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# Name:      Alena Lyamtseva

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Ukraine , Pervomaysk

# Seen at:   Datemefree or Scam me free

# Dangerous: 13%

# Related reports: 1156   

# Scam scenarios:   money for translation

# Details: After three letters and sexy pictures, I got the letter asking for money to continue correspondence with Alena.rnrnDear Sir,rnrnWe inform you that Your correspondent Miss Alena Lyamtseva uses the service of our company called "LA Trans" (Luhansk Advisory translation organization) . She was paying for translation of her and your lettersrnand now she came to our firm and told that she cannot pay for the translation and if you would like to continue correspondence with her you can help her with it by paying for the translation. We are to makerneverything for your future communication!rnrnWe offer interpreting and translating services for different kinds of organizations and private persons. All services are offered by a team that consists of experienced translators and qualified managers with arnsolid professional background. You are welcome to contact us and we will be glad to inform you aboutrnthe conditions of our collaboration.rnrnRegards, Grigori Dejnekorn"LA Trans"rnDirector

# Date: 2007-09-16

The standard e-mail translation scam asking for money to continue letters.

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