# Name: Anastasiya Losovaya
# E-mail: ya_nastasya@ukr.net
# Address: Ukraine , Kiev
# Phone: unknow
# Seen at: cupidbay.com (you can to see her; in search for Russian woman of 27 years
# Dangerous:
# Scam scenarios:
money for correspondence
# Details: money for correspondencernPhotos theft, mass mailing of prewritten lettersrnHer administrator we site it called “zair” (zair_admin@ukr.net); her director RUSLAN KIYASHKO the first time for 8 months; send me a letter where this woman can’t to paid the letters for financial problems, so I had been sending money to her for the correspendence for the first time; in that then that called site “to zair” it requested 250 USD to me for correspondence of 2 months. And, I send yesterday again but they requested 350 USD to me for 2 months and single I sent 250 USD to them for 1 month; they did not warn to me when they increased its tariffs of them; and today (Monday), I waited for the message of this woman who is made call Anastasiya or Nastya; and its message never arrived…. Unfortunately I am new in this and it did not have knowledge of the existence of scammers until today, for that reason shipment this report so that other men are not deceived by this woman of the Ukraine.
# Date: 2007-01-10
I send her 251 USD for correspondence way Western Union
Previously reported: http://www.uaprofiler.com/profiles/profile.php?id=1795