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# Name:      Brianna Palmer

# E-mail:     [email protected]

# Address:  USA , Biloxi

# Phone:     1 228 392 9916

# Seen at:   She is on three sex datring sites in the USA oneis MILF sex dates under SxGDdess she is also on and others.

# Dangerous: 36%

# Details: This girl CALLS HERSELF BRIANNA is a con expert and is coning guys in the usa FOR LOWER SUMS OF MONEY LIKE $100 TO $150 FOR GAS MONEY TO COME And SEE Them IN OTHER States . She is a smooth operator and makes you like heronthe phone . She will usually call you first if you leave her your phone number. She will send you her pictures but her first picture that you see is of her laying on her back with a half hidden hand while she is making facial experssion of her getting a climax. If you invite her by plane to visit you she won't she will tell you that she is afraid of flying and if you tell her that you can send her money to fly to you and its over a $100 or $150 bucks then she will decline that also. She sets the hook at a lower amount and this increases her chances of getting you for sure to send her some gas money to come and see you. OK she will spemnd time before and after yousend her maybe $100 budks and yoou are certain that if she were going to scam youthen she would just diappear after the initial $100 bucks right?? This is where she really is a pro. She will let you spend time figuring out the best route to you in Map Quest and ask you to email her directions. Then she willl supposedly leave very early some morning after you have everything all set and she might even call you. Of course dumb you thinks everything is on the up and up. Why would she go to all this trouble for $100 . ?? Good question but she does.And then you willget an email the BRianna is in some jail after being picked up in another state while on her way to you for a violation on her probation . Of course you are concerned and ask to call the jail . It won't ever happen because her uncle is now writing to you ( which is of course her ) and when you continue to ask for the jails number or location he refuses that information and refers you to her attorney . When you start smelling a rat then he ( she actually is doing the blocking ) blocks you emails and the phone from you calling her.I suspect in a few instances she can get more out of a stupid heart that actually belives that she was ever in jail . But just think abouther MO her eguys she is doing this to maybe 20 guysa week and thats a lot of money . Nobody ever complains much becasue its such a low amount . But I for one am going to stop her shenanigans by at least reporting her in the USA to the proper authorites in Biloxi and put her on this site and get her removed form the dating sites I know she is on in the USA . Be careful of these types of scams by these too good looking gals even in the states. And for goodness sakes do not ever send any money to Russian women they are all scammers the USA women should pay their own way to you ro yougo to them and if they come to you then you can reimburse them. DO NOT SEND these women either here in the USA or in Russia any money ever. The Russian women 100% of the time cannot obtain visas for entry her in the USA. Its an impossibility. You have to go there. And in the USA you wonj't get burned badly like in Russia scams but you will lose your $10 to $150 bucks. Guaranteed.

# Date: 2006-07-11

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