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# Name:      Alina Korolevskaya

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Ukraine , Ilyichevsk

# Seen at:   RBrides

# Dangerous: 17%

# Details: A few nice letters which do not deal directly with any of my questions but she still develops deep feelings quickly and then when she offers to visit knows a man in a travel company that can get around the rules and get her a visitors visa to my home country BUT needs assistance with her costs $500 approx.rnrnWants money sent by Western Union

# Date: 2007-08-30


Hello, my dear xxxxxxx! How are you? Wow! It is such a great and new feeling that I'm writing to you! You know, i have never communicated with somebody who is so far from me, but life is a wonderful thing and there is always something to experience for the first time! I'm open to any new experiments, so let's start getting to know each other better...
So, i want to start by telling you something about myself! here it goes... As you know, my name is Alina and my surname is Korolevskaya. i'm 22 years old and i live in the southern part of Ukraine in the small city called Illichivsk. i should tell you that in spite of the fact my city is not very big, i like it a lot as there are many beautiful sights and very picturesque nature! and what is more, there is sea in my city! i like sea very much and i think it is impossible not to like sea, by the way, do you like sea? Frankly speaking sea is my passion and i can spend all the days long watching at the sea and smelling its fragrant! I'm very thankful to my fate that i was born in the city which is at the seashore as i do really like it a lot and when it is summer it is great to have some picnics at the shore with your friends! Every year i can't wait when the summer comes and i will be swimming in the sea and sunbathing, so as you can see i am a summer girl!
I have a family and it is not a very big one, but i should tell you that we all are very friendly! I have a mother, a father and a sister. my family is the most precious thing i have in my life! my mother is my best friend and i can share anything with her and what is more i can always be sure that she can understand me and give me a very good piece of advice.
You know, i have always been thinking why all the people can't find their second halves easily and become happy, as when i look at my parents it seems to me that it is so easy to be happy, as they have been living together for many years and their feelings are the same fresh and they look at each other with the same tenderness as they used to when they were young people! So, i like spending time together with my family, and very often we go for walks together and just have fun. You know, there is also a tradition in my family: every week we are having the family dinner, where we gather all together and just talk about different things, oh and of course we eat the wonderful and very tasty food which is prepared by me, my mom and my sister, but i think that i will tell you about my cooking talents a little bit later, if you don't mind of course?))
I think that life should be full of bright emotions and wonderful moments, I always want to have positive changes in it and now there are some, as i have started the correspondence with you and i hope that it can become something more than just a communication through the emails as I'm looking for the serious relations. Are you looking for the same? i hope that you do! i want to find a special man, the man of my dreams, the one who can become my everything and for who i would be ready to do anything! i want to be with the man who know what the woman wants and how to please his beloved. I want to discover with him the real world where the LOVE rules! It is so fantastic to know that there is someone who cares about you and who you know can support and understand you every minute! i want to find the man with who i would feel safe in any situation and i wouldn't be afraid of anything! Actually, speaking about my qualities, i can say that I'm a strong person and i understand that i have to be strong, but you know what is my biggest wish? I wish not to be strong. i wish to forget that i have to be strong and i want just to be a usual woman near my beloved man. Although i think that a man and a woman should be on the equal terms with each other and their relations should be build on it!
I want to feel the unbelievable and crazy (in the good meaning:) love! i want to fall in love and to live for somebody! As it is so great when you know that you love and you are loved by somebody! i want to be always with my beloved man, but please, don't think that it is an obsession, as i think that we can be not together sometimes, but then it would be so great to talk to each other over the telephone as it warms your soul and cheers you up! Just hearing his voice and feeling his emotions can make you feel better!
You know, i want to tell you that if i love somebody, i love crazy and i dissolve in this person and i do everything for him!
Well, ok, i think I'm too talkative today and i should tell you about another things as it might be interesting for you as well, isn't it? I should say that i'm an optimistic person and i try to find only positive things and qualities in everyone, although i try not to live in the world of "goodies") I think it is important to be realistic sometimes! And who are you? Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or may be a realist? it is so great to get to know you better and to see what kind of person you are! I think that i have told you much about myself, so now it is your turn to tell me about yourself! I want to know as much as possible, although i understand that it is impossible to get to know something or somebody up to the end! it is such a complicated process, but i hope that it won't be too difficult for us. i hope that you will write to me soon, as spoon as possible as i hope you remember that i was born to make you happy, so would you miss your chance to become the happiest man in the whole world???)
Yours, Alina


Hello, my dear xxxxx! How are you? It is such a pleasure for me to get the letter from you! It is so great that we are having the correspondence with you, but i hope that in the future it wouldn't be just a usual correspondence but something more:))! i see that you are a very interesting person and if to be frank, i would like to get to know you better and as much of you as possible.
You know, i have recently been thinking how wonderful it is that the Internet exist and that people have the possibility to talk to each other across the miles, to change their ideas with each other and get to know each other better. i think it is great! I hope that Internet will help me to build my future and to make some of my dreams come true. And you know, my biggest dream is to be together with the man I love. frankly speaking I'm tired of waking up in the morning and seeing the empty place near me in the bed, i think it is so romantic to get up together with your beloved, to wake him up with a sweet kiss and then to go to kitchen and prepare the breakfast for me and him. It seems to me that it is so great to take care of somebody who you do really care about and you want to give him everything you have including your heart! I want to be with my darling all the time, but i don't think that there should be the total control in the relations as people should trust each other! We would spend our evenings in the very romantic atmosphere. for example, i would prepare a very tasty supper, light the candles and i would be waiting for him. So, when my beloved comes back from work he is very surprised as he didn't expect it! then we are having the supper and he likes what i have prepared very much! Mmmm, it is delicious!!! while eating we would be talking about different thiongs and enjoy being together. i think that after the supper we would be watching the romantic movie, for example "Sweet November", by the way, have you heard of it? While watching the movie, we are getting asleep in each other's embraces!!!
Oh, probably, it must be that you are tired of my romantic words, aren't you sleeping there:)) Well, let's talk about something much more realistic then. for example, I want to ask you, do you have a hobby? Speaking about me, i have and i like it very much. I like singing. You know, i have been dreaming of becoming a very famous singer and i hoped that my dream would come true, and you know actually even now i don't give up and i try to do my best to reach my aim. Do you want to know my biggest dream? I want to make the girl music band. Don't you think that i'm crazy, as it seems to be unbelievable to dream of the things like this as I live in the provincial town and there are almost no possibilities to realize yourself, but in any case I will try to do my best for my dream to come true. You know, i should tell you that it is more than just a hobby for my, as i spend almost all my free time singing in the studio where we are having the rehearsals. So, don't forget to tell me about your hobby. it must be something special, isn't it?
Well, i think that i'm too talkative today and it is time for me to round up, although, it seems to me that i would be able to communicate with you for hours!!!!
I hope to hear from you very soon!
Kiss you
Yours, Alina


Hello, xxxxxxxxxxx! thank you for your letter and thanks for telling me more about yourself and your family, i think it is great that you are having such wonderful relations with your father, i see that he is your real friend and that family means the same much for you as for me!
it is so nice to see that you have written me back. I want to tell you that i like our correspondence very much and i do really enjoy it and I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to meet you in person in the real life!!! I think that you are a wonderful man if to judge by the correspondence and I'm sure that you are even better in the reality!!!
I want to tell you more about myself as i think it would be interesting for you to get to know about me! As you know, i'm a student and study at the university, and i want to tell you that i will become the lawyer, aren't you surprised to hear about it? just many men think that only men can become the lawyers and that it is not the lady's business, but i don't think so and i believe that girls can be successful in this field the same way as men are! i have chosen this profession because when i studied at school i liked law very much and i wanted to continue studying it and what is more i can see that there are so many unjust things in this world and especially in my country and i believe that there should be people who would care about it and who would stay not different to all the events. but at the same time I don't want you to think that I'm just a naive girl who wants to save the world from the injustice, i don't want to be a hero, as i try to be realistic, but anyway why not to have a try, right?
I think that i'm a kind hearted person and i will never insult anybody, but i should say that i don't like to be insulted by anybody as well, that's why I prefer not to have any quarrels with people who are around me and sometimes i even understand that it is impossible to live in such a harmony and the world is not ideal.
I think that while our correspondence you may find out what kind of person i am and i hope that you will have the positive opinion about me and there will be many things for us to discover about each other, but i can already say that you are the man i'm interested in and I would like to develop the relations with! And by the way, how do you think on what relations should be based? i think that they should be based on love and devotion first of all and also partners should trust each other. i also think that it is very important to help each other and to support each other in the difficult situations as it is so important to know that there is a person who cares about you and with who you may share everything in your life and I believe that it is very important i dream of the man with who i would feel safe and who would always tell me: "Don't worry, honey, your man is with you and everything will be fine" it would be so great to hear these words from my man!!! yes, may be i'm too romantic sometimes, but it is also me and I hope that my beloved man would love me for who i am! i believe that it is very important! So, can you be the one who would take me for who i am?
I hope to hear from you very soon and I hope that you are fine and you will write to me soon as i miss you very much, because i have got accustomed to our correspondence and I can't imagine the day without your wonderful words!
Send you many many sweet kisses
Yours, Alina


Hello, my sweetest xxxxxx! I have missed you so much and you know there is such a strong feeling inside me!!! can you tell me what is happening to me? i can tell you that i already can't imagine my life without your kind letters and your warm words which are like the balm for my soul! You can't even imagine how happy i am that i have you in my life, that there is a man who cares of me, thinking of me and wants the same things as i do! honey, i feel that you are present in my life even in spite if the distance. your sweet words make me feel so special!
How are you today? what have you been doing, my sweetheart? speaking about me, i was helping my mother and my sister to prepare the supper and at first we went to the supermarket with my sister and then we brought everything at home and started the preparations! Personally i like cooking very much and i like to surprise my family by cooking something very delicious and unusual! honey, have you ever tried any Ukrainian food, i mean borsch or golubtsi? if no, then i will surely cook it for you when I'm with you! it is very delicious and all my friends and family, of course tell me that i cook very well! I wish you could try my dishes one day!
honey, i also want to tell you that i like spending the days off baking the pies for my family, and you know, of course i don't want to boast, but to tell you the truth I'm real professional in it and when it comes to baking i don't let anybody do it as for some reason i'm sure that nobody can bake it better than me (did it seem like i wasn't boasting:)))) I can bake the pies with different fillers and which do you like more? i like the apple one as it is very tasty.
i like the process of cooking and it is great to see what you have prepared as it looks like the real masterpiece!
From the early childhood my mom was telling me that i must be a good hostess and she tried to do her best to teach me everything she knows and now she is telling that i was a very good student as there is no thing i can't do about the house. and of course it was my mom who taught me cooking and baking the pies. and by the way, you know, honey the first dish which i prepared was borsch and to tell you the truth i was simply fascinated when i understood how cool it is to cook delicious dishes and give everyone to have a try it!
Honey, and what about you? do you like cooking? in case you do i think that we will have the fights for the place a the kitchen when it comes to cooking:)) and by the way what is your fave dish? may i can also prepare it for you, my honey?
Sweetheart, unfortunately i have to go right now, but i hope to hear from you very very soon and hope that you are fine there, but of course i understand that till we are not together with you, you can't feel too good, am i right, my honey:))) I hope so too:)
Send you my kisses
Yours, Alina.

Hello, the best man in the world!!! hello, my honey! I hope that you are fine and i'm sure that you will feel much better right now as i have great news for you!!! You know, honey today i have been to the travel company which is called "Bonn Voyage" and here is their email address: [email protected]

I have asked them about traveling to you and they have told me that it can be possible for me to get visa to come to you but it will be a tourist visa and they told me that it would be valid from 2 weeks up to 30 days. The process of making visa will take a month from the moment of applying.

Honey, as for the passport. i was told that as soon as i apply for it it will be ready in a week. it will be necessary to pay for the passport

195$USD and for the visa 320$USD. Honey, you may ask them more information if you want to using the email address which i have given to you.

Sweetheart, i want to tell you that i simply can't wait to meet you, my honey! Every morning i wake up with the thought that i will see you with my own eyes very soon and i dream about it all the time! Sometimes it seems to be very hard as I simply can't concentrate at anything else! It seems to me that i'm not walking, but flying, as i have the wings behind my back... and it is you who have given this feeling to me!!! i can imagine what a magic moment it will be when i see you for the first time and when you see me... oh, and by the way, honey i have forgotten to tell you that i was also told at the travel agency that if i visit your country for the first time, then it will be very easy for me to go there again!!! So, i can't wait to meet you, my sunshine and i feel very happy in the anticipation of our meeting with you, my sweetest!!! I tell you bye bye for now and hope to hear from you very very soon!!! Send you my tender and warm kisses... and wait for your answer with great anticipation


Yours Alina

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