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# Original Report:  here

# Name:      Anastasiya Polevschikova

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Russia , Kazan

# Phone:    (8362) 96288X

# Dangerous: 41%

# Details: I am a 48 yo single parent. I put an ad on the Absolute Agency looking for women in the FSU and Ukraine. I did say that I was looking for some one with in 10 years of my age and who did not want any more children. I received a letter from Anastasiya and from the first letter I knew she was a scam. She never asked for a picture, answered any of my specific questions and I saw from the first letter she was using a dial up service, even when she said she used a Internet Cafe. I have to admit I fell in love with who ever the person is in the pictures. In my last letter to her I told her I was going to tell as many people as I could about her scam and I would write her ISP and file a formal complaint. Her ISP information: Return-Path: < [email protected]> Received: from ([]) Received: from ( []) by (8.12.5/8.12.5) with ESMTP id h2504Cng062716 (envelope-from [email protected]) X-Authentication-Warning: Host [] claimed to be From: Anastasiya < [email protected]> X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.62 Christmas Edition) Personal Reply-To: Anastasiya < [email protected]>

# Date: 2005-02-18

First contact from Absolute Agency:

Hi my new friend!!!!!
My name is Anastasiya.
I live in Russia, in Kazan city. I am 27 years old.
I find your profile in, I use free mail service
and i want to know about you more.
I want correspond with you.
See my profile and if you interested write to me.
My e-mail address is: [email protected]
In the next letter i will send to you my photo and write more about me.
I think we will be a good friends.
Waiting for you answer.

P.S. My friends call me Nastenka.

First letter:

I am very glad that you answered to me.
In this letter I will tell to you slightly about myself.
I was born and I live in Kazan city. It is very beautiful and old city.
You sometime heard about it? You sometime were in Russia?
It is approximately 850 kilometers from Moscow.
In our city it is a lot of sights and beautiful places.
Near my house there is a park. I with my girl friends like to walk there.
In park it is a lot of trees and fountains.
Where you like to carry spend a free time? You have park?
I shall tell to you slightly about the work. I work as the teacher of
music in school. I teach children of age 8-12 years. I very much love
the work because I love children. Unfortunately I have no children.
I never be marriage but I really want it. I very much want to have
family and children's. I play on musical tools: the piano and a guitar.
You are able to play on musical tools? I like to listen to different
music. I like to listen Madonna and more Russians singers. What music
do you like listen? Do you heard about Russians singers Zemfira? She
is the Russian singer. I like she song. She plays rock. At leisure I
love sports. I like to play tennis. Do you play tennis? What sports
do you love? It is very interesting to me to know about you more. I
think that we shall be good friends. I send to you my photo. It is
made near my house. I wait with impatience of your letter.


P.S Excuse me for my English. I not so well speak in English and I use
the dictionary. Unfortunately I don't have computer in my home and
I write you from Internet - cafe.

Second letter:

I am very glad, that you write me.
At us today very cold weather.
What weather at you? You like to ski?
I very much like to ski.
I want to tell to you a little about the my family.
I was born March, 7. I am 27 years.
I never be married but I really want it one day with good man.
I have mum. She lives in Kazan near to my home.
She works as the seller in book shop.
I very much love my mum, because she one at me.
My daddy was lost, when to me was 8 years.
He was broke by the machine in autoaccident.
I very much do not have him. I also have the aunt.
I want to write to you why I have decided to get
acquainted with you.
Two years back I met the guy, but he many saws of alcohol
and frequently beat me. Once he has strongly beaten me and
I laid in hospital.
I have left him and more did not see him.
I long could not recover from this shock.
You know, at us in Russia guys drink alcohol much.
I two years did not meet good guys.
At us in Russia it is very hard to find the good person.
And consequently I have decided to find the
second half in other country.

Unfortunately I should go to my mum. We shall prepare for pancakes.
You love pancakes? What your favourite foodstuffs?
I like to prepare for pancakes, soup and a pizza. If one day I want to
prepare pancakes to you. Also I like to think out any new dishes.
I shall look forward to your letter.


Third letter:

Now i come to the Internet Cafe and read your letter.
Thank you for your letter very much. I happy read it.
I like your letters much. I had a lot of works in my music school.
I with children in music school have concerts in palace of culture.
We very long training for concerts and these day were complete.
I with my children in the music group be very happiness in this music
I had anxiety and fear before this important concert.
This concert was really important for me and for my group.
I very like music. My group of children which I training for a concert
has received 1 place in competition. We have presents and diploma.
I and my group be very very happy it.
But all it concert i think about you and your letter
I was not absolutely happy because thought of you.
I miss about your letter and you.
Each day I think about you about us about our relations.
The dialogue with you brings pleasure in my life.
I think that we become much closer than now. It is my dream.
Yesterday I went to the cinema with my girlfriend Masha.
We see the film Lord of Rings 2 (two fortress).
It is very fascinating and interesting film. It is liked to me.
I was admiration of camera work and scenario.
Usually my favorite films are the novels about love but this film exception.
I look it film all three howers not rising with an armchair.
We at a cinema have new system of a sound Dolbe Digitall it creates effect
of presence in the stage emotions of film.
It was interesting and I had many good impressions.
But strongest was from that as I have seen the man and woman they were in
They sat on back line and have kiss. I will be very happy from that idea.
I for one minute have presented as when that we with you too shall go in
>From these ideas I became slightly sad because you are very far from me
and I can not see you now I can not talk to you in real time to look in your
While it only my dream. But I want that this dream became a reality.
I want to ask you: You looked it film? You like cinema? I like cinema very
Excuse me for the big letter but I had many emotions and impression from
this day.
Now I go to home. I waiting for your letter.

Your good friend Anastasiya.

Fourth letter (request for money):

I like read your letter too. But i have one big problem. I us service
Internet Cafe and now i get a big counting to the Internet.
I don't know way my counting is very big. I use Internet very little.
I must pay 2144 rubles (67 dollars) to it service. If i don't pay money
to the Internet Cafe i must have a big problems.
Internet Cafe write the petition in court. The application will
bring an action against me. I have no money for payment to it
account now. My wages is 70 dollars per one month.
We are in arrears on wages for 2 months.
My school owes to me wages for 2 past months.
Our economy in Russia very very bad.
I do not want to have court. I have fear.
But most of all I worry that I can not receive your letters.
Please if you may, help me to pay the account for
the Internet. I return to you money after one month.
I asked money at my friends and mama but they too can not help me
with payment. I do not want to lose you I like your letters.
Please write to me soon because I have only 8 days for payment
of my account. I hope that this problem can not separate us.
Know that you to me very much liked and I do not want to interrupt
our relations from for it. But if I will not pay the
account I can not write to you and I will have the big problems with court.
You are very dear to me as the person.
When I read your letters I have the big happiness from it.
I hope that you understand my problems.

P.S Ron I ask you the help because I do not know where to me to take
money. I already tried to ask the parents of friends and familiar but
somebody can not help me. If you will help me I necessarily to return
to you money as soon as I shall receive the wages.

With hope your good friend Anastasiya.

Fifth letter:

I went to bank to learn about transfer money to Russia but
in the bank which is near to my home to me have told
that I should have the currency account in dollars. I wanted to open it but
to me have told that I can not open it. Currency accounts in USD in
Russia can open only the enterprises and other official organizations.
Simple people can not have the currency bank account in dollars he may
have a bank account in rubles. I have gone to
one bank near to it but there to me have told too most that I can not
open the currency account in USD.
Having the big grief I have come back at my home. Than I watched
TV and saw advertising Western Union. I have thought that we in city
should have branch Western Union. Now I have gone to the central
bank in Kazan. As soon as I have gone to bank I have seen
advertising Western Union on a wall. I have gone to study Western
Union and have learned as to know about transfer money.
They have told that Western Union the most reliable and fast way of
remittance. I can receive money in some minutes after your

They have told that you for translation will need my data.
Name: Anastasiya
Surname: Polevschikova

country: Russia
zip: 420004
city: Kazan
str. Gorkovskoe shosse 43/1, abonementniy jashik - 42

That I could receive your translation to me your data are required.
Control number of translation from 10 numerals (MTSN number)
Your full name and surname,how many money you send to me and your full home

I will hope for your help to me.
I wait for your letter with impatience.
I thank the god that the has helped will get acquainted to such
good and kind person as you.
I do not want to lose you.

your Anastasiya.

Sixth letter:

I call to the my telephone station in Kazan and ask about international
and woke tell me that international connection cost some money and before i
may use i i must pay 86 dollars... as you know i don't have it money,
i really want talk with you but it is very expensive to me.
Us public phone is expansive to me too.
If you want try call me my phone number is +7(country code) (8362)- code
our city and my phone number - 96288X but to me tell that is don't work
before i connection to international connection - it cost money i don't
have it.
Abut my post address i send it in previous letter:
is it:
zip: 420004
country: Russia
city: Kazan street: Gorkovskoe shosse 43/1, abonementniy jashik - 42
it is my really post mail address and i don't why you don't may send
money to it.

I go to the bank today and they tell me that i don't may take it money
without MTSN number (Money transfer number) The MTCN is the 10 - digit
number located
on your confirmation receipt.
And that i need you full complied name and surname and your full complied
home address. Without it i don't may take your help to me ant i don't
may pay my account in the Internet cafe.

I will waiting you letter with it information.

Your Anastasiya.

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