# Name: Elena Gerasimova
# E-mail: [email protected]
# Address: Russia , Cheboksary
# Seen at: Cupid Bay
# Dangerous:
# Related reports:
1985 # Scam scenarios:
She contacted me and went through the usual scenario of telling me about herself, then falling in love and not being able to live without me. Typical scam with nothing new or interesting about it. ******** my love thanks for the letter. Bu
# Details:
# Date: 2006-12-23
******* my love thanks for the letter. But you at all have not answered
my questions. I have learned how many to cost the visa to Canada - 275
US dollars (the medical information + consular gathering), and the
ticket to cost 539 US dollars. It turns out about 814 American
dollars. Something to me to not be trusted *******, that you want to help
me, but I with pleasure would arrive to you. You do not know me, and
already are going to send money. It would be good to make the visa
about New Year, therefore if you want me to see that better to help me
to order the visa within this week. When you want to send money???
The Data for translation:
Name: Elena
Surname: Gerasimova
The address of bank where it is possible to send money
If you decide to send money on system Western Union is very quickly
and reliably. To me so to say in bank. I shall look forward to hearing
from you. It is very interesting to me, that you will write to me.
With love Elena