# Name: Elena Belyaeva
# E-mail: [email protected]
# Address: Russia , Kazan
# Seen at: http://www.lavaplace.com
# Dangerous:
# Scam scenarios:
She said me that her money was not enough to cover all the expenses to come over to me and deeded money help to realize our meeting.
# Details: She said me that her money was not enough to cover all the expenses to come over to me and deeded money help to realize our meeting.
# Date: 2007-03-14
Scam Letter
At me good news to both of us. I went in travel-agency. And I have reserved the ticket for August, 31. I have given all necessary documents in travel-agency. I am glad to this!!! You are glad to this! Mine Levent now I can visit you. To me have told that the urgent visa, a return ticket, the passport, the insurance and services of agency with which I has concluded the contract to cost 570$. I have been surprised in such cost.To me have told, that I shall receive the visa and tickets in Moscow in embassy.I do not have so much money. At me is 200$.Me to not satisfy 370$. I want that you to me have helped to pay my trip to you. I can hope for your help? Write to me what weather at you! I shall prepare for necessary clothes. To me gave listing my flight. You can read at the end of the letter. I wait for your letter, yours Elena!!!
I transferred her 400$ by western union with the money transfer control number: 34609622868 of the Fortis bank in Istanbul - Turkey on the 08 -25th 2006.
Her letter after she received the money
My greetings dear Levent. I have received your translation. All is normal. I tomorrow shall go to agency and to pay tickets to you. I shall take off to you on August, 31. I have specified to you flight. I hope you will meet me. I shall write to you tomorrow as soon as to pay tickets. I kiss you. Yours Elena
Then her last letter informing about bad incident
Greetings my love. I could not write yesterday to you because at me happened very big to mountain. I do not know from what to start. You probably will count me for full a silly woman. Yesterday I went in agency what to pay for tickets. When I have left the bus. I have found out, that my handbag was open. I have thought, that it is simple my absent-mindedness. I have paid attention that the department where
lays a purse is open. I have checked up him and have was
horrified!!!!! My purse did not appear in a handbag!!!! At me have stolen all money. Loved I am simple in horror!!! I do not know, that to me to make. I have gone to militia and have written the application that my purse has been stolen by the thief. In militia to me have told, that such crimes are very difficult for opening. There are no witnesses and it is necessary to take the thief with on personal. I for a long time cried at home. Now I am completely devastated. At me did not remain forces even on a smile. I am very much upset. Why in this world this day have stolen my purse. I never made anything bad to whom. Why with me so have acted. This trip to you was very necessary for me. My dream has collapsed. That to me to make Levent? I shall wait for your letter.