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# Name:      Anzhela Semenova

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  Russia , Kazan

# Dangerous: 32%

# Details: Also known as Anzhela Krasavica. Her patronymic name is: Olegovna
  Visa and airfare scam.
  She fell in love after 12! letters, quite late actually. In this case she actually answered questions, and gave me many details. Talked with her on MSN also. Called me by phone once for approx. 10 minutes 10 o'clock in the morning. Have received 32 letters and sent 46. Her hotmail is [email protected].
  Unfortunately she (he) succeded. I lost money on this. She continued writing me after payment, until this very evening. I just now discovered the other profile and recognised the picture. But very smart and convincing. I fell for it! But only this time.

# Date: 2006-11-14

Money transfer:
Only one time transferred ˆ1000 (approx. $1,300) via Western Union to:
Anzhela Semenova
Podolskaya 19-32
420055 Kazan, Russia
MTCN: 9512593196


Hello Bent. To be honest I am very glad that I have found your letter in my mailbox today.It was pleasure for me to read it and I think that our correspondence will be going well.Oh my God, I don't know what to write you now Bent. Sorry for my bad English.I hope that you will understand it. In this letter I want to introduce to you mypersonality and some basic information about me. As you know my full name is Anzhela, but some my best friends call me funny "Angel".It's your deal how to call me. I am 32 years old, I was born on the 1st of Septemberin one of the biggest city in Russia - Kazan. It's located nearly about 800 km from Moscow, capital of our great country. It's very beautiful here. Maybe I will be able to send you some pics of it soon. My height is 170 cm and my weight is 55 kg (surely if it's interesting for you).I don't have bad habits - I don't smoke or drink alcohol. I take care about my health.I like doing sports, especially swimming and volleyball. I have been married once, but now I am single. We were separated with my past husband Andrey some years ago. I don't have children,because he didn't want them. And also there were many other reasons for leaving him. I work now in Music School as a teacher. I like very much to communicate with children.I like to work very much with great pleasure. Only they are our future...I give to them all I know with huge pleasure. Every morning I wake up at 7 o'clock,take shower, have breakfast and go to workplace. When I return back home I don't feelmyself tired. Because I love my job and for me it's as "hobby". And now it's time to tell you about my family. I don't have parents.It's very pity, but they are not alive now. They died about 7 years ago.I have only brother, his name is Aleksey. He is married and he had two children (boy Sergey and girl Irina). My brother is very happy because his family life.I envy him a little bit :)). I will send you our photo together. I want to warn you that I don't have daily access to my PC at home and Internet, so don't worryif I will not write you for a day. Ok' Bent? Russian men are very rude and most of them want only sex or alcohol, not serious relationship. I hope that you - Bent - are not such kind of man. I would like to know you better, but please be honest and open with me, don't play with me any games Bent !!! Ok' ? Because only on trust and understanding are the most important characters in people. And I want that our corresponding started from this, from trust. Are you agree with me ? I have some questions to you Bent Why you decided to ñorrespondence with somebody from another country ?What's your main purpose in acquaintance with women through Internet ?What's main qualities do you value in woman ? I think that you will interesting to know more about me and my letter doesn't seem to you boring. Also if you have any questions please ask. I would be very glad to answer them. I will be glad to see them in your next letter and also for me it's very important to learn your answers on my questions ! (Honest answers !!!) Bent write me soon, I will be very happy to get your new letter with photos. Wish to have nice day. Bye! Your new friend from Russia - Anzhela.


I am very glad to say hello again to you Bent !!! Thank you for that you wrote to me again. I was very happy to get newmail from you, from which I had known more information about you. Ilike to read your letters. You seem to me very interesting man.Bent I want to learn your better. What do you think - are we able to stay good friends ? I really hopeon it :) But to stay close friends we simply must to know much abouteach other. So I want to tell you Bent something more about meand my personality. I work not 24 hours per day and not 7 days in a week:))) I havefree time which I like to spend with my friends. We like to go tocinema, theatres and exhibitions. Especially I like exhibitions of waxfigures. I adore to cook, my relatives in delight from dishes which Icook. Also, when I was younger, I liked to travel to old cities ofRussia and to look at various monuments of architecture. It so ishealthy and it is beautiful. And still I adore to have a rest on ourriver. In the summer the nature here it is simple super. I like tohave sunbathe, laying on sand. Also I adore music. It is my weakness when I go along the street Andfrom a window good music is audible, I stop and I listen to it. Myfavourite singers - Enya, Rapsody, Barcode Brothers (foreign), andTatu, Yulya Savicheva, VIA GRA (russian.) Bent you heard aboutthese singers? I think, that yes. Yulya Savicheva took part atcompetition "Eurovision". She has become famous for the whole worldthough could not win. Well all right, I think will suffice about me. Bent now you Tellto me about interests, Than you like to be engaged during free timefrom work? Also it will be interesting to me to learn a little aboutyour work. If you not difficultly please write to me about it in thefollowing letter. I shall wait for it with huge impatience. Also sendme photos Bent Best wishes, your friend Anzhela.


Hello my dear friend Bent !!! I very pleased to get once again the letter from you. From yourletters I knew much new from you. You are very interesting for me. Iwant to continue our contact with you. I want to be honest with you and so I think that came time to tell youabout my past love. This boy called Maksim. We got acquainted with himwhen I was 10 years. Though I was very small then, but we liked eachother very much. We spent much time together, because studied in oneclass. It was good time. We liked to walk in our courtyard and playtogether. Sometimes we went to the cinema to look the cartoons. But time went and we grew. We became the teenagers. And otherinterests appear beside teenagers. Here is so my boyfriend. He beganto smoke, but this well. This deal of each person. But when he hastried the alcohol I have asked him why he has done this. But he wasdrunk and has only ed me in answer. I had left not having said him anywords. I cried whole night and I was much gravely. Several daysfollowing this event he rang me, but I did not take the tube since Iwas afraid with him to speak. I was very offended on him behaviour.But finally we were reconciled. 3 years later, when I was 19 years, we were going to to marry. Allwent much well, but suddenly happened the situation, after whichbeside me to disappear any desire to see this person. I have found himwith the other girl and has made the enormous scandal. In total wewith him parted. I much longed for him at the first time, but has afterwards understoodthat this was not LOVE. I realized this, and me was much gravely onsoul. But, as it is spoken, time cures. And I have forgotten that wasbetween he and me. Then was the man about whom I wrote you in my first letter. But about it I don't want talk nothing, because it's very hard to me. Now I want to get to know all charmings true, big and clean love. I want to find the person with whom I was able live whole life. Well, I think I was honest with you. Simply I wanted to tell you aboutthis. Because you became for me friend. Wait your new letters and photos Bent. Sincerely yours Anzhela...


Also is again glad to tell to you "greetings" my dear Bent!!! For me huge pleasure to receive again your letter. I have read it veryclosely and have understood, that I was not mistaken, having writtento you for the first time. And what you think, it is interesting toyou to learn me more and more? My dear in this letter I want to writeto you a little about my ideas on life. Life - a complex thing, her it is necessary to perceive life such whatshe is actually. It is necessary to take all from life. But to liveour lives it is really good and happy, the true partner in life whowill be always with you a beside is necessary for us. You agree withme? Without the favourite and true person our life is not meaningful.When near to you there is someone who always will help you who cancaress and embrace then it is possible to be sure, that your life hasnot passed vainly. Also the important thing in our life is family andchildren. And you as think Bent? Children, in my opinion, itsimply charm. When they are, you feel yourself as the happy person.The truth? Creation of children, and their education is the purpose oftwo people which have decided to connect the lives together. And theyshould go to this purpose up to the end. I never had children, but I very much want it. I want to find suchperson who becomes for me close and loved. But I to not be mistaken.If I shall find such person I shall be with it all stayed life. Nobodywill be necessary for me, except for him. I shall love it simply thatit is. Let he has any lacks, in fact ideal people do not happen. Ishall love it also for their merits and demerits. I think, that you have learned about my ideas on the account of lifeand attitudes. Write to me also that you think of attitudes betweenpeople. In our letters we should continue to learn each other better. Witheach your new letter I shall learn, that you very interesting man. Ienjoy by correspondence with you. I think that we should write eachother as it is possible more often. As far as the opportunity allowsto us. Nothing does the man and woman closer, than to carry out a lotof time together and more to communicate. Well, I hope, that my letter not seemed boring to you, and you haveunderstood my vital position. Simply I wanted, that you couldunderstand, that I for the person and what my ideas about attitudesbetween the man and the woman. My dear Bent on it I shall finish the letter and I shall waitfrom you for your new letter with photos. It is successful to lead dayand good to you moods. Your Anzhela.


Dear Bent! Thank for your letter. How your affairs today? I'm fine, my moodsimply excellent. And in many respects it has risen that you havewritten to me today the letter which to me was interesting forreading. I very much like ours with you correspondence. And I am sure,that to you too was interesting to learn me more. I learn about youall new and new moments from your life. To me it is very interestingfor learning about your past, about your present, about your ideas andfeelings. I am sure, that we should continue our attitudes. I think,you will not object, if I name our correspondence by attitudes. Infact we know each about week, and I think, that we can name this termof dialogue by friendship. How you think? You know Bent, I think you very clever and good the man. In myopinion, we have much in common. Your ideas are very similar to mine,we have similar values in life. Some things for us are bad, weappreciate the some people or we despise equally. I think, if we soare strongly similar, it will help us to construct strong friendshipand further our friendship can turn to something the greater. Probablylove. I want to be fair with you, now I test to you very strongsympathy, but not love. Because I think to grow fond of the person forsuch short period of correspondence it is impossible. Forgive me forfrankness, but it so. Undoubtedly, you very much like me as the man,but while it only sympathy. That, let's develop our attitudes and weshall look, that will be farther. How you think, I am right? I saw many cases when my girlfriends fell in love with men in thelife, met them, but it were only fleeting short-term hobbies. After awhile they left and cried and complained of destiny. But they wereguilty. It is impossible to rush to a whirlpool with a head (as speakat us in Russia). It is impossible to be given completely to theperson whom you know not so well. Before to get any attitudes it isnecessary to understand and study the person, his habits and idea, hisideals and values, and only after that to make the decision - whetherit is necessary for you such the man whether or not. Only for this reason I do not want to hurry event, I want to learn youbetter, whether that can understand at us to be, something thegreater. I hope, that after a while I can learn you enough to draw aconclusion. But you should me help with it. Those letters, that youwrite me, it is not simple words, it is a picture of your soul withwhich help I want to understand you. The understanding - that does notsuffice us in this life. It is necessary for us now …. and about name of my mailbox, to be honest my brother made it for meand I don't know what it means, Dev4onka in Russia means Girl. I hope, that you will understand me, that you will make a correctconclusion of my words. I wait for your answer with huge impatience. Yours for ever Anzhela.


Greetings my kind and dear Bent! Again and again I am glad to receive from you the letter. Every day welearn each other better, and I am very glad in this occasion. You verymuch like me, and from it I have warm feelings to you. I am veryhappy, that we could become good friends. I want, that we continuedours with you correspondence, and to develop our attitudes. That youthink of it dear Bent. In this letter I want to tell to you that has taken place with metoday. Today, when I walked on city, I saw something awful, that hasleft the big print in my memory. We with my friend saw, how somepeople, bald and dressed in leather clothes, beat the Negro the manwhich was with the girl. Similar, it was the foreigner, and the girlwas Russian. She shouted and called to the aid, but nobody wanted tohelp. We with the friend have caused militia and by that have rescuedthis guy. I have been simply shocked with behaviour of those guyswhich beat the foreigner and after that a case we with the friendspoke on this theme much. Why people which are not citizens of Russia,have no right to meet and love Russian girls. I am simple inperplexity!!! In fact all depends on those feelings which they test,and nobody has the right to prevent them somehow. What do you think inthis occasion? It is very interesting to me to learn your opinion onthis case. How your affairs dear Bent? I very much hope, that at you all isgood. Today I with the friend was at a cinema, and looked interestingfilm "Garfild". Very much it was pleasant to me. I have well spent time. And how you have lead the day? It is very interesting to me to learn about you as much as possible, I want to study you so as far as it is possible to study the person through letters. It's very pity but right now I don't have my cell-phone, I have lostit recently and I don't know when I will be able to buy new one. Andalso I don't have homephone, because I am not need in it. I hope thatyou will understand me, but if you really want to talk with me you canwrite me your number and probably I will be able soon to call you.What do you think ? And about your phrase - it's really cool !!! In english it means "Ithink a lot about you..." You are rightly wrote it... You know, each time when I read your letters, seems to me, that I knowyou very much for a long time. In my opinion, such feeling appears atpeople then when they communicate with related soul, that is withpeople which have the same ideas and feeling in relation to things andlives. I want to continue with you our correspondence and I hope toreceive your following letter soon. And now I should go, so I verymuch would like to sleep. I wish to lead successfully day and I hope very soon to receive yournew letter. Yours Anzhela.


Hi again my remarkable and good friend Bent!!! I am very glad that you have answered me and also thank you for photo.I am very glad that you do not overlook about me and write to me. I amvery grateful to you for it. In fact you as give me a lot ofattention. Now I understand it. I have got your phone numbers and Ihope that in near time I will be able to call you. I also as you wantit very much and but it's not possible now. It's very pity... Also you wanted to know my last name. It's Semenova, but can I ask youfor what reason do you need in it ? My dear how are you doing???? I hope that at you all well. At me allis normal. Just that was very boring to me today. How your weather???At us today not so good weather. The easy breeze blows and in thestreet is very cool. I want to tell to you about that that I did today. Today at mygirlfriend birthday was and she has invited me to herself. I certainlywith pleasure have accepted its offer. As it was not convenient for mefor it to give up. I would not like her to upset. I very for a longtime thought above that that to it to present at date of a birth. Andeventually I have decided to present it a soft toy as her toys verylike. I as have chosen her in a gift a dress. I chose only thosethings which she very much loves also which to it very much like. Iwanted to make all so that my gift was the best. You will not believelovely??? At me it has turned out. My dear when I have come to thegirlfriend on a visit and have handed solemnly its my gift she wasvery glad. She simply has very strong embraced me and has thanked forsuch modest and wonderful gift. We all over again had supper togetherwith its family, pies and different sweets had a meal. As we sang anddanced. I to tell the truth for all this time am very tired also to meit would be desirable to sleep. But the holiday on it did not come toan end yet. My girlfriend has invited me to go on a disco. I certainlyon the one hand would not like to go there as I do not go there. Buton the other hand I would not like to afflict the girlfriend. And onthis I had to accept its offer. At me simply did not remain a choice. We have come on a disco and I seemed to me for one instant that now inthe other world. It was here really very noisy also all it was verycheerful. But me that that was very sad during this moment. Itprobably because I simply have not got used to such conditions. Infact I already very much for a long time did not visit such actions.But in due course I began to get used and to me even here began tolike. At the end of a disco the slow composition played. And all meninvited ladies to slow dance. I was very glad for the girlfriend aswith it a beside its friend was. But me it was very sad during thismoment. Everyone were pairs, and I sat one on an armchair and thoughtof the future prince. As it is not a pity that I till now could findthe partner in life. I hope that my dream will very soon be carriedout. I hope that I as I shall live very happily as well as mygirlfriend. I do not envy her, and I simply reflect on a life. I amready to do the utmost for the sake of my future life. And I am readyto go even on madness. I up to the end shall struggle for the love. Infact we should not despair. BECAUSE ALL LIFE STILL AHEAD. EVEN WHATAGE WE NOT WERE ALL OF US EQUALLY WE SHALL STAY SUCH PEOPLE WHAT ISACTUALLY. For today I think all. I today am very tired also to me it is time tosleep. I think that you very much like my letters. I with impatienceshall wait for your new letter. Tell to me please as you will spendthe days???? It will be very interesting to me to learn about it.Well???? Your Anzhela.....


Greetings my lovely Bent!!! I again am very glad to receive your letter. You know road Bent, II can not without your letters any more. When in the letter box I seeyours The letter I start to be pleased. It is very pleasant for me andit is warm on soul from Your lines. Continue to write to me, to me itis very hard and lonely without Your words. How your affairs today? I hope, that weather at you good. Simply at Usin Russia there has come spring and now weather has deteriorated.Constantly The wind blows, and the fine rain sometimes drizzles. Thissuch unpleasant Sensation. But it does not depend on me and I cannotchange something. I think, that you understand me. Today the head terribly hurts in me. I do not know why, but it issimple Intolerable pain. Probably it because of weather and I hope,that it is fast Will pass. My lovely, I thought of ours with you to correspondence and suddenlyto me a little It wanted to learn more information on you. Write to meplease about City, where do you live, and if it will be possible foryou have gone to me Photos of a place where you like to carry out afree time. I very much I want to learn you better as I to you havevery much become attached also to me It would be desirable to know asmuch as possible information on you. Also I see that you want to speak with me very strong. Hmmm, it'ssimply great if you will be able to help me with the phone. But is itfor you expensive ? If yes, I don't want that you bye phone and sendme. And what details do you need to send me it ??? Dear Bent, also I installed MSN Messenger and my brother helped me touse it. I send you my MSN adress so maybe we will be able tocommunicate with each other. What do you think about it ??? My e-mail- [email protected]. And about Google Talk I don't know nothingand I think that for me it's not possible. I wait for your prompt reply from a photo. Your girlfriend Anzhela


Hi my dear Bent!!! You have not thrown me a difficult minute. Many thanks to you for it.I It is very glad, that you have written me a pair of warm and gentlewords. You are simple "Has rescued" me. You know, today to me it ismuch better, because at night, Before falling asleep I thought of youand these ideas warmed mine Heart and soul. To tell the truth, I amvery glad in this occasion. Today my mood is better, because my girlfriend has given birth in themorning The child. The son. I so am happy for it. She has decided toname his Ivan. This present Russian name. She now is in hospital, butI I think, that if all will be good, is fast she can leave therefromand I I can see this treasure. I speak "treasure", because on mineSight children are a treasure which someone finds, and someone is notpresent. To whom as Will carry. To me for example yet does not carry,but I am simply sure, as in My life there will come day when I canpresent the world this miracle. New The person who can grow, live,study and love. I want to have The child from love. It will be notsimple from the man with which to me well, and from Men which I shalllove from the bottom of the heart, with all my heart. I so For it Ihope. I think, that you understand me. Write to me a few the ideas about children. As you concern to them.That you in general about them think and so on. I shall wait for yourletter with Huge impatience. And also for me it was great pleasure to try to chat with you via MSNprogramm. I will wait with impatience for oue next discussion. Know, that you are very necessary for me, as I cannot without you andyours Letters. Simply know about it and write to me soon. I shallwait..... Yours and only your girlfriend Anzhela...


0 (2006/10/09):
Hi my remarkable friend Bent !!!! I am very glad that you have answered me. I am very happy that you tryto answer my letters. My dear Bent as today you have lead theday??? I hope that you have very well lead your day. You my dear forme seem very interesting person. Today my day was full of sets of emotions and impressions. As I amusual since the morning have gone on the work. I did not speak youthat I with the pupils prepare for musical performance. We with mypupils now prepare for competition of " musical talents ". It iscarried out every year in our small town. And we try to take part init every year. It happened that we both won, and lost. But for us itnot the most important. The most important for us this participation.My pupils burn the big desire to act on the big public. I see fire andthe big aspiration in their eyes. I see as they try and every year allact better and better. That sometimes seems to me that they soonbecome professionals of the affair. I am proud that I have suchcapable pupils. I love children very strongly and I shall always love them. Thesechildren for me seem as my sons and daughters. I for some years ofwork have got used to them and have found with them common language. Ivery much like to communicate about guys. In fact I already since thechildhood have chosen this trade. I have devoted all life to thistrade. Because I from small age dreamed to become the teacher. I hope that well having prepared with guys we can act in this yearperfectly well. We shall use the best efforts and very to try. As wewant to prove to be only from the best party. And we shall alwaysachieve that that we we want. I think that you Bent as think ofit???? For today I finish the letter. Today you again have heard that thatnew from me. I hope that you liked my letter. I shall wait again fromyou for the answer. Your dear Anzhela.


1 (2006/10/12):
Greetings my lovely and loved Bent!!! The hugest thanks for your letter. For me always such happiness, thatYou write to me so much tender and gentle words. You warm my soul.Thanks you for it. I was yesterday very very busy, because it was today generalrepetition of our performance. Tomorrow I will write you about allwhat will happen !!! You became for me very much the close person for it Time. I cannotwithout your letters any more and very much it would be desirable tolearn you As it is possible closer. Simply it is very pleasant for meto know that somewhere on To the ground there is such a man Bent whichcan always support Me a difficult minute. Will always give me anyadvice and will stretch Hand of the help. It is very important for me. How your affairs my fine??? I'm fine, but to tell the truth To me itis a little sad, that we with you are divided such big In distance.You can present, that if we lived glad, Could descend at any time inany restaurant or cafe. To sit and talk about the different moments ofour life. For me would be It is very interesting to listen to yourstories about a life not through letters, and Sitting against eachother. To listen to that you think of me. To me Very important youropinion, as you for me very good friend. Also it would be very interesting to me to descend with you somewhereat cinema Or theatre that it is good to spend. But it only dreams.Dreams Already enough adult woman who and could not in the Lives tofind that only thing the man, who was with me always. It Very sadlyfor me. I many times saw married couples in park and thought on this much Tooccasion. Some from them have children. Children are sacred for me,but to To regret at me they are not present. And I so would like tohave a couple of children which in the mornings ran and laughed. Theywould lift to me The mood and at me would be stimulus for a life. Tolive so that To bring up and up good children is a huge work. But ifglad There will be a person with whom these difficulties can beovercome it is simple Wonderfully. But to the big regret, that princeon white was not found still Horse who would offer me a hand and heartit is serious. My dear Bent forgive me please for such sentimental The letter.Simply all this has already collected at me in soul and I have decidedTo share these ideas with you. Simply because you to me It is notindifferent. I very much appreciate our attitudes. I cannot withoutyou Bent............. I wait for your letter. Yours Anzhela...


2 (2006/10/15):
Hello my dearest man Bent !!! Please forgive me that I didn't write to you for some this days.Simply I was a little bit upset, because our music team took only 2ndplace on music competition. It's was very shock for me honestly.I was very depressed and that's why I didn't write to you...I hope that you will forgive me for that... My nice, I want to tell you one event, which has come with me today. Iwent home in bus and thought about you, about our future lifetogether. Opposite me sat the elderly man. And was somehow got, wewith he got into conversation. In the beginning about the generalsubjects, about weather, times life, about politician. But afterwardshe has solved to announce me its history. The History of big love. Beside 30 years back, when else was USSR, he was made for businesstrip in Germany. He was necessary examine some equipment for theirplant. And here is, somehow paradise walking on city he got acquaintedwith german girl. She was very beautiful and this oldster fell in lovein it. They conducted much time together, walked on city, went intheatres and museum. Conducted beautiful time together. But has cometime to part. The Last night they have conducted together, talkingabout that, as they will further be able to continue their relations.The Oldster had not it is enough money to withdrew the girl withitself and has left one in Russia. During several months theycorresponded, loved each other through their own letter. But finally,they were met. They married, gave birth the children, brought up them.I have asked him if he had a money to withdrew the girl with itself,but hereon beside he did not remain the money on residence, was ablehe return them on ticket to girl. He without delay has answered - YES.He never felt sorry that went in Germany and has found its love. Hefelt sorry only about that that not was able immediately her withdrew. The Whole problem was in money. These accursed money, why people mustsuffer because of money? Afterwards he left on its stop, but I wholeremained way home thought about this histories. She was shown me suchtouching. In cinema show the history miscellaneous love, but I thinkthat this history the most best love history, which I have ever heard!You do not think that we have similar situation? We far friend fromfriend, also correspond, through Internet only. My dear, I have found my single man in life, it's YOU !!! I do notwant you to lose since you became close person for me. I love you Bent ! And do not want that money and distance become problem for us. I want to love you stronger, than these people , about which I havetold you. You my the most loved and unique person in my life... And I do not want you to lose !!!! Without you me not to want to liveon this light, you sense to whole my lifes !!! You - who, about lump I think 24 hours in day. Even when I sleep, youappear in the dreams. In the morning I awake and me to become with joyand heat on shower because of you. The most terrible that can will happen in this lifes for me - that youwill not be with me. I never in lifes not to should like to that this happened. I do not want you to lose Bent .......... Honey, as I understood, you want really to meet me in real life.Surely it's so great. Personal meeting can make great step fordeveloping of our relations. Are you agree with me dear Bent ? Youwant to come to me, it's great, but don't you be afraid that with youreally can happen that situation about which I wrote you in previousletter. A, Bent ? To be honest I am really afraid because of you.Then, if you want that I live with you in Bent I think that I must togo to you firstly, to see you and place where I probably will livewith you deary Bent. What do you think ? I certain that it's rightsolution. Honey, also I want to warn you that you don't send me phone. I have asolution. I have found the public phone post where from I will callyou in nearest time and then we will speak about all details. What doyou think about it ? I hope that you will wait for my voice... Only your's forever Anzhela...


3 (2006/10/16):
Hi my love Bent. I am very glad to receive your letter and with big With pleasure toyou I shall answer my lovely Bent. My dear I every day I think onlyof you and about our meetings. Mine Bent I when I look at yourphotos and when I read your gentle letters at me Always tears oncheeks flow, but these are tears of happiness and love mine Bent. Iam very glad, that on light there is such person for whom I amnecessary and Which loves me. Before our acquaintance I thought thatin ours It be no point a life, but it appears at all so. I with Themoment of our correspondence began to feel like present The woman. Ibegan to be pleased more than a life, became cheerful and interestingThe woman. All people close to me are very much surprised to that atme such Sharp rise of mood. They did not see me such joyful already asSome months. But you have turned my life, you gave me sense, to Towhich I shall aspire. All this due to you my love Bent. Know itmy love Bent. All my happiness and pleasure all this you. MineBent you bring always me pleasure in my heart, and when I I lookat your photos at me the shiver on a body goes as something Especial.You unique and unique the man which I could To grow fond and withwhich it is ready to live all stayed life. I Each moment I think onlyof you my love Bent. I everything, that to you Now I speak, shoutof my soul and I of you very much ask all this Perceive mine to youwords very seriously and important. Because you The best on this whitelight. I each time when I think of you, I am always seted to myself bya question. Where you my lovely Bent, I very much I miss on youand always I dream of that you have written to me. Without you My loveBent I do not hear heart knock, without you my dear I I ambroken as tear in this world. I at times even think, that I withoutyou Mine Bent I can not live day in this world. I think, that tous My dear the meeting is necessary. I think, that ours with you ameeting it The help to my sufferings. I shall wait for your heart withbig Impatience and with hope only fortunately and love. I believe inyou mine Lovely Bent. Remember, that I very strongly love you. Yours forever Anzhela ........... I will try to call you soon and we will speak about all things.......


4 (2006/10/18):
Hello my lovely Bent !!! Honey please forgive me for this short letter, simply I don't knowwhat to write you... I have a headache and I don't know why it's verystrong......... Lovely Bent, I want to tell you about biggest feeling, which Iexperience this moment. This is LOVE !!!!!!!!! It fills up the greate part of my soul. I worry very much, but try totell you about it. Emotions are overflowing soul, to be honest I can'tfind any words to describe my love to you. But I try to do this. In my opinion, for any person there are only 3 things, which arereally important for him in his short life. They are: 1 - it's health,2 - that with him were his relatives and friends, 3 - it's LOVE... Love gives to person certain stimulus in his life, it inspires him tosmth. When somebody really loves, all his thoughts are directed on hissecond half. All time he thinks only about his beloved. Now I think Iam in similar situation. Every minute which I live on this huge planetI think only about one man. This man is reading this letter now. Ithink he is glad because of it. You Bent - stimulus of all my life,it's huge part, without which I can't imagine my future life. If thisfeeling will disappear, then I could die without love, without you,without your tender and caring words, without your love to me. Youmade me live. And I want live very mich. The people around me surprise why I constantly has smile on my face,why my eyes are shining from happiness. They ask me about cause of mysmiling, but I don't answer them. I say it only you. You, and only you- cause of my cheerful mood, my happiness, my smiles, shining of myeyes. And I don't want that the people stop ask me: " Why are you socheerful today? " Do understand me? I want to tell you, you should continue love me. Youfill up big part of my life and I don't want this part becomes empty. I love you Bent!!!!! And I am really afraid to lose you Bent !!!! Remember it............. Only your's Anzhela.... I will call you very soon, in next two days I think ... !!!

And so on... she starts to repeat herself now in the following letters, but remark, that she actually called me as she promised. I still have her message on my voice mail, because I didn't pick up the first time.

I don't want to include my own letters, these are obviously foolish, as I believed her for a very long time.

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