my mommy and don't want to go anywhere...

but I know that's my dream to start a new life and I will try to turn

in to reality! Soon you will hear some news from me from


hope I'm only for you! love you and kisses!

I send you promised photos! your Elizaveta

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