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# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Russia , Sovetsk

# Seen at:   American Singles - Home of the Scammers - Over 1 Billion Served

# Dangerous: 13%

# Details: Standard Russian scam with the same pre-written copy/paste letters. If the former USSR had used the boredom of these scam letters instead of the threat of nuclear destruction; they may have won the cold war!

# Date: 2007-06-21

Dear ****! Thanks for this e-mail from you. your letters are very
pleasant to me. This week there is a new theme for considerings, and
these new ideas excite me. I do not know as you ****, but for me
starts to have importance our exchange e-mail. These are new emotions
in my quiet heart. For me it is not usual, to get acquainted with the
man on e-mail, for many miles from me and it is possible to have
relations. I did not inform you earlier **** the address because it is
not enough knew you. I live in average area of Russia, in city Sovetsk
. To regret it is far from you, differently it was not necessary for
us much e-mail, to find out each other. We could meet, talk, to spend
some time together and it is quite good to find out each other. But
for us it will be not a fast way. But I hope, that it will not be
problem for us if we shall decide to make it in the future. I already
made some travel to other countries. I travelled, as the tourist, to
Europe (it is Turkey, Italy, Germany). Therefore **** , you should not
have excitements of that is present distance between us. I such woman,
that if I shall like the person for a meeting with him, I shall reach
even on the moon. In our days is not a problem to make such travel. I
not I worry about it and even I have devoted feelings, having got
acquainted with The person on the other hand. For me it is very
interesting feelings- To find out the person with other culture,
thinking, traditions. It One of things - which draws me to you. Not
the main thing,- But new and interesting. Probably if our relations
will be strong and you ****, you can find out the mysterious Russian
woman. I hope, that for you it is interesting to find out and test
love of such woman? I I think, road **** That you cannot resist to
mine for a long time female magic, If happen so, that we shall be the
person to To the person. On it I finish my message to you.
*****! I am glad to read your message and to learn , that I can hope
for your help in payment of agency. Dear, I feel itself it is a little
inconvenient. Because I had to address to you for the help. I always
counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all
problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was
mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I travelled earlier,
it costed for me less. But I it is happy, what now I have you ****, -
the person, which can come to me to the aid and help me in a life.
After ours acquaintances, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I
counted myself the strong and independent person, and it was pleasant
for me to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the
woman who requires support. But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside
strong the man which protects me from all excitements of a life! ****,
I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he expected the

staying charges for me. It will be for me 1380 $. Here tickets,

insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges.
With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of
cost. It near 400 $, and now is necessary for me, in 8-9 days near

1080 $ to pay in agency the second part of cost travel. I hope dear,

that this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me,

in 8-9 days, 1080 $ in agency . I shall learn from the agent as you

can send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you
difficulty by the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for
you. If it so, not become angry about me please! I very much miss on
you and I wait for ours meetings. I wait for your messages ****!
Thousand kisses. Yours Elena.

City I shall not specify because it will be easier to me to receive
On Russia! That is to send it is necessary on Russia!
P.S. I very strongly like you and I want to be only with you my angel!

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